Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 06, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Evening service 8 p.m.
Clifford Noble, Pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Sunday morning service 11 a. m.
Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m.
Young people's service Tuesday
"7:30 p. m.
Midweek Bible study Thursday
7:45 p. m.
O. Wendell Herhbon, Pastor
Bible School 0,45.
Morning worshio 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 8 o'clock. Sub
Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wed
Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor
Schedule of Services:
Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and
3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and
4th Sundays.
Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00
a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundavs.
Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri
day 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat
urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m.
Mass at 9 a. m. on fifth Sunday
in Heppner onlv.
Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Children's church 7:30 p. m.
Evening service 8 p. m.
Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa
dors 8 p. m.
Friday afternoons, Ladies pray
er band.
H. N. Waddell, Pastor
Bible school 10 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 7 p. m.
Praise and preaching service 8
o'clock p. m.
Bible study 8 p. m. Tuesdays
EARL MILLER, Evangelist
n ' ; ' ' '' " ' ;
1 r
every night
except Monday
Children's Service
7 to 8
Evangelistic Service
8 o'clock
of Christ
Heppner, Ore.
.Vr 'ldr tcoM K"vi''e I'lunt
Church school QAj a. m.
No services. Archdeacon Blunt
will be in Milton.
Wednesday: Holy Communion 10
a. m.
Mrs. Echo Palmateei
A fellowship supper and Christ
mas party will be held at the Con
gregational church parlors the eve
ning of Dec. 12.
The Maranathas will have a pot
luck dinner at noon and a Christ
mas party Saturday Dec. 15 at the
Congregational church parlors. Ev
eryone is welcome.
Joel Engelman arrived home
Sunday night from San Francisco.
Joel received his discharge some
time ago from the navy.
Mrs. Victor Rietmann is spending
a few days in Portland.
Sgt Tommy Everson left last
week for McC.ord Field after spend
ing a 45-day furlough with his
mother Mrs. Bessie Everson.
Cleo Drake, Lonnie and Clifford
McCabe returned from the moun
tains with an elk apiece.
Mrs. Hershal Townsend gave a
birthday party Nov. 29 for her
daughter Brenda Play, celebrating
her third birthday. The children
and their mothers present were
Mrs. Markham Baker and Mardene,
Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and Linda,
Mrs. Lloyd Rice and Bobbie, Mrs
Ray Himbigner and Linda Rae,
Mrs. Clarence Harris and Bernita.
The study meeting of the Topic
club will be held at the home of
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Friday, Dec 7.
The Past Noble Grand club of
the Rebekah lodge held a silver
tea, fancy work and food sale in
their hall Saturday afternoon which
was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen mov
ed to their new home at Cayuse
last week and Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Ely moved into the apartment va
cated by the Lieuallens. Aloha will
remain in lone to finish school
The lone P-TA held its regular
meeting Wednesday night. It was
decided to boost a queen from this
community in the bond drive. The
next meeting will be Dec. 13 at
which time the building of a teach
erage will be discussed and there
will be a Christmas party also.
Each person is to bring a gift cost
ing 25 cents. The men will bring
gifts for boys. These are to be ex
changed and later sent to the Shrine
hospital in Portland. (
Mrs. Markham Baker played two
piano solos and Rev. Fletcher For
ster, paster of the First Methodist
church in Heppner gave an in
teresting talk on the responsibility
of the parent, the teacher, the min
ister in building the personality of
the child. Henry Peterson spoke on
the necessity of fire escapes in the
balconies in the gymnasium. Af
ter the meeting a delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. Cleo Drake,
Mrs. B. C. Forsythe and Mrs. Leo
nard Carlson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley are
the parents of a girl born Nov. 28
in Pendleton. She weighed IVz
pounds and was named Eulenna
not only enhance the Christmas or Sunday
dinner they add zest and value to all meals.
That's why more and more people are buying at our store.
May we suggest that you do your holiday shopping early?
Central Market and Grocery
Mrs. Cleta Jones of Baker visited
her father, W. G. Palmateer one
day last week.
The Girls League gave a banquet
Tuesday niht, Nov. 27 in honor
of the football squad and their
coach William Ludwig. Laurel Pal
mateer and Francine Ely were
toast-mistresses. The banquet was
followed by a dance in the gym.
Mr. and Mrs.Clyde Nickel of
Sumner, Wash, visited friends and
relatives here last week. Mrs. Ni
ckel is a sister of C. W. Swanson.
Eva Swanson of the Waves re
turned to her station in San Fran
cisco after a short leave.
Mrs. Dora Pierrot who visited for
several weeks with her daughter
Mrs. Franklin Ely, left for Pasa
dena, Calif, last week.
, Hermiston defeated lone high
school in their opening basketball
game here Nov 30. Three games
were played;Ione freshmen20 and
lone graders 10; Hermiston second
team 25 and lone second team 9;
Hermiston first team 46, lone 8.
lone went to Hermiston Dec 1 but
was defeated in both games.
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and fam
ily of Boardman spent Saturday
in lone. Ely has the job as fore
man of the railroad section crew
in this vicinity but his family will
remain at Boardman.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roundy and
We offer a few of the many "wanted"
with your Christmas list.
Tavern and Bluegate Candles
Candles truly come into their own at the Yuletide sea
son . . . various shapes . . . sizes . . . colors.
Johnston's Chocolates
... say the right thnig at the right time to the right
Greeting Cards
Always a sure winner.
to liven the walls . . . over the mantle ... in the hall
for tiny tots and those not so tiny . . . stuffed toys or
boxed toys.
Heating Pads .'
so long off the market ... so comforting.
John Saager, Owner
.j iiiioFii ii A
II II IILII. . VSv Vv V JrJ -mmmmmixsmi
Heppner Gazette Times, December 6, 1945 3
children left this week for La
Grande where they have pur
chased a home. Roundy has an
electric shop there.
Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. Graves and
children Opal and Jimmie of Se
attle spent last week here visiting
at the home of M. R. Morgan Sr.
Mrs. Graves is a daughter of Mrs.
Mabel Morgan.
Mrs. Mabel Morgan states her
nephew, Sgt Paul Sauerwein, son
f Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Sauerweif
of Portland has just been released
from a Japanese prison camp and
is home. His mother was Alice
Fleming and taught in the lone
school several years ago and is a
sister of Mrs. Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coates of
Gresham visited with their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Corley.
The Eastern Star held initiation
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason left
for Spokane last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann
and son Larry spent several days
in Portland.
Denward Bergevin, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Bergevin, is home.
The meteorite that caused so
much excitement in California was
seen by some parties here.
Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker
and Mardene spent the first of the
"week at Dayton, Wash, where they
visited Mr. Baker's mother, Mrs.
Ella Baker.
Clarence Linn and Mrs. Carl Linn
were visitors in The Dalles Satur
day. A brother of Gordon White who
has just been discharged from the
army is helping in the Standard
Service station.
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U. P. and N. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorian Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
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gifts to help you