A Heppner Gazette Times, November 1, 1945 EDITORIAL . . . S300B mim --.. j. i I. ,., .I,,,.. . : s 17 y 'irvt.?.i;i mm An Obligation to Meet Americans responded nobly to seven requests from their government for funds with which to provide the sinews of war. That response backed our fighting forces in winning victory for the Al lied cause, thus preparing the way for what every right thinking person must pray for a lasting peace. Now, with the fighting over, we have an other obligation to meet. We must provide our government with funds necessary to return this nation to a peacetime basis and this involves a staggering sum of money and an incalculable amount of work. Most of us should remember the urgent calls for finances with which to equip and train combat forces, ship them overseas and maintain them better than any other armies in this or any other war. Now that our Fighting Forces have completed the task oF subduing the enemy the big job is to get them home and reestablished in civilian life. That is one job. The care oF hospital cases, oF which there is an essential 400,000 in continental United States alone, is a work that cannot be slighted in the least degree, and aFter release From the hospitals many of them will have to b! trained in diFferent types oF work beFore they can become even partially selF-supporting. In view of these Factors and so many others that no attempt is made to list them it is plain to all of us that we must get on the firing line here at home and put up every cent we have been asked for in the Victory Loan bond campaign. It is an obligation as binding as anything we as in dividuals may be subject to in the form of notes or mortgages. Yes, it is even more binding than that for back of it all is a debt we owe that can not be estimated in terms oF dollars. Money will not restore our loved ones who gave their all, but it can be used to make a better world for those who are returning and the least we can do is make this contribution towards a better world. We should not wait to be called upon by a fi nance solicitor. Our duty is plain, Buy early and put Morrow county back up at the top of Oregon counties in the Victory Loan bond campaign! o- Pretty Kettle of Fish! There is a crying need for houses in Heppner with little that can be done to remedy the situa tion. The fault is not entirly local, either, as the national picture lends more than a little influ ence, what with the lumber strikes and other brakes upon reconversion. It is not likely that suffering will result from the housing shortage other than the town may ho mining a growth of population. Not a day passes that we do not hear about someone wish ing to locate here if living quarters can be found. We do not know whether they would be better off elsewhere but it would be a source of satisfaction if we were able to offer suitable housing to them. Perhaps when employers and employees come to an agreement and industry once more gets into motion there will be a revival of some of the building proposals here. As pointed out before, an extensive growth in population necessarily calls for an increased water supply. This matter still claims the attention of the mayor and council and it is likely that something will be done about it when labor is more plentiful. Two proposals are under consideration, boring a new well to augment the present supply or construction of a reservoir to hold more of the present supply in re serve. Reconstruction of the pipe line for several miles up Willow creek would conserve a lot of wa ter that now leaks out through the old pipes. But this started out to be a housing article and in conclusion it is pertinent to remark that our problem is not to be confused with the wea ther situation as Mark Twain viewed it, because something can be done about housing if we put our minds to it. HAS MASTOID OPERATION Claire Corwin, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Corwin, un derwent a mastoid operation Fri day in Portland. The operation was successful but the thing that hurt Claire most was the fact that the surgeon shaved her head for a con siderable area around the incision. Her hair is her pride and joy and this liquidation of her tresses, as it were, is the chief discomfort of her hospital tenure. Mr. and Mrs. Cor win took Claire to Portland Thurs day and after an examination the physician ordered the child to the hospital. Mr. Corwin remained un til satisfied that Claire was doing all right and returned to Heppner. Mrs. Corwin remained in the city to be with the little girl and accom pany her home. Claire will be in the hospital for another week at least. Harold Smith of Natchez, Wash spent the week-end in Heppner at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith. :uiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiimiiiiiiii -o- Good Team Creates Interest Heppner high school's football team has made a creditable record up to date and is one of the outstanding squads of this section of the state. The home games have drawn good attendance and with the boys winning the contests it has not been difficult for the cash customers to cheer lustily. In other towns where the writer has lived there have been organizations of town groups whose purpose was to support the high school teams. Known as the "dwntown quarterbacks" or a similar title, these groups of business men have lent spontaneous support to the school ath letic activities while in no wise attempting to run the show. When the teams were playing else where substantial numbers of the "quarterbacks" went along to back them up. At home they turn ed out en masse to support them. Generally at the conclusion of the winter sports program a banquet was staged by the organization at which time awards were made and a general good time was provided for teams and club. Such an organization cou'd orove beneficial here. It not only would lend support to the ath letics but would serve tu establish a closer rela tionship between the high school and the business people and others of the community. 1 I HDFAST Mr. and Mrs. Will Ball are spend ing a month's vacation in Portland. Mr. Ball is employed at Central Market and Grocery. Bulb Clearance To clear out the odds and ends of bulbs I have made up three un named assortments:- r?o. 1, value at least $1.00 79c No. 2, value at least $2.00 $1.49 No. 3, value at least $4.00 $2.79 Bulbs include daffodils, narcissi. 2rocus, scilla, tulips, and iris, and ire in first-class condition. One of these assortments will be ideal for that corner you can see from your kitchen window or for a cemetery lot. You can plant them in a few minutes and they will bloom in increasing numbers year after year. RACHEL DICK, FLORIST Phone 2502 13 TOPS I M THE 1 L H. CROWS A wartime worker I needs every bit of 5 energy which a - nutritious m e d I supplies. Stop in before your regu- lar shift and go to work prepared to deliver a big day's work. 1 HEPPNER I I CAFE I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m, Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner, Ore, OREGON VICTORY QUEEN VICTORY LOAM DRIVE Official Entry Application MAIL TO VICTORY QUEEN CONTEST COMMITTEE IN YOUR TOWN (It no committee in your mwn j SOTBTThta application signifies your attention of competing in the Victory Queen Contest "i HEREBY SUBMIT MY APPLICATION FOR CANDIDATE IN THE I HUCKJ.X OREGON VICT0RY QUEEN CONTEST Before yon can become an OFFICIAL ENTRY, 'ballots representing $5000 (cost pC In B bond sales must be cast in your name . . . by you your Wends or oration sponsoring you. Ballot, will be handed to bond buyer, by all Issuing agents during the contest. T AMB ADDRESS CITY ..PHONE..... ...COTTNTY.. Name of Sponsor if any. Forsythe Flying Service Lexington Airport Charter Flights Pleasure Rides Phone 1042 Heppner for Information 1 Sgt Vivian White Weds Utah Girl Belated news of the marriage of S Sgt Vivisn White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil White of Pilot Rock reached this office early this week. His marriage to Miss Clara June Scott of Salt Lake City, Utah, was an event of July 6 and took place in the Yuba county courthouse, Marysville, Calif., with a "pleasant, robust" justice of the peace per forming the double ring ceremony. Miss Leona Reynolds, cousin of the bride, accompanied her from Salt Lake and was her only attendant. The Whites are residing at 127 Dal ton Manor, Benicia, Calif. Sgt. White has been making con siderable progress in poetrv and song writing in recent years. His latest achievement was publication of a song, "No Time to Spare", do ing both the words and music. While this is the first song he has had published it is not the first he has written. He has been market ing more and more poetry of late. as well, and is making quite a name for himself in this field. His poems have been widely printed in ro deo and weather publications. Sgt White entered the service Jan. 5, 1942 and was 27 years of age Sunday. Emmet Hu?hfs was in TTonrmor o ' " - the past week-end having come from his home in McMinnville to hunt in Morrow countv. Hp whs able to take a deer home with him. A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. 0. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon N. Schmaltz & Sons Peters Bldg., Heppner Roofing and Siding Contractors and Applicators For Information write Box 726, Heppner, or Phone 83, Condon 0. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes Built or Remodeled Phone 1483 415 Jones St.. HEPPNER. OREGON Blaine E. Isom AH Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore.. 0?sr Fur Felicias Cover loss against Fire, Theft, Ac cidental damage and many other hazards, anywhere, at all times. TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus-, sion, please bring before the Council J. 0. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accounting Service Member National Association Tax Accountants Heppner, Oregon of HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES X- H,epner Gazette, established irui ou, iooj. me Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidate VaU is into' o ii. t . . io uu. Published every Thursday and en- lerea ai me rost Ullice at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class, matter. Subscription Price $2.50 a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor