Heppner Gazette Times, October 25, 1945 7 HAVE SOME WORRY Comes now that chary Scotts man George Aiken, director of the state budget, advising the gover nor's tax study committee that the departments dependent upon the general fund for support will re quest about $12, 400,000 more than estimated revenues during the next two bienniums. We, like many others, are not allergic to cashing in on that trite old phrase "I told you so." Dur ing the last legislative session this column carried a prediction of state financial stress. When figures on state income tax revenues and liquor profits of normal years are compared with present day expen ditures with the tangents of infla tion or depression periods. "Fol lowing publication there were Amens from some of the state's best fussbudgets and budget fus sers. Neophyte legislators told us in no stage whispers we were crossing .bridges that were away off yonder. Senator Walker, gener alissimo of the potent joint ways and means committee left the bud get moaners bench to tell us how right we were. Governor Earl Snell sent a two-page hallelujah letter. lip Sez Hurry for that box of body powder Chateau du Pare, Lily of the Valley, Lilac, Rose, Carna tion, Apple Blossom. $1 Value While they last 59c Gordon's Drug Store John Saager, Owner Now, less than three months af ter victory, the "anvthins can hap pen" days are here. Inflation ten dencies are mushrooming, the cost of government is zooming and the government is zooming and the state budget director is singing our theme song. I told you so! PAYROLLS SLIPPING Oregon's industrial Davroll is down nearly ten million dollars rrom the figures of one year ago, a drop of 20 percent. Payrolls of firms covered by the state industrial ac cident commission totaled .$41,289 ,262 in September, comrjared with $45,885,689 in August, and $50, 263,- 527 in September 1944. BANKRUPT'S TAXES A person who is bankrupt is not relieved of paying taxes levied by the state or any of its subdivisions. This includes county city and dis trict taxes and all special taxes and licenses of any levied taxes nature. This opinion, written by Justice Kelly and just handed down by the Oregon supreme court, re verses a Polk county circuit court ruling which relieved a bankrupt from paying overdue contributions, interest and penalties accrued un der the terms of the workmen's compensation act. TO ALTER GI TUITIONS Governor Earl Snell has request ed United States Senator Guy Cor don to support amendments to the law which will prohibit charging non-resident fees for resident vet erans at our schools of higher learning. In his message to Senator Cordon the governor said; "As you recall, the original G. I. bill contained a clause permitting schools to charge non-resident tuition for resident veterans. It seems to me that will be mighty difficult to justify this additional charge even though the veteran's money is furnished by the federal government. I strongly favor the . amendment which would eliminate any such possibility. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OPINIONS GIVEN Small loan companies are for bidden from collecting extra fees in making loans, such as mortgage lateral . . . When an out-of-state fees when property is used for col resident applies for a loan in Ore gon, the Oregon law applies ... A county court cannot use money for funds other than the welfare fund for public assistance. This prevents the use of emergency funds . . . The expenses of board and room if necessarily incurred by the vet eran in order to enable him or her to attend an educational institution will be allowable under the Oregon tributing to the delinquency of a laws. . . . Persons accused of con minor may be tried by county courts. The' judge, however, can not send a person convicted in the county court to the penitentiary. BILLION IN PROPERTY The taxable property in Oregon is $1,084,558,171.87, just where it was in 1925 but not up to the all time high of over $1,125,000,000 in 1930. Of the $1,084,558,171.87 worth of taxable property in Oregon, $400,883,643 worth is in Multno mah county. Next to Multnomah in taxable valuation is Lane county with $53,512,494.52, while Umatilla is third with $50,311,087.48 and Marion is fourth with $44,607,276.92 on tax rolls. Twenty-five years ago the tax rolls of the state were around the $9,000,000,000 mark. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottlos of theWILLARD TREATMENT have been sold for reliof of symptoms of distress arising fromStomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc duo to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully explains this treatment free at GORDON'S DRUG STORE Dance Willows Grange Hall IONE OREGON Saturday Evening OCT. 27 GOOD MUSIC lone Cardinals Supper Served at Midnight Everybody Welcome Admission 50c, Tax 10c, Total 60c I i i pi New low rates give Then price drops to nal savings her, only iy,o KWH. Next you have this big block of KWH available for any purpose at the very low rata f only 810 of a cent per KWH (you can use 600 KWH, at this rate, for just $3.60.) Here's a bargain electric rate tailor-made to fit your increasing use of electric servants in the home and on the farm. Like the remarkable and soon-to-be-available electric ap pliances, this "All-Purpose" rate is designed to meet your specific needs. You get electricity at lower and lower quantity discount prices as, your use increases. (See chart above) The "All-Purpose" rate makes It more economical than ever for you to enjoy electric cooking, watei! heating, refrigeration and improved lighting in fact, the whole array of electrical conveniences. Plan now to mr.ke full use of this amazingly lowj 'Vil-Pur;:ose" rate! PACIFIC. POWER &L -Your Business-Managea power sysrem-