Heppner Gazette Times, November 29, 1945 3 Irrigon News Notes By MBS. 3. A. SHOTTN The Russell McCoy family re turned to Paulsbo after visiting his parents the J. E. McCoys for sev eral days. They took Ronald back with them. He has been staying with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Thompson were in Pendleton Monday. The Milton Baileys left for Pas co after spending a few days with the Sam Umiker family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Seamen and sons Tommy and Vern stopped to see her mother Sunday on their way back from Pullman to Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Swaren left for Portland Monday where he will enter college. He has had an hon orable discharge. He was a chap lain's assistant. Rev. and Mrs. Chester Wilson were in lone and Heppner Friday. Mrs. Stella Phillips and daughter Kathleen Sprague also attended the meeting at lone. The J. A. Shouns had Mr. and Mrs. James Shoun and daughter Judy Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. An drew Shoun and son Steven Mon day. They are both from Walla Walla. n't. and Mrs. P(aul Haberlein were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Haberlein is ill with a cold. Lucile Jones left Sunday for Vale where she is teaching. Clifford Rucker, ARM3c of As toria left Sunday for his base af ter visiting with his parents the E. L. Ruckers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haberlein were Friday visitors in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bediwell and two daughters of Sunnyside, Wash, spent Thanksgiving with his par ents the Emery Bedi wells. Johnny Tade came over with them to spend the vacation with the Batie Rand boys. Rev. A. B. Turner, Carol and Louise, Esther Warner, LaVelle Delpha and Marlene Markham, Donald Guerglund and LaVonne McCoy attended a fellowship meet ing of the Assembly of God church in lone Friday. Mrs. J. A. Widing and grandson Bobby are visiting the Rev. Wallace Lindquist family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell went to Pendleton with their daughter, Mrs. Joy Smith, Friday. Mrs. Erwin Pierson has been in a Pendleton hospital. She returned Monday. Mrs. J. P. Jensen of San Fran cisco is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm Slate and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wheeler of Monument are visiting the Wm Gollyhorns. The women are sisters. Miss Jeanne Brown is here visit ing her mother Mrs. Floyd Pro vancho. Paula Haberlein and Dalores Day formerly of the Marines left for Portland Sunday. Mr. Clayton came up Saturday taking them back Sunday. Miss Betty Acock, CN and her brother C. W. Acock Jr. spent Thanksgiving day with their par ents the C. W. Grims. Betty is tak ing her training in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams and sons Robert and Donald visited relatives in Idaho from Thursday to Sunday. Clifford Rucker stationed in As toria spent Thanksgiving with his parents the C. L. Ruckers. Ella Mae Grim of EOCE at La Grande and Billy Allen Sic of Pas co spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents the H. W. Grims. SSgt and Mrs. Robert Sprague of Scquim spent a few days with the John Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Duus and daughter Li Verne went to Pendle ton Friday. They returned with S S.vt Ralph W'tstcott of Minneapolis, IViinr.. Ho has a 00-day furlough LaVelle and Delpha Markham returred to their school work at Seattle after speeding the Thanks giving vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Markham. Carl Haddox and mother, Mrs. T. H. Haddox went to Walla Walla to visit Mr. Haddox who is spending some time in the Walla Walla hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson ar rived Wednesday to get their four children who were cared for by his mother, Mrs. Nora Wibon. He has been honorably discharged and plans on living here. - MANY DELEGATES HERE FOR C. E. CONVENTION One of the finest conventions in recent years came to a close Satur day evening at the Heppner Church of Christ when 111 delegates to the annual Christian Endeavor meeting from over eastern Oregon took departure for their respective homes. At the banquet -Saturday evening 125 guests were served. Vernon Fishback of Portland, state field secretary, was toastmaster. LEGION AUXILIARY HOLIDAY PARTY SET FOR DEC. 10 The Legion auxiliary is laying plans for the annual Christmas par ty which will be held at the home of Mrs. H. A. Cohn the evening of Dec. 10 at '8 p. m., with Mrs. E E. Gilliam and Mrs. E. L. Cox as hostesses. There will be an ex change of gifts and a child wel fare shower. The auxiliary wishes to remind the public that Dec. 8 is the dead line for receiving gifts .to the "Yanks Who Gave." Mrs. Agnes Curran rekirned Sunday night from a month's com bined business and pleasure trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco, After reaching Portland Mrs. Cur ran then went to Seattle on a buy ing trip. OLD SOUTH liL cox to x Qpi. TOILETRIES inspired by the delicate, evanescent bloom of the Old South 's fabulou "King Cotton" . . . equal parts pure sunshine and enchanted moonlight. Subtle witchery to complement your loveliness. Old South Cotton Blossom sequence includes Cologne $1.25 and $3.00, Dusting Powder $1.25, Talc 60& Perfume $4.00 and $7.50, I Sun Dial Gift Box $3.50. Humphreys Drug Co. How can a motor oil save gasoline? Much gasoline loss is caused by gradual ring and cylinder wear. Gas mixtures then "blow-by," compres sion is reduced, performance gets rough. RPM Motor Oil slows this wear 'way down sticks tight on hot or cold metal surfaces, insures cold motors against extra starting wear, protects critical hot spots on long runs. For more mileage, less wear use Standard's RPM Motor Oil L E. DICK Phone 622 HEPFNEIl, OREGON Miss Margaret Gillis, county pub- several days, going down for lie health nurse, visited in Portland Thanksgiving. Supplies Now Available Roofing and Building Supplies Complete line of car batteries 1 Mi-Volt Radio Power Paks Wool Sleeping Bags Unfinished Chests Barbed Wire Fencing Homeguard Insulation for attics and side walls GAMBLE STORE DEALER Conley Lanham, Owner Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon YOUR CHOICE OF MANY MAN Y 1938 Pontiac 4-Door Touring Sedan Radio, heater, good tires, beautiful light maroon O ? A finish. y.1 1941 Willys Amcar 4-Door Touring Sedan JBeateri overdrjivej, good tires, 2-tone finish. A very d 1 O f economical car and good looking. y' vOU 1940 Olds 4-Door Touring Sedan Heater, rear door ventilating windows, good big oversize tires. A very nice car to drive and ride. Lots of power 1 A1 A and performance. p I T" I V 1941 Ford Super-DeLuxe Sedan Nice light grey finish, deep soft scat cushions, good tires, hot-air heater and defrosters. Smooth quiet and Cl OAlC powerful. f IaUO 1942 DeSoto Brom Sedan Like new inside and out. Beautiful shiny black finish. Radio and heater, air foam seat cushions, electric wind shield wipers, Simplimatic transmission with overdrive. 1 7 f To see it and drive it, is to buy it. p I I VI V- m 615 S. E. Court on U. S. 30 PENDLETON S jr -vj am i JJ MHMSBBIUfflSlt