8 Heppner Gazette Times, December 6, 1945 County Selected . . Continupn irom jnrst Pae A second all-day meeting when land-use, soil conservation and other committees will join in the discussions, will be held here Dec. 20. Henry Baker was re-elected AAA chairman at Saturday's elections, with Clyde Denney, vice chairman, and R. S. Thompson, regular mem .ber. Frank Anderson, retiring com mitteeman, declined service an other year due to press of other work. Arnold C. Ebert was named secretary, and Florence Bergstrom, treasurer. Community committee men were named in the elections Saturday, and at Boardman and Ir rigon Friday, as follows: Morgan Werner Rietmann, chairman, M. J. Fitzpatrick, Roy Lindstrom. " South Heppner R. S. Thompson, chairman, C. N. Jones, Alva Jones. Alpine A. C. Lindsey, chairman, Olney Saling, W. J. Doherty. North Heppner Sam J. Turner, chairman, B. J. Doherty, Harry L. Duvall. Eight Mile Dan Barlow, chair man, Raymond- Lundell, Floyd Worden. lone Chas. McElligott, chairman, W. B. Rice, Fred Mankin. Lexington Vernon Munkers, chairman, Terrel L. Benge, Win. Smethurst. Boardman-Jack Mulligan, chair man, Adolph Skoubo, Oscar Veele. Irrigon Don Kenney, chairman, Carl Knighton, Paul Slaughter. o Mr. and Mrs. John Kilkenny of Pendleton were in Heppner Tues day. Mr. Kilkenny was here on legal business. amy e POTLUCK PARTY SCHEDULED Mrs. W. O. Dix will be hostess Friday evening at her home to a potluck party by the Past Matrons club of the Order of the Eastern Star. The affair will honor Mrs. D. M. Ward, and Mrs. Blanche Patter son who are leaving soon to make their homes elsewhere. PTA MEETING DEC. 14 Regular meeting of the Heppner Parent-Teacher association will be held Wednesday evening Dec. 12 in the music room at the school. All patrons urged to be present as the room having the most parents in attendance will be given a half holiday. POWER OFF FEW HOURS Electric power users were incon venienced a few hours Tuesday when a break in the line just be- tant as it was well up on the hill side considerable distance from the low lone necessitated a shutdown, j highway or other road and materi- The break occurred in a tough spot als had to be freighted up piggy for Manager Ken House and assis- back. FARMERS! When that small, vital part of your machinery breaks down, let us get it for you by air. In most cases we can deliver it for you right at your farm. Call Lexington 37F3 or Heppner 1042 Forsythe Flying Service ATTRACTIVE INTEREST RATES First National charges NO brokerage NO commission FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MMMMliWWmTOfiWA'WJ HIUIMMMMMMMMIBWWWWBMMMW 1 You Will Be Proud to (jive! r With December comes the year's most Jj joyous and most anticipated season . . . Christmas! And, really, it's just around the corner. So. right now's the time for you to come in and select your gifts from our lovely newly arrived Gifts you will be proud to give YarcHey Products . . . Chen Yu and LaCrosse Manicure Sts . . . Early American Old Spice, Friendship's Garden ... Old South Cotton Blos som, Wood! nd Spice and Plantation Garden . . . Orloffs Attar of Petals and Bergamont . . . Stag for Men; Cara Nome for Women . . . Cosmetic Sets from Coty ,and Burgois "Evening in Paris." Humphreys Drug Co. STAR nn REPORTER Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m. In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement, Children's Admissions apply only to those under the legal age of 12. Selected Short Subjects With All Programs Program Subject to Change Watch local newspaper for weekly announcement. ' Friday-Saturday, December 7-8 China Sky Randolph Scott, Ruth Warrick, Ellen Drew, Anthony Quinn Pearl Buck's famous novel brought drama t ally to the screen. PLUS A Rod Cameron-Fuzzy Knight western. RENEGADES OF THE RIO GRANDE Walt Disney Cartoon in Technicolor Sunday-Monday, December 9-10 Son of Lassie Peter Lawford, Donald Crisp, June Lock hart, Nigel Bruce, Nils Asther Remember "Lassie Come Home"? Well, Las sie's son is a champion and a sure winner. In magnificent Technicolor, the story of a 4F K9. Tuesday, December 11 Carribean Mystery James Dunn, Sheila Ryan, Edward Ryan A better than average mystery melodrama. Wednesday-Thursday, December 12-13 Don Juan Quilligan William Bendix, Joan Blondell, Phil Silvers He's the best husband two women ever had. ....comedy perfectly suited to the Bendix humor. Latest Issue of THE MARCH OF TIME DTTu OTTD i 0 on the following Firestone Tires 600 x 16 4-ply and 6-ply 650 x 15 6-ply passenger 400 x 21 4-ply passenger 700 x 15 4-ply passenger 475 x 19 4-ply passenger 700 x 16 4-ply passenger 550 x 17 4-ply passenger 700 x l 5 6-ply truck 550 x 18 4-ply passenger 700 x 20 10-ply truck 550 x 1 7 Nobby 4-ply tires 750 x 20 8-ply truck 650 x 18 4-ply passenger 700 x 17 8-ply truck 650 x 15 4-ply passenger 825 x 18 10-ply truck WALL Motor Company Your FIRESTONE Dealer