Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 22, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, November 22, 1945
Jrrigon News Notes
Jean Brown is home from Holly
wood visiting her mother, Mrs
Floyd Provancho and family.
Calvin Allen is bringing Ella Mae
Grim and June Goodwin home for
the Thanksgiving vacation. They
attend Eastern Oregon College of
Ora Thompson has a third of his
building moved to is lots east of
town and another third is raised
ready to be moved.
The Howard Gollyhorns have
their basement completed ready to
put the building on.
Mrs. Tom Caldwell has had word
that her son Wayne of Manilla is
on his way home.
Kent Fagerstrom is also on his
way home.
Mrs. C. W. Honey of Olympia
arrived Tuesday morning to spend
some time with his daughter Mrs.
A. B. Turner and family.
LaVelle and Delpha Markham
arrived Tuesday evening to spend
Thanksgiving here as are also the
Russell McCoy family.
Carl Haddox took his father, T.
H. Hadox to the Walla Walla Vet
erans hospital Saturday for treat
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Umiker were
surprised by some neighbors who
came in to celebrate a few hours
in their new home, as a house
warming. Roger Swaren, an ex-chaplain of
the U. S. Army, gave an interesting
talk at the Community church on
Sunday and at the Assembly of
God church Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leicht ar
rived Sunday. Frank has received
l-.io rlicpVinruo frnm the naw.
mo iAMwur' "
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Bailey sold
their store, garage,houses ana au
roct rf thpir holdings to Mr. and
Mrs. Abkins and LaVern Williams
"who have taken possession. The
Baileys are moving to Pasco where
they own some lots. Mike Hinkley
is moving them.
Mrs. Fred Houghton was a Port
land visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoun and
son Stephen spent Tuesday with
Mr. Shoun's parents, the J. A.
May Cosner, Clara Fraser, Beth
Russell, Leonard Aldrich, Jack Ja
kranski Clark Stephens and Law
rence, all seniors, went to Pendle
ton Thursday to have their pictures
C. W. Grim put a new roof on
his barn last week.
The Emery Bediwells took their
niece, Mrs. Robert Smith and little
daughter to Sunnyside to visit the
Roy Bediwell family.
Mr: and Mrs. Earl Edwards and
family have moved on to the Bert
Dexter place that he purchased last
week. Mr. Edwards is a carpenter
employed at Umatilla.
Don Kenny and a friend from
Portland went elk hunting Satur
day. Tclio Smith on the Hoaeland
place is remodeling and covering
the top and sides of the house.
Sgt Glen O'Brien is home until
Dec. 4 from his base in Idaho.
Chester O'Brien has the mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bartlelt and
daughter Betty left for California
Thursday after visiting Mrs. Bart
lett's niece, Mrs. Milton Bailey and
James C Shoun, SFlc writes his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun,
that he has been honorably dis
charged and will soon be back in
Walla Walla.
Cester Wilson is working on the
Lexington Items . . . .
At the meeting of the Holly Re-
bekah lodge last Thursday the fol
lowing officers were elected for
the ensuing year and will assume
their new offices in January.. Those
elected were Leita Messenger, Noble
Grand, Catie Padberg, vice grand,
Annie Keene secretary and Faye
Ruhl treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra vis
ited their daughter Patty in The
Dalles last Thursday. Patty is a ca
det nurse at The Dalles hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Majeske and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMillan were
Dan Hil addition this week.
Mrs. Joy Smith is getting an all
school play ready for Dec. 1.
Lena Bell Lentz of Ordnance and
her brother Kenneth Forbes left
Saturday to go into the service.
The Earl Connells went to Walla
Walla Thursday to see his brother
Marvel who was wounded on Oki
nawa. He has been transferred to
San Francisco.
business visitors in Pendleton Mon
Harry Dinges drove to Portland
last Friday on business. He was ac
companied by Leon Theis who went
down to snend Thanksgiving with
his parents in Vancouver.
Elwayne Peck, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Peck, arrived home
Tuesday night from his station in
Mrs. Newt O'Harra was pleasant
pA with a handkerchief
shower last Thursday night follow
ing Indcre when the members au
adjourned to the home of Mrs. Wm,
Smethurst. The occasion was her
birthday and she was presented
with a potted plant by Lav erne
Henderson on behalf of the lodge.
Rpfreshmpnts consisting of a beau
tiful birthday cake, baked by Faye
Munkers, jello and coffee were
served. Hostesses for the occasion
were Ada Piper, Faye Munkers,
Faye Ruhl and Thelma Smethurst.
Mrs. Martin Hicks has taken over
the management of the Lexington
Specialized Motor Tune-up
Richfield Service
Phone 1242
Heppner, Oregon
Willows Grange Hall
Saturday Evening
November 24
lone Cardinals
Supper Served at Midnight
Everybody Welcome
Admission 50c, Tax 19c, Total 60c
$1710 IV2 ton 4-wheel drive
Radio, heater, sympli- Gl truck
matic transmission, jth stQke b(xJ neQr.
airfoam seat cushion. . "K
Beautiful black car in !V new
perfect condition.
Radio, heater, sport
light, fine finish.
serviceable truck-can
be used under any
Miss June Steagall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall has
enrolled at St. Joseph's academy
in Pendleton and left Sunday to
start her work there.
ivu ulu: itUAN 26-foot 3-room, like
$1410 new inside and out,
Heater, good tires. tandem wheels.
r . goto , -
Y 7th and S. E. Court Phone 492
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarz are
enjoying a visit with Mrs. Schwarz's
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Merritt of Inglewood,
Calif. The Merritts came Saturday
and will remain for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Hubert Gaily has just re
ceived a letter from her cousin,
Claude Snow., saying he expects to
be home from Okinawa in tim-j to
spend Christmas with his family.
He will not be discharged but is
coming home for reassignment.
Mrs. Emma Jones has gone to
San Leandro, Calif, to visit some
time with her daughter, Mrs. E. O.
Hendrickson and family.
A goose chase and a goose hunt
are two separate and distinct
things. A chase usually isn't con
sidered particularly effective, but
several gentlemen in Heppner can
testify to the effectiveness of a
goose hunt. Phil Mahoney, Tom
Mahoney and two friends from
Portland, Bill Blake, David Wilson
and L. E.. Bisbee were most suc
cessful Sunday.
Miss Dorotha Wilson flew from
Portland to Pendleton Saturday
night to spend the week-end in
Heppner with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Wilson. Mr. Wilson arose
at 3 a. m. Monday to take his
daughter to Pendleton to make a
reservation by 5:30 for the six
o"clock plane.
Just Received!
Carload Composition Asphalt Roof
Circulator Heaters
Complete line Passenger Car Tires
Conley Lanham, Owner
$5.90 to $9.90
SheXreceIvemany wonderful gifts, but only a robe will
give her warmth, comfort, glamour, all in one I. Lovely
quilted rayons in gay pastel prints, lined in rustling taffeta
Tailored, butter-soft rayon suedes. And all so inexpensittt