Want Ads FOR SALE Buff Orpington hens and fryers. Mrs. Elmer Griffith, Morgan, Ore. 38c Opportunity of lifetime supplying DDT and other profitable pro ducts to farmers in Morrow coun ty. No experience or capital re quired. Must have auto and good references. Permanent. - Write or wire McNess Company, ;D, 2423 MagnoKa St., Oakland 7, Cal. 389p FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms by day, week or month; very rea sonable. See Anna McNamee. 101 Chase St. 38-39c CHRISTMAS TREES in stock at Mollahan's service station. Place your orders now for trees and greens. Lee Cantwell and Jackson Holt. J$8c ESTRAY Came to my piace 20 head of sheep and a black face buck branded triangle. Owner can have same by paying for this advertisement. Neil Doherty, lone, Ore. 38p FOR SALE 1936 Ford truck "with grain and flat bed. Priced under OPA ceiling $639.00. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 1939 Ford sedan. L. S. Brown, lone. Ore. 38-9p DON'T let your motor freeze. We have just received a fresh ship ment of Ford anti-freeze at $1.40 a gallon. Rosewall Motor Com pany. LOST Golden cocker spaniel. An swers to name of Cookie. Return to Corabelle Nuttting, Heptp- ner. 38c FOR SALE Christmas trees at Mrs Harley Tucker place on highway. 38p FOR SALE Black walnut pre-war dining set, buffet, table and six chairs with real leather seats; also upright piano. Mrs. Louis Bergevin, lone, Ore. Phone 2211. 37-38p FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, about 100 tons; phone 37F14, lone. 37-9p FOR SALE I have a few cro cheted pieces, beautiful Christmas gifts. Mrs. Yeager, 415 Jones street. 37 -39c NOW AVAILABLE 32 Volt Elec tric Equipment: HP motors, Vz" drills, sheep shears, pressure water systems, Winchargers and batteries. Wincharger Distribu tor. Merton W. Cochran, Kenne wick, Wash. 37 -40c FOR SALE 35 tons good alfalfa hay. Vernon Brown, lone 34-38p FOR SALE Five-room house with bath, some furniture. See S. J. Holley. 32-38p WANTED TO BUY a sausage grinder, also a hay chopper, Ed Wilson, Heppner. 33tf WANTED House work by the hour, Miss R. E. Thompson, Phone 1432, Mrs. Frank Rumble, Heppner. 35-38c FOR SALE Rabbits and hutches. Mrs. Mildred Tucker. 37c 1938 Ford one ton truck $650.00 Priced under OPA ceiling price Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE Two electric gas pumps. Rosewall Motor Com' pany ESTRAYED from Irene Zinter ranrVi in Clnnsehprrv. 10 head Hereford cattle steers cows and klves and vearlines: branded IZ on right rib, underslope in right ear, split in left ear. Re ward for information. Irene Zin. ter, Heppner. 23tf FOR LEASE 1009 acres of stub ble excellent pasture for cattle, no sheep; plus 600 acres grazing land willi water, southwest of Cecil, Ore. Davidson Bros, Box 283 Arlington, Ore. 36tf FOR SALE 1107-acre ranch on Rhea creek. 335 acres wheat land, 45 acres hay. 1 mile on creek. 4 springs, 1 piped to house and lawn. Stock sheds. Daily mail. A. V. Wright, Heppner. 31-34p Legal Notices SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MOR ROW Raymond Wright, Plaintiff, vs Eugene L Spencer and Harriet D. Spencer, his wife, the unknown ceased, also all other persons or heirs of Eugene L Spencer, de parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter est in the real estate described in the Complaint herein. Defendants. To: Eugene L. Spencer and Har riet D. Spencer, his wife, the unknown heirs of Eugene L Spencer, deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint, herein, DEFENDANTS. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court , and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the said Court for relief as prayed for in the said Complaint, to-wit: for a Decree tw r,l;nff ic V.o 7r.0r in , ic m ' fee simple of the following describ-; ed real property, to-wit: The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter, and Lots numbered 2, 3, and 4 in Sec tion 4, and Lot numbered 1, in Section 5, Township 6 South of Range 25 East of the Willa mette Meridian. And that the plaintiff is the own er in fee simple of the said land,! free of any right, title, estate, lien,d final account are requested to " ZL. a Um, J ,m file the same with said court on ur uwirai ui yw- '""' and that you or any one of you a j ocQQ u have no right, title, estate, lien orj !u,t ir, coir) anH or MlVl""" , .1.. part thereof, and perpetually re strain and enjoin you, and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land, or any part thereof, ad verse to the plaintiff. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, by order of Honor able C. L. Sweek, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said order j. j . j v. "mtVi 1 " w-- day of November, 1945, and the Place for fearing on and fina set j... t a,i ,uuoJ 5 h tlement of said final account. All 6th day of December, 1945. P. W. MAHONEY ' Attorney for Plaintiff Postoffice Address; Heppner, Oregon. 37-41 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Emmett L. Ayers deceas ed, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, his Final Account of his administration of the said Estate, and that said Court has set Mon day, December 24 at the hour of 11 1 -11, A TT i Vio fnrannnn nt ! said day at the County Courtroom at the Courthouse at Heppner, Ore gon,, as the time and place for hearing objections to the said Fina Account and the settlement of saidday of January. 1946 at the hour estate, and all persons having ob-, jections to the said Final Account or the settlement of said estate are hereby required to file the same;nisnesi ana oesi Diaaer. P. A. MOLLAHAN time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this A Gl's Razor Interests . tvr s fit KkY fir A Mr L LUSO ' i 'LjidJLnX.ii ..... BFBIURM This American soldier draws a delighted audience as ha wields his razor in China. The Regular Army, offering travel, adventure, security, end training opportunities, is accepting enlistments from qualified civilians 18 to 34 years of age, inclusive. I OOtU J... t t 1 mie mui uay. til xtuvemuer, x7ftJ. PIRL L. HOWELL Administrator P. W. MAHONEY. Attorney for the Administrator Heppner, Oregon. 3640 NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAY Notice is hereby given by vir tue of the laws of the State of Oregon, that I have taken up at my place in Gooseberry the here inafter described animal, and that I will, on Friday, December 21, 1945, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. sell said animal to the highest bidder for cash in' hand, subject to the right of redemption by the ow ner. Said animal ' is described as follows: 'One white crossbred 10 months old calf; notched right ear, no vis ible brand. 37-39c Carl F. Bergstrom NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the j . , 1 . , . , .1 unaeraipieo, aamirasirator or me estate of Mary L. Wicklander, de- csed, has filed his final account of his administration with the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and said court has set Monday, January 14, 1946, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock, in the Coun ty Court Room of the Morrow County Court House, as the time and place for hearing on and final settlement of said final account. All persons having objections to or Wnrp 9aJH date or J.rre sai.d te. . Dated and first published this twiJ; ia CHARLES WICKLANDER 38-42 Administrator NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Charles R. Johnson, de ceased, has filed his final account of his administration with the coun ty Court of Morrow County, Ore gon, and said Court has set Mon day, January 14, 1946, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock, in the County Court Room of the Morrow Coun ... n A TT 1 il j.; J iy -ouri no use, as uie nine anu persons having objections to said final account are requested to file the same with said court on or be fore said date. Dated and first published this 13t day of December, 1945. J. O. TURNER, 38-42 Administrator NOTICE OF SALE OF NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated De cember 11, 1945, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public, auction at not less than the minimum price herein set 101111 1 in the Town of Lexington, Mor row County, Oregon, for the minimum price of $50.00, cash THEREFORE, I will on the 12th 0f 10:00 a. m., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, ! Oregon, sell said property to the 'i J a i i l. i i i tjixiixi, xviuiiuw uumy, v-ieguii By Frances Mitchell 38-42 Deputy These Chinese Boys 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Miss Marguerite Glayey was week-end visitor in Portland. MR. FARMER: Modern machinery helps you make more money. Modern accounting practices help you keep it. It pays to have it right. HARRY NELSON Tax Consultant 900 ACRES 600 acres farm land, remainder pas ture; 270 acres seeded farm land, $35.00 per acre. Grass land $6.00 per acre. 24 miles southwest of Heppner m TURNER, VAN MARTER & COMPANY Elkhorn motor T une-up an Front End Alignment We have the latest thing in equip ment with specialized men in charge HODGE Chevrolet Co. December 13, 1945-11 a All Saints W. A. meets Friday at 1 2:30 at parish house. Our Diners Resemble J. Spratt and Wife Remember the nursery rhyme abeut the couple whe licked the platter clean? Unusual? No! Our patrons enjoy damg it evary day. Restaurant d