December 13. 1945 , . T-TA HEARS DISCUSSION OF BETTER SCHOOLS The Heppner branch of the P. T. A. met Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Supt George A. Corwin spoke on "Better Schools and Better Education." The display was work done by the pupils in their language art class. Mrs. Christianson's room was re therefore it will have the party, presented by the most mothers The hostesses who served refresh ments at the close of the meeting were Mrs. Harold Hill, Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and Mrs. Theodore Smith. VACATIONING IN PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas went to Portland Friday where on Satur day Mrs. Lucas attended a state convention of the Oregon Council of Republican Women, she being chairman of the Heppner unit. They expect to remain in the city for two weeks. DEAN T. GOODMAN PASSES AT SALEM Brief announcement of the death of Dean T. Goodman at Salem Monday was contained in Thurs day's Oregonian. Goodman, former garage operator in Heppner has been cashier in the main office of the secretary of state since 1935 and that office was closed Wed nesday afternoon during the funer al hour. Goodman was associated with John Vaughn in operating the Heppner garage now managed by Charles Vaughn. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia tion for the words of sympathy and acts of kindness, for the cars pro vided and for the many beautiful floral tributes, and to the American Legion and veterans of World War II for their part in the memorial service for our beloved Lewis. The Osmin family Turkey Shoot AT Dykstra Place on Balm Fork IO A. M. Sunday Bring guns, ammunition and targets Three-shot string measure CLOY W. DYKSTRA Shopping Is A Real Pleasure When you can get a satisfying HOT LUNCH when you are hun gry and weary. OUR 35c LUNCHEON We serve a nourishing hot plate, Sandwiches, Coffee, Sodas, Sundaes . . . Saottu i SUPER CREAM Shell appreciate A NEW I Ausfcelle A ,.yress M r&w$ hi m iwry? - ' t vi v tut ? i ii a J A. V f If I I I I n I ' I 4 II M CI 1 if i I I rJL (1 w ri'- ti u i ii n ; 1 i i ' r Sizes 9 to 17, 10 to 44 It will .be a practical gift, too, because she will wear it dur ing the Holidays and the rest of the year as welL 'Because of recent changes in OPA regulations rcme gar ments in this range may be priced slightly hl-her, some slightly lower, than this figure. t WJ 33 If VjSZ'T It There's A Christmas Look To Our HANDBAGS A GLi Fcr The Bedroom Boudoir Pillow IX 98 .39 If you want a handbag with a dress-up, holiday air, come to Penney's! Patents, leath ers, colorful fabrics you'll want to own yourself, or gift bags that will wish any girl "Merry Christmas"! Subject to 207c Fed Tax. Boudoir finery makes an ex citing gift for a home-conscious matron. These pillows are dainty rayon satin with painted designs. Loveliness Ft;- Her Eoudoir! 4 fc. TO! LET SET .98 Give Dad a . . . Secretary Set 98c Spruce up his desk with this handsome embossed leather ette secretary set! 14"' x 10" in size it contains writing pa per, envelopes, blotter, etc. Makes a dandy gift! Guest Towels 49c to 98c Many styles to choose from Embroidered Prints and STAMPED DESIGNS Ti? flai'i ci (bar pla:'ic will be jewel-bright in her boud oir! Comb, brush, mirnr, and powder iar, all very decora ' e - irntching in beauty and smartness of designs! S--r'.;Iin- mirror bac':s, for extra brilliance, too! 7 01. REVTEX Card Table Covers $1.49 Drop sides tie strings. We Still Have A Grand Selection Of Pig Hammer Bench-98c; Set of 4 Steel Garden Tools for the young one-Shovel, Hoe, Roke Cx Spade-25c; Good selec tion of Games and Puzzles-49c to 98c; Plastic Planes & Jeeps-25c & 35c. Stent Your Home Willi,,, PERFUME LAMPS .OO I Pretty colonial styled wick perfume lamps to fragrantly scwit your home! instructions included. ii