Heppner Gazette Times, November 29, 1945 7 MISSIONARY MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY The regular Unified Missionary meeting will be held at 2 p. m. Friday, Nov. 30 at the Methodist curch. Speaker for the day will be Mrs. Moon, a returned missionary from Jamaica. An interesting program has been planned, and a good at tendance is desired. Mayor and Mrs. J. O. Turner ' The Degree of Honor had turkey Mrs. Minnie Card, state organizer and national committeewoman was present for the evening's activities. went to Portland this morning. They expect to spend the' week-end in Eugene with the Donald Turners. It being home-coming week-end at the university it seemed a fitting time to make a call at the home cf the newly-weds and be on hand for the .campus activities. dinner Tuesday evening at the I. O- O. F. hall, followed by initiation. Visiting at the Ray Drake home over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Drake and children Nancy and Raymond III of Corval lis, Capt. and Mrs. Donald Drake and son Donald II, of Portland, Claudine Drake of Salem and Claude Drake. Sunday the family met Sgt Douglas Drake at Arling ton returning from three years over-seas. o "EC. 8 W&W Mr. and Mrs. Alec Cline of Se attle and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stev ens of Joseph returned Sunday to their respective homes after spend ing several days here with Mrs. Cline's and Mr. Steven's sister, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, and Mrs. Sara McNamer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank are leav ing soon to return to Mr. Frank's home in Pennsylvania, where he expects to go to school. They will accompany Raymond Turner, son of Mrs. Grace Turner, who has re cently1 been discharged and is go ing to New Jersey where he has employment. o Mrs. P. A. Mollahan is in Pen dleton this week where she is nurs ing her sister who was operated upon Tuesday, and also caring for Mrs. F. W. Turner. F. W. Turner returned to Hepp ner Tuesday from several days in Portland where he was transacting business and visiting his daughter, Mrs. Fred Allison and twin grand daughters, Jo and Jan. Mr. Turner is in Pendleton today visiting Mrs. Turner in St. Anthony's hospital. m William McCaleb arrived home Saturday and took his father W. L. McCaleb to Milton to visit. Billy recently was discharged after see ing service in the European theater. Mr. and Mrs. John Saager spent Thanksgiving in Milton at the home of friends. They report a most en joyable time. AUTHORITY ON DEAFNESS HERE v Mr. S. H. Ripp will be in Heppner to conduct the new and radically different "Accousticon Speech Hear ing Test" for the hard of hearing at a clinic to be held in the Heppner Hotel on one day only, Tuesday, December 4, from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. Mr. Ripp has had specialized labor atory training on hard of hearing problems and takes an understanding interest in helping the hard of hearing-Hard of hearing people are . in vited to attend this Hearing Aid Clinic where they will be given the Acousticon Speech Hearing Test free of cost and without obligation. Also you may enjoy a demonstration of the War-Born Development "Hear ing Lenses," which help ears as properly fitted glasses help and rest eves- , . i. Acousicon's greatest achievement, the Super Power model, will also be demonstrated. For more power, and better hearing, this brand new model is War Time engineering and Science's post war answer to your hearing needs. With this marvelous new SUPbK POWER instrument, is the incredi ble, revolutionary "Tom Thumb" B Battery. A battery so small it bare ly covers the end of your thumb yet so powerful it will amaze you! Come in! See it! Try it! Hearl it! Acousticon-World's First and Oldest Manufacturer of Electrical Hearing Aids. JtiiDh n -a Jill 'dJ p '!3..r.. - ...... r... - We Are Happy To Announce that we have been ap pointed exclusive repre sentatives for the famous E REGULAR BLOOLH HOUNDS After Customers Our Want Ads Products them You will find the answer to your fondest desire for the ultimate in Nail Pol ish, Lacquer, Cream, Powder, Lipstick and other toiletries. GORDON'S DRUG STORE John Saager, Owner V. S. 30 I PENDLETON 1 I'M. A r j)' js ixvfAK 615 S. E. Court on Am A W on Can mil Ord ryefe ers io be filled consec utively as placed We suggest you place your order NOW! Hodge Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oregon ilUlHli mi