4 6 Heppner Gazette Times, November 5, 1945 IONE NEWS NOTES Mrs. Echo Palmateei The study meeting oi the Topic club was held at the home of Mrs. E. R. Lundell. There were 12 mem bers and two guests. "Canada's Warring Women", Canadian Peo ple" and Canada Invites You" were reviewed by Mrs. Cleo Drake. Re freshments of plum pudding and coffee were served. The hostesses were Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. Clyde Denney and Mrs. Lundell. The so cial meeting will be at the Masonic hall Saturday evening, Nov. 17. A no-hostess party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner Tuesday night, Nov. 6 in honor of Mrs. Harry Normoyle. The evening was spent in cards and games. A purse of about $35 was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Nor moyle with which to buy a gift. Sandwiches and coffee were served. Rev. R. L. Casselman has return ed from Bates, Oregon, where he helped build a tabernacle of the Assembly of God. The building is neary finished and Rev.. Cassel man preached the first sermon in it. Mrs. Markham Baker entertained the Eastern Star social club Wed nesday Nov. 7 at her home. There were eight members present. Hot chicken salad and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich and small son of Lyle Wash, are visiting Mrs. Goodrich s mother, Airs. JUaie Rflv Mr. Goodrich is with a high way construction company and is on vacation. Mrs. Billy Eubanks of Portland spent the week-end with, her mo- Vior Mrs Ada Pannon. Harold Ludwig, student at the Walla Walla rnlWe soent the week here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludwig. Mrs J H Dpnslinffer of The Dalles is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Donald rieiiker. A farewell party was given Mrs. Minnie Forbes at the Congregation al church parlors Tuesday after neon, Nov. . 6.Fifteen ladies were present. Mrs. Forbes was presented with a beautiful corsake and a sewing kit. She is leaving to spend the winter with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Osteen of Oakdale, Calif. Mrs. Lloyd Rice was taken to The Dalles hospital last week to be treated for heart trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers took their son Bobby who has been quite to The Dalles for a check-up. Leon Ball of the U. S. Navy, son of Elmer Ball, is spending a leave here. The Maranatha society held its annual sale last Saturday. The net proceeds were $110. A party was held at the Morgan Oddfellows hall Thursday, Nov. 8 with a pot-luck supper in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely of Mor gan left Friday for Estacada to at tend the wedding of Brooks Sny der and Miss Frances Halferty on Sunday. Miss Halferty and Mrs. Ely are cousins. The lone Cardinals' first 11-man football game in many years end ed in a 21-0 victory over the Hep pner Mustangs' B squad on their field Nov. 7. Oscar Lundell, who recently sold his ranch on Willow creek, purchased the Laxton McMurray house. Mr. and Mrs. McMurray plan to locate in western Oregon. A.. Dodge plans to leave for We natcee, Wash where he will do placer mining. Visitors over the week-end at the Leonard Carlson home were Capt. and Mrs. Herbert Lind and son Paul of Mountain Home, Ida., Miss Bernadine Eastman and bro ther Harold of Washington D. C. Miss Eastman has been doing gov ernment work in Washington for a few years and will resume the same work in Portland. Mrs. Carl son is an aunt of the Eastmans. Mrs. Lena Ray left Saturday for Portland where she will make her home. Her brother Lune Jordan and her son John, moved her household goods for her. Mr. and Mrs. Hoag who have been living in a trailer house in the park rented Mrs. Ray's house. Mrs. Ruby Kincaid and sons spent the week-end at the Joe Ste vens home in Hardman. Mrs T?. T, Cissplman and crand- daughter Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barnett and daughter Mary and son David attended a church meet incr in Hermiston last week. A "Youth for Christ" rally will be held at the Church of lone Co operative Nov. 17 in the evening. fcprvnnp is wplnnme. Mrs. Omar Rietmann is still on the sick list. The nimrods of the town are kaving good luck in getting their Mrs. Bernice Harris has returned after spending a week in Portland. Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell and Mrs. Paul O'Meara were shopping in Pendleton one day last week. Don't forget the lone P-TA auc tion Friday night. There will be a door prize. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Long have the remodeling of their Victory cafe . completed and are serving meals again. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen were Walla Walla visitors over Armistice day. Mrs. Cynthia Cochran and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Holman of Yakima are vis iting with Mrs. Cochran's sister, Mrs. Ida Grabill. Mrs. Etta Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and Miss Mary Jean Bristow spent the week-end in Walla Walla. The Connell football team beat the lone Cardinals 33 to 12 at lone Nov. 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Darst and sons Dick and Len left for their new home in Corvallis. Mrs. Darst is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson. Little Karen Lundell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell, celebrated her third birthday with a party Nov. 8 with the following guests, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen and Linda, Mrs. Delbert Emert and daughter Mary, Mrs. Howard Eu banks and daughter Marlene, Mrs. Milton Morgan and Marilyn Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and Judy, Mrs. Clif ford McCabe and Ronnie, Mrs. Ruth McCabe and Grace, Mrs. Hel en McCabe and Skippy. Word was received of the death of Mrs. Charles Wagner of Port land, mother of Mrs. Algott Lundell. HAMILTON FOLK VISIT Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Akers of Hamilton were Heppner visitors the first of the week. Mr. Akers re Dorted that the roads were slick over the mountains and that the weather in his section was about the same as on this side. Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon LOOK OVER THIS SELECTION! 1942 DE SOTO BROM 1942 CHEVROLET $1710 Vz ton 4-whcel drive Radio, heater, sympli- Gl truck matic transmission, wj h stQke bod neQr airfoam seat cushion. . "A Beautiful black car in 'v new 'res- verV perfect condition. serviceable truck-can icwii ninrir cdciai b used under anY I 7T I dviwix jrhwink conditions. 1942 CONTINENTAL TRAILER HOME $1750 SEDAN $1494 Radio, heater, sport light, fine finish. 1940 OLDS SEDAN 26-foot 3-room, like $1410 new inside and out. Heater, good tires. tandem wheels. PENDLETON . 7th and S. E. Court Phone 492 J I PENDLETON 7th and S. E. Court Phone 492 What it takes tcj rain-proof roofs i i Weather" won't come through your roof it you seal the surtace with standard s tough coatings. Use Standard Asbestos Roof Coating for a top-quality job . . . Standard Roof Paint for economy. For best results, prime with Standard Utility Coating or Stand" ard Priming Solution. Renew shingle roofs with Standard Shingle Stain or Oil. L E. DICK Phone 622 HEPPNER, OREGON SECCmD (SO YES! It's Christmas at PENNEY'S! Poor old Santa's had four pretty discouraging Christmasses. All over the world, the boys away from home ... all over the world their families missing them like anything. No matter how hard he worked at presents to cheer them up, the one present that everyone in the world Wanted was PEACE. And there wasn't much he could do about that. When 194 5 dawned, Santa sat at the North Pol looking down over the scene of battle... watching and praying, like everybody else. He breathed a sigh of relief on VE Day. But that triumph was tempered by gloomy predictions on the length of the Japanese war. And then like a bolt from the blue came VJ Day. The war was over! So Santa rolled up his 6leeves and went to work to make this the best Christmas in the memory of man ! And Santa's assistants at Penney's have been work ing like beavers to provide the things that will com plete this merriest of Christmasses with gay, useful, welcome presents! Maybe not everything that every body wants, but certainly enough for a wonderful Christmas !v quota of wild geese.