Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 15, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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P-TA Group Enjoys !
Unusual Program
A crowd that taxed the capacity
of the music room at the school
house was treated to one of the
best P-TA programs given since the
group organized.
National Education week was.
emphasized by a book display from'
the city library and by room dis
plays featuring health. !
Grade three had a clever poster
and, two little stories. Little book
lets, "Johnny's Toothache", written
and dramatized by the children was
the fourth grade contribution.
Grades fixe, six and seven had
an art display pertaining to health,
while the eighth grade had made
notebook covers of their own design
which contained lessons in health.
As November program leader.Mrs.
James Thomson Jr. had arranged an
excellent program. After the sing
ing of God Bless America by the
audience, Mrs. O. G. Crawford pre
sented the Women's Choral club.
These women attired in their black
formal skirts and white blouses
made a pleasing picture as they
sdng two delightful numbers,
"Morning" by Speaks and "Over
tones" by Rasbach. Mrs. J. 0. Tur
ner was accompanist.
President Becket presided at the
business meeting at which time dis
cussion of high school dances, the I
giving of one-act plays and a
proposal by Mrs. Lucy Rodgers for
a county or regional library, was
Mrs. James Valentine, program
chairman introduced Miss Margaret
Gillis, Morrow county public health
nurse who in turn introduced Dr.
F. G. Scherer. Dr. Scherer spoke on
"Social Hygiene in the Family",
following tiie same line of thought
expressed in his address to the
health association Tuesday night.
The December meeting will be on
the 10th. Subject, "Better Schools,"
with Mrs. Ture Peterson as leader.
Manv friends call at the F. W.
Turner residence and almost daily
one of Mrs. Turner s former pupus
will drop in to see her for a few
minutes. Last Monday Mrs. Cyn
thia Cochran. Mrs. Bramer Reese
and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Holm an
Heppner Gazette Times, November 15, 1945 5
Health Education to
Be Stressed Here
Morrow County Public Health
association hald a meeting Tuesday
evening at the city hall. Guest
speaker was Fr. F. G. Sherer, di
rector of the Portland division of
social hygiene education.
Dr. Sherer said in part "Social
hygiene education has as its cen
tral aim the preservation and
strengthening of the family. This
includes instruction regarding phy
sical development, the venereal dis
eases, preparation for marriage and
family life."
The associaion detcided to buy
f -..
It's Not
Too Early
to order your
We have an unus
ually beautiful as
sortment of greet
ing cards that you
will be p r o u d to
-Have your name
printed on them so
they will be your
personal messeng-
from Yakima visited the Turners.
Mrs. Cochran is an aunt and the
other ladies are cousins of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gentry from
Pendleton called on Keith's former
teacher Saturday. He was recently
released from three years of war
duty in the Pacific.
Clayton Davis, Roger Campbell
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck,
also Claude Way called. Mr. and
Mrs. Ladd Sherman also looked in
on Mrs. Turner a short time ago.
Mr. Sherman is released from the
U. S. S. Wisconsin but will not be
home to stay for a few months.
the following books to place on a Hayes entered the hospital Wednes-
shelf in the Heppner public library:
"New Patterns in Sex Training1';
"Your Child"; "Growing Up";
"Sex Adjustment of Young Men"
"The Wonder of Life"; "Being
Born"; "Plain Words About Vene
real Diseases" and "A Marriage
Manual. All these books will be
taken out by adults only.
Miss Gilis gave a shor talk on
the findings of the x-ray unit.
Mrs. Oscar Rippee gave a report
on the third annual institute of the
presidents and executive secretar
ies of the public health association
of Oregon.
Lt. and Mrs. Gordon Bucknum
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Bucknum this week. They
arrived Tuesday from Alameda,
Calif, where Lt Bucknum is sta
tioned at the Navy Air base and
will remain until after Thanksgiv
ing when they will go to Seattle,
where the lieutenant will be given
his discharge.
Mrs. Richard Hayes is a patient
at St. Anthony's hospital where
she will undergo penicillin treat
ment for the next four days. Mrs.
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