Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 13, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    10-Heppner Gazette Times, December 13, 1945
Irrigon News Notes
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H.
M. Duus was the scene of a beau
tiful wedding when their daughter
La Vern and Staff Sergeant Ralph
Westcott of Minneapolis, Minn,
were married with a double ring
ceremony by Chaplain Cousens of
the Walla Walla air base, at 2 p. m.
Tuesday. The bride wore a white
dress with a floor-length veil. Vir
ginia Allen was bridesmaid while
Staff Sergeant Sam Shore was best
man.Miss Berniece Miller played
the wedding music. The bride who
was given in marriage by her fa
ther, was a trained nurse employed
at St. Anthony's hospital. The
groom has recently returned after
serving 34 months in the Pacific
area with the medical corps.
The young couple were taken to
Pendleton by E. A. Fanshier where
they boarded a plane for Portland
where they will spend two weeks
Out of town guests for the Duus
Westcott wedding were Mrs. George
Snrenger of Portland, Mrs. Agnes
Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Denney of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Fanshier and daughter Viv
ian of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Duus and daughter Elaine of
White Salmon, Was. Berniece of La
Grande, Dorothy Prohl of Hermis-
ton, S Sgt. Sam Shore of Ordnance.
Don Kenny and Freda Fredrick
son are getting married this week.
They procured their marriage li
cense in Walla Walla.
Wm. Gollyhorn took the W. T.
Wheelers to Pendleton Thursday.
The Wheelers bought the Roy Van
Cleve acreage east of town and
plan to build in the spring.
The Henry Gaberdings of Her
m is ton were Irrigon visitors Thurs
day. The Lyle Mulkeys went to Pen
dleton Thursday as did also the Ora
A Christmas program will be gi
ven Sunday Dec. 23 at the Com
munity Baptist church. The public
is invited.
Irrigon and Echo basketball
teams played here Thursday. Ir
rigon won 37 to 9. -
Mrs. Stella Phillips, Mrs. C. W.
Acock and Grace O'Brien were
Pendleton and Walla Walla visitors
Monday. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Arly Thompson of
Lakeview are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Ora Tompson. The men are bro
thers and the women are sisters.
Mrs. Roy Minnick returned Sat
urday from Walla Walla where she
had been for treatments.
Hi-Ways to Health
While an adult needs food to
duce heat and energy, to replace
maintain his body weight, to pro
worn tissues and to protect him
self against disease, a child must
have food not only for all these
purposes but also for his rapid
JVLiiK is the most important food
in the child's diet. It furnishes pro
teins for body and muscle building;
fat and sugar for energy; and the
vitamins which promote growth
and protect against disease. Milk is
an important source of calcium
and phosphorus. Unless a child has
a cup of milk with each meal he
will not have enough of these min
erals for building his bones and
teeth. A child who gets enough cal
cium is less apt to be nervous and
Milk can be given to the child
as a beverage or cooked into other
foods. It may be used as the liquid
in which cereals are cooked and in
preparing soups, cream sauces for
vegetables, custards, rennet des
serts and simple puddings. Cottage
cheese is a good supper dish; it
mav be used as the filling for sand
wiches or served with a small
amount of jelly as a dessert. Other
cheeses when to be given to a child
should be grated and may be
sprinkled over eggs, used in sand
wiches or in cooking such dishes
as macaroni or in sauces for vege
tables. Plain ice cream which does
not contain fruits, nuts or other
rich flavorings is one way of add
ing milk to a child s diet.
A simple gelatin pudding made
with eggs and milk is really delici
ous and is a pudding that every
member of the family will enjoy.
And at the same time is suitable
for the young child. For adults you
may want to top with sweetened
whipped cream now that it is back
on the market again.
1 cups milk, 1 tbsp gelatin, 1
cup cold water, 2 eggs separated,
3-4 cup sugar, 1 tsp vanilla.
Soften gelatin in cold water. Heat
milk and sugar in double boiler;
pour over softened gelatin, mixing
well. Beat egg yolks until light and
add to them the hot milk-gelatin
mixture. Return to double boiler
and cook three minutes, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat and
allow to cool. When cool add va
nilla and fold into stiffly beaten
egg whites. Pour into sherbet glass
es or mold; chill. Serves six.
Corsages and Cut Flowers
Phone 2502
For Your Christmas Needs
II have
Fruit Cakes Iced Layer Cakes
, Angel Cakes
Parker House Rolls-all kinds ,
Place your order before December 21
TSglPiilM'1' """"
1-3 cup peanut butter, 1 cup of
graham crackers, crushed.
Blend peanut butter and crack
ers. Line pan, pressing firmly, chill.
1 cup brown sugar, 1-3 cup of
flour, 1-4 tsp salt, 2 cups milk
scalded, 2 egg yolks, beaten, 1-4
cup butter, 1-4 tsp vanilla, 1 cup
whipping cream, 1-4 confection
er's sugar
Mix dry ingredients thoroughly.
Add eraduallv to milk. Cook in
double boiler until thick. Add to
egg yolks slowly, return to double
boiler, cook 3 minutes. Add butter
and vanilla, cool. Pour into crust.
Chill. Whir cream, add confection
er's sugar. Spread on custard be
fore serving. Serves 6.
Mrs. Joe Hughes started working (
in the post office the first of the
will help during the holiday rush.!
week. She is on the extra list and1
) The Heppner Church of Christ
was the scene of a wedding cere
mony at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 9
when Frances Cox Koff and Nor
man Griffin were united in mar
riage. O. Wendell Herbison per
formed the ceremony in the pres
ence of relatives and friends. Mrs.
Robert Walker sang the wedding
song accompanied by Mrs. Tom
Wells. :
' Thebride is the daughter of Mrs.
Phil Grhiffin and the groom, who
spent ' two and a half years in a
Japanese prison camp, is the son
of Mr. Phil Griffin. The bride's fa
ther is Ben Cox, upper Hinton
creek rancher.
Harold Smith of Naches, Wash,,
spent the fore part of the week at
the home of his brother, Orville
Smith and family. Harold was dis
charged from the Seabees last week.
Specialized Motor Tune-up
Richfield Service
Phone 1242
Heppner, Oregon
1942 OLDS 8-98 Custom Club Sedan-$1854
Hydra-matic drive, radio, heater, good tires a beautiful car and just
about the nicest one you ever drove.
1939 Chevrolet Sport Sedan ... $906.00
A very clean car with radio and heater, nice clean upholstery, good
1940 Studebaker Commander Club Sedan .
...... $1 1 88
Low mileage, one owner. Heater and gas saving overdrive. Clean
inside and out. Nice seat covers over fine clean upholstery.
1933 Chevrolet Long Wheelbase Flat Rack
Truck "AS IS" Low ceiling . . $290
Dual wheels
1942 Chevrolet Stake Truck -4-vhed drive
For sale at low ceiling. All prices within OPA ceilings. '
615 S. E. Court on U. S. 30