Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 01, 1945, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Heppner Gazette
i.'ommuea ironi jirst faee
A Washington license plate was
fn use when the car was found but
this is said to have displaced a Cal
ifornia license. The car was stolen
at Gold-mdalc.
The third man in the jail break
ing party was Charles Ronning of
Duluth, Minn., wh owas apprehen
ded by state police near Boardman.
Ronning was in the act of stripping
parts from a car when arrested.
Justico A. E. Chaffee of Boardman
sentenced him to 10 days in the
county jail in order to hold him for
The prisoners fashioned a make
shift wrench from a small rod re
moved from the jail toilet. With
this they loosened .bolts holding
iron bars over the cell ventilators.
Had they not been slight men they
still could not have gotten out of
the cells. Once out of the cells their
next task was to get out of the
jail proper and this they proceed
ed to do in a manner which re
moves any doubt about their being
experts. They first tried to spring
the outer door of the jail but failed,
except to bend it so it will not close
tightly. They then turned their at
tention to the ceiling and this prov
ed the way out for them. The jail
toilet sits in the corner. It is an
early model with the flush box
near the ceiling. The sheetiron
ceiling was not difficult to remove
and they tore enough away to per
mit one of them to work at the
outside covering which was of the
same material. The roof stringers
Times. November '1, 1945
" I from Brawley, Calif., Mr. Frank
-oft -pn ton of the stone wall and , . oj,,j u: discharge from
U1C SI1CCUIUU vun.a v- "I
the ends of the stringers from the
stone to the roof. Only men of
small stature could figure on
'vormirg thrir vay to freedom
through a hole about nine or 10
incne3 by 12 inches.
It is stated that the escapees at
tempted to run off with the Jack
O'Connor car which was parked on
Court street in. front of the Court
apartments. The car door was un
locked but ignition "and steering
wheel were locked. They left the
door open and the car was quite
badly rain soaked. Farther north
on Court street Russell Wright's
pickup was parked with the keys
in it. Wright had returned from
Pendleton Monday evening and
left the keys in the car so that
Orel Wright could drive it to the
garage tne next morning to worK
on it. I t developed Wednesday
morning that Orel did not find the
car and police officials are of the
belief that this was the vehicle
the escapees used to get them to
Arlington, where, apparently, they
decided to ride in better style and
appropriated a Chevrolet sedan, or
at least that was what they were
driving when caught at Baker.
Information received by Sheriff
Mollahan this morning was that
FBI agents were taking the trio to
to Portland today to be examined
on federal charges.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Frank
returned to Heppner last week
Sgt. Guy Moore has been dis
charged from the U. S. army and
his family at Athenj.
! Guy received the discharge papers
the Marine corps. He is working
with Mrs. Frank's father, Harry
Tamblyn, engaged in road work at Guy received tne aiscnarge . " h Athena soil.
TCinTiio . in Texas while enroute to Okinawa. . some of that ricn
He has rented a farm near Athena
and the former member of the 8th
fy. t?w v-V v- two' years in
Poland is harry to bp. engaged in
riding a grain drill and seeding
Ready for Winter
Ready for Winter?
No pulling or tug.iins.-.the
Young set will like the easy
snug fit of these winter
rroof galoshes with warm
fleece linigs. Two snaps.
Child's Slip-on Boot Style
The Height of Comfort in
Rubber Arctics
It's easy to slip into these
four buckle arctics. You'll
find perfect protection and
comfort in the smooth fit.
Men's 15-inch
Hand Lasted
Union Mad . .
Western Made . .
Sizes 30 to 48
Union Made
Show Starts at 7:30. Matinees Every Sunday, 1 p. m. 3 p. m.
In compliance with the Federal Tax Requirement. Children's Admission, apply
only to those under the legal age of 12.
Selected Short Subjects With All Progfraraa
Friday-Saturday, November 2-3
Molly and Me
Gracie Fields, Monty Woolley,
Roddy McDowell
A. picture that will long be remembered by
your heart! Laughs with a new twist, songs
with a new lilt. PLU?
Beyond the Pacos
Rod Cameron, Fuzzy KnI-ht, Eddie Drew,
Jennifer Holt
Sunday-Monday, November 4-5
Without Love
Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Lucille
Ball, Keenan Wynn. Carl Esmond, Patri
cia Morison
Tuesday, November 6
Paul Muni, Marguerite Chapman,
Larry Parks
A dramatic story cf heroism.
Wcdncsdi y-Thuisday, November 7-3
Thousand and One Nights
Co ncl Wilde, Evelyn Kcyes, Phil Silvers,
Adele Jergens, Dusty Andersen
The Technicolor story of Aladdin and his
wonderful Vamp . . . a rare and delightful
blend 01 tantasy and satire.
Enter the Victory Loan Queen
Contest sponsored by the Motion
Picture Theaters and the Newspa-
Comedy it is, with direction, story, periorm- 1 i- 1 f n,n,nn
ance and witty dialogue leaving nothing to per Publishers or Uregon
a fire under it!
Now's the time to send that quota boiling
up over the top !
It's the way we can help to clinch victory ...
and make it secure.
Meeting our quota is the personal responsi
bility of each of us. Do your share . . . back up
our Government for a prosperous, brighter
future . . . buy more Bonds . . . bigger Bonds
in the Victory Loan !
0,1 - "
- M
fUi It ttt official ttJ. TVrar7 drcrtlsement-prepared under the tajplew of Treasury Department and Adrtftbfaf OosadL