Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 29, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, November 29, 1945
Mrs. Echo Palmateei
at noon to
over 100. Rev. Morris ' served dinner. A beautiful
of Freewater was the morning
! speaker. Rev. C. L. Turner of Irri-
Ione and vicinity had many so- 8n sPke in, the, rnoon and
cial and family reunions Thanks-1 Kev-. rarrlsn 01 rre7a. el
giving day. The Baptist church held
services in the morning. The tradi
tional community Thanksgiving day
dinner was held at Morgan in the
Oddfellows hall. This has been an
annual affair since 1912.
Rev. Shelby Graves of Yoncalla
talked in tvie evening.
rnest McCsbe of the U. S.
navy from Bremerton . spent the
week-end visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Roy Pettyjohn left for Al-
brought in $108,
The PNG club are holding a sil
ver tea Saturday afternoon Dec. 1
at the I. O. O. F. hall. There will
also be a food and fancy work
! sale.
Miss Vireinia Eagle of Seattle
. . r -rt 1 A1 1 t.&
quilt i tertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lun- Mr. ana Mrs. oen outers oruuBin,
dell and family for dinner Friday 1 0 son Bobby home from The
Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell and j aska to join her husband who is
family spent Thanksgiving with ' stationed there in the army
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Weitmeier
at White Swan, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ball and fa
mily of Yakima visited relatives
here over Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely of Mor
jgan visited over Thanksgiving with
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. David Ely in Pendleton.
Sgt Walter Corley of the U. S.
army is home on furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom
had Thanksgiving in Portland with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jannon. The la
dies are sisters. Roland Bergstrom
of the U. S. navy spent the week
end at home. His ship is stationed
at Portland.
A week-end guest at the Paul
O'Meara home was their nephew,
Robert O'Meara of the U. S. navy.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston of
Pasco spent Thanksgiving at the
home of Mr. Johnston's mother,
Mrs. Steena Schleevoight.
Mrs. Charles Austin was a Rich
land Wash, for Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen and
daughter Aloha spent Thanksgiv
ing at the Herman Carr home in
Hermiston. Mrs. Carr is a sister of
Mrs. Lieuallen.
George Ely and Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Ely visited relatives in Sa
lem over the holidays.
Out of town guests at the John
Troedson home Thanksgiving were
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Notage and
daughter Marilee of Portland and
Miss Nell Carlson of Kings City
Calif. Mrs. Nottage is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Troedson.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Christoffer
son and children of Donald and
Mrs. Ethel Feller and daughter Iva
May of Aurora visited friends and
relatives over the week-end. Mrs.
Fellers and daughter were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray.
Mrs. Roy Stender and children
George and Gloria of Salem visited
with Mrs. Stender's sisters, Mrs.
Louis Halvorsen and Mrs. Archie
The Rietmann family reunion
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. .Victor Rietmann with a big
turkey dinner. Out of town rela
tives were Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pe
terson and family of The Dalles
and Mrs. Joe Stith of Meridian,
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann
entertained all the Rietmann fam
ilies Saturday nighjt. Before leav
ing Wednesday for her home Mrs.
Stith visited her mother, Mrs.
Margaret Rietmann in Hood River.
The Lundells " had a reunion at
the grange hall Thanksgiving with
69 present. They had dinner and
supper followed by a party in the
evening which consisted of danc
ing. Out of town relatives were Mr.
and Mrs. Elmo McMillan and dau
ghter Beverly of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Swanson and child
ren of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Har
lan Lundell and baby of Boise,
Ida., Dale Lundell of Los Angeles,
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundell
and family of Milwaukie.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timms and
sons of Pendleton were Thanksgiv
ing guests at the home of Ernest
Ejev. John R. Haynes of Day-
ville was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
R. L. Castleman last week.
Elmer Finn of Pendleton is re
modeling the Heliker house here
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ludwig and
family spent Thanksgiving at Med
ford and took in the Medford
Grant high football game.
M. McClain of the U. S. army
visited over the week-end with
his sister, Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom
and family.
The Maranathas will have a
Christmas party at their next meet
ing, Dec. 8 at the Congregational
church parlors.
The Assembly of, God church
of last week. A dinner was served
held a fellowship meeting Friday
Carl Troedson left this week for
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring spent
the holidays with Mrs. Ring's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rowell at
Hood River.
Doris Palmateer spent the week
end at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Doris is an
X-ray technician for a Portland
The turkey dinner and bazaar at
the grange hall Saturday night was
well attended. More than 100 were
Mrs. Ada Saltpr is spending a
week visiting in the Willamette
Students home from ' Oregon
college for Thanksgiving were June
visited over the week-end with her Griffith, Alice Nichoson, Eunice
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome j Peterson and Melba Crawford,
of Morgan. J Leslie Roundy and Earl McCabe
Sunday evening guests at the En-:made a to La Grande Monday.
nest Heliker home were Mr. and!
Mrs. Lee Howell of Heppner and!
their daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Huiti
and children of Seattle. j
Mrs. Mary Swanson returned
from Salem last week. !
Miss Eva Swanson of the Waves
drove up from San Francisco last
week for a short leave. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Dale Lundell.
Alton Yarnell has been pledged
to Delta Upsilon at the University
of Washington and they had their
first fireside social Nov. 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lundell en-
Dalles hospital last week.
Gordon White came home from
The Dalles hospital last week.
A state grange officers confer
ence will be held at Willows grange
hall Dec. 4 in the afternoon with
a pot luck supper in the evening.
A prize will be given granges hav
ing all officers present.
Certain classes of taxpayers occupy spe
cie! positions in the -general taxing
scheme. Are you one of these?
It pays to have it right.
Tax Consultant
jgg - 'g . 1
It yon now use... Electric cooking will cost yon atont..
60 kwh a month $2.00 a month
75 kwh a month $1.90 a month
100 kwh a month $1.70 a month
125 kwh a month $1.50 a month
Exact cost varies with the amount of cooking and baking yon
do. However, studies show that a typical home here uses about
100 kwh a month for electric cooking. Above figures art based
on use of this amount.
"I'm th lowest paid
worker In townl
...So let mt cook
in your homo, tool
ARE YOU, TOO, PLANNING to let PP&L't chea
(electricity cook your meals the modern way ... at the click)
of a switch? Your neighbors by the score are all ready to
Install a new electric range, just as soon as the beautiful)
new models are available. Women everywhere know thatj
electric cooking means tastier more healthful meals..!
deaneckltchetr. .,. more hours of leisure. And under PP&L'f j
new low rates it costs less than ever to cook electrically!
Chances are your present old-fashioned method costs mor$
than the modern electric way! See your dealer today, so that
you can enjoy your new electric range soon. But hurry.,
get your order in now . . . people everywhere on the PP&l
system are switching to electric cooking I
tyodll (we ywi elcctnic teutqgf
CLEAN. ..no soot or smoke; pans stay
bright; walls, curtains are spic and span.
CAREFREE...switches you set and forget
Controls that work while you're away.
measured heat saves flavor and vitamins.