A Holiday Recipe . . By GRACE E. GADEKEN Christmas is only a few days away but here are some last minute suggestions. Cornucopias can be made for your tree from your last year's Christmas cards. Cut them square then fold with decorative side out to form a cone, then glue and hang with a string. Fill with candy if you are lucky enough to have some otherwise use nuts and pop corn. Turkey and fruit cake naturally : go with Christmas. Let's remem . ber that a shallow uncovered pan is best for that bird for a tempting doneness. Place with breast down and keep the oven between 300 and 325 F. For slick slicing of your fruit ; cake, use a very sharp knife which has been dipped in hot water. To keep the fruit cake moist, half it first then cut slices alternately from each half. Push the halves to ! gether while storing. Here are two holiday recipes you will want to try. MOLASSES PLUM PUDDING 1 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 egg stiffly beaten, 1 tbs butter or margarine, 2-3 cup boiling water, 1 cups sifted all-purpose flour, 1 tsp ginger, 1 tsp cinnamon, tsp cloves, V2 tsp salt, 1 cup chopped dates, 1 cup seedless raisins or cur rants, 1 cup chopped walnuts, until light, and frothy. Stir in eggs, Beat molasses and soda together butter or margarine and water. Sift together flour, ginger, cinnamon cloves, and salt. Add dates, raisins or currants and nuts. Pour into greased 1 quart mold. Cover; steam 1 hours. SPICED NUTS Vz cup sugar, tsp salt, 1 tsp cinnamon, y4 tsp nutmeg, 4 tsp cloves, 2 tbs water, Yi pound nuts, shelled. Mix together sugar, salt and spices with water. Boil to 235 de grees F or when small amount dropped into cold water forms a soft ball. Add nuts and remove from heat immediately. Stir until it all turns to sugar. Pour into buttered pan and quickly spread thin. When cool, break apart. Makes about 1-3 pound. Heppner Gazette Times, December 20, 1 945 5 COLLEGE FOLK HOME Several students from Oregon State college arrived home the first of the week. Henry Rauch of Lex ington brought Jean Turner, Ted Ferguson and Joe Hughes Monday night. Evelyn Bothwell and Merlyn Kirk are at home too and the end of week -will find those from other schools resting their feet under the family tables. Holiday guests at the home of Mrs. Cyrene Barratt are Col. and Mrs. Clyde Plank from Lampasas, Texas. Their son Carl, is making his home with Mrs. , Barratt this winter and attending the, local high school. Col, and Mrs.' Plank arrived Saturday. i HERE FROM TEXAS Vawter Parker arrived in Hepp ner Sunday night and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Par ker. He came from Huntsville, Tex., where Mrs. Parker and the child ren will remain until he finds a location. Coming into the little cold snap we're having this week, Vaw ter is not sure he wants to live here, although it has been several years since this section experienced zero weather. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason of lone left today for Portland where they will remain a short while before going to California to spend the winter. Mrs. J. 0. Kincaid them to Portland. SfcH ft 1 1 m James R Morgan of Bonneville has come to Heppner and is now employed in the barber shop by Burl Coxen.. Morrow is a mar ried man and like several other couples, is desperately looking for a place to house his family. In the meantime, he is living at the hotel. The entire newsreel showing at the Star Theater, Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 26 and 27, is de voted to the Army-Navy football game. FOR SALE 7 -room house, full basement, furnace heated; fruit trees, garage, desirable location. Terrel Benge. 39-40p Grown-ups who believe in Santa Claus Many a service man's mother, wife, or sweet heart will be gladdened by ft Long Distance call on December 24 or 25. But those calls home from newly-returned service men will add a big load to holiday traffic on Long Dis tance lines. Even without them, it's so heavy we are hard-pressed to handle the business. You can help a of... by helping us keep the lines open for service men. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co Oniiitmai fox tfjou k Happiness ir Prosperity t Good Health Lasting Peace Wilson's Men's Wear West Willow Street-Telephone Heppner 5 Give Restful Comfort to the Entire Family Try a New TABLE LAMP LOUNGE CHAIR DAVENPORT DAVE NO HASSOCK COFFEE TABLE They Make Welcome Christmas'Gifts CASE FURNITURE COMPANY and a WARM one, too- cj Coat to keep her warm and comfortable . . . good looking, also Ox wixan i J JVVg15 S. E. Court iw R.ircnn. Mr. Phone 492)