CHURCHES FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning service 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic 7:45 p. m, Young people's service Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Thursday 7:45 p. m. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor Bible School 9:45, Morning worship 11 a. m. : Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service 8 o'clock. Sub Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wed nesday. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri. day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m. Mass at 9 a. m. on fifth Sunday in Heppner onlv. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Church School 9:45 a. m. No 11 o'clock service. Archdea con Blunt will be at Milton. Wednesdays Holy Communion 10 a. m. Classes of instruction in parish house 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD IONE Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. , Evening service 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa dors 8 p. m. Friday afternoons, Ladies pray r band. , CHURCH of IONE COOPERATIVE II. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Junior Christian Endeavor 7 p. m, Praise and preaching service 8 o clock p. m. Bible study 8 p. m. Tuesdays o OVER FROM MILTON Mrs. Percy Hughes was a week nd visitor in Heppner, coming from her home in Milton to trans act some business. Returning home Tuesday she was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hughes who took over a load of furniture from to Enterprise on business. her former home at Lena to her new home in Milton. Before re turning to their home on Butter creek, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes will drive over to Enterprise on busi ness. Mrs. Sarah McNamer and Miss Margaret Gillis spent the early part of the week in Portland where Mrs. McNamer attended a grocers' meet ing. The ladies returned home Tuesday evening. Prevent a Cold by using Vacagen Cold Tablets -the oral vaccine Nip a cold in the bud and avoid use less suffering and loss of time from business or social duties. GORDON'S DRUG STORE JOHN SAAGER, Owner Itljcn Nevs Notes ' By ICRS. J. A. SHOtTN Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Allen and son Kenneth arrived ftome from Portland where they purchased lumber to build their house. Carl Haddox will haul it up today. Fred Hammond, a newly dis charged veteran after 24 months overseas spent some time with the E. R. Ruckers. Mrs. Ida Slaughter and Mrs. Lu ella Acock were Walla Walla visit ors Monday. Mrs. Paul Haberlein was operat ed upon last Friday and is getting along nicely Mr. Haberlein came home Sunday morning. Mrs. Sam Smith is quite ill. Mrs. Milton Bailey, Mrs. Ruth Umiker and Mrs. Lee Smith went to' Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. H. W. Grim received her son's things from the Philippines Monday. Sgt Raymond Allen was killed March 8. He was a member of the dismounted cavalry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Cleve of Kennewick and his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rockford of Cedar Rap ids, Iowa were visitors at the Mil ton Bailey home, Monday. Supt. and Mrs. Leroy Darling and Mrs. Joy Smith went to Hepp ner Monday evening to a school meeting there. Arthur Sires has brought his last load of household goods from Hills boro. He purchased the Fred Houghton place and has been here most of the year. Mrs. Stella Phillips and son Don ald Poulson arrived home from Ce dar Rapids, Iowa where they at tended the wedding of her son Glen Poulson. He had just graduated from an advanced school for flyers a few days previous. The Assembly of God church is to entertain the northwest district of Christ's Ambassadors on Nov. 9. in the church here. " Services will be at 2:30 and 6:30 with dinner be tween services. Rev. Trimmer of The Dalles will be the main speak er. The story hour for children Saturday alternoon also singing at 2 p. m. The Harold Formans have moved into the Russell McCoy house.They came from Lewiston, Ida. Ora Thompson has purchased the depot and will move it east of town. Rev. Walter Duff is spending the second week at the Community Community Baptist church. He preaches and illustrates his ser mons with his electrical equipment and had moving pictures last Thursday and Saturday nights. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Case are new renters in the E. E. Rucker house. Mrs. Martha Ferril left Saturday for Portland to spend a few weeks with her daughters, Nina Harris and Lena Wilson. Alice Hoagland accompanied her, returning Mon dav mornine. Leonard Molter of Kennewick scent the week-end with Clarence Rucker. They were together for tViiw vpars in the Pacific area in the Marines. Huldah Cosner spent a week with her parents, the P. D. Cosners Her brother Ray took her back to La Grande Friday. Another sister spent Friday with them. Mrs. Emil spent Friday with them also. Calvin Allen bought some lots east of town and will build a home right away. They have spent sev eral years in a trailer house. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shoun spent Monday in Walla Walla. Robert Brown received a broken arm in the football game Thursday afternoon. Irrigon lost to Echo on the home grounds 36 to 7. Heppner Gazette Times, November s, 1945 3 Mrs. Ida Slaughter and Mrs. Lu ella Acock were in Pendleton last Thursday. Mrs. Ruth Umiker is painting and kalsomining the house she re cently purchased of the W. C. Isoms. Rev. A. B. Turner had his broth er Frank and their father from Ol ympia, Wash, visiting him and the family Tuesday. Clifford Rucker ARMlc of As toria, arrived Wednesday to visit the E. E. Ruckers. He left Thursday. Care of Furniture, Sewing Machine to Be Demonstrated Touch-ups for wood furniture and care of the sewing machine are two demonstrations to be given in November by Miss Grace Gadeken, emergency assistant for Morrow county. The first one is a demon stration designed to give the home maker help in preserving what fur niture she has until the time she can invest in new or until more of good quality is .available. Most homemakers can, with imagination, initiative and effort improve the appearance of the present furniture and add to its life through care, repair and refinishing. Care and adjustment of the sew ing machine will be conducted as a sewing machine clinic. Women who want help will bring the machines to a central place where group and individual instruction will be giv en on cleaning, oiling and adjustng. A sewing machine will last from 58 to 60 years with periodic cleaning and occasional adjustming. Mrs. Myrtle Carter, home dem onstration agent at large, will be in Morrow county two days to assist Miss Gadeken with the sewing ma chine clinic at Boardman Nov. 8 and the furniture demonstration at Lena Nov. 9. Dates for other meet ings during the month will be an nounced later. MEETING CALLED , service board office in the First A meeting of the veterans' as-1 National bank building. Veterans sistance program committee has I desiring assistance of the type of been scheduled for 3 p. m. Wed-1 fere J by the committee may pre nesday, Nov. 14, in the selective I sent their case's at this meeting. ' r) Sorry! So many shoes have come in the past few days we are compelled to announce that no more will be accepted for repairs until November 20 GONTY' S A General Electric Refrigerator IS HERE MODEL J B 7 OPA CEILING PRICE $188.25 Come in and see this first postwar offering Heppner Hard ware 6 Electric Co. VEGETA FRUITS: LES: Peas, Spinach, Asparagus, Baked Beans Raspberries, Blackberries, Black Cherries, Apricots f! Central Market arid Grocery