-n O Boss'n Mahon Sees Action Over Wide Area of Pacific Mrs. Joe Mahon Sr. is in receipt Of a COmmuTMrainr. t 1 - t i rrn uuui jier son, John Thomas Mahon, BM3c, telling uK pan nls smp) tne neavy cru iser U. S. S. Portland, played in the drama of Japanese surrender. The vesel, under command of Capt Lyman A. Thackery, U. S. N. with Vice-Admiral George D. Murray, U. S. N., Commander Marianas, acting in behalf of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, U. S. N. Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific fleet, on Sept. 2 ac cepted the surrender of all Japan ese held islands under the com mand of Senior Japanese Imperial forces based at Truk Atoll, Caro line Island. The mighty Portland, dubbed by -the crew as the "Sweet Pea," is listed as having" narti tr ill 0 "xcjux aea Datties in the Pacific area, playing an important role in the job of eliminating the Japanese navy. Her operations began at the Coral Sea, May 8, 1942 and culmi nated with the Okinawa Shima as sault, March 21- June 17, 1945. Young Mahon has served on the Portland for 36 months and has earned 11 battle stars. DISCHARGED FROM NAVY Bernard Lyle Cox, aviation ma chinist mate, first class, has been discharged from the U. S. navy, along with a large class of men from the state of Oregon. He is the son of Elbert L. Cox of Heppner. Heppner Gazette Times, October 25, 1945 5 COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER, 1945 The minutes of the August term were read and approved. The Court agrees to match funds up to the amount of $250.00 with the sheepmen of Morrow County for the purpose of furnising gas and oil for the trappers cars. The Court orders the cancellation , of all County Warrants that were mothan seven years old on July The Court orders the payment of the following Bangs' Disease claim: William E. Hughes, $24.00. The Court orders the amount of $3,737.56 transferred from the Mar ket Road Fund to the General Road fund. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following County property: Lot2, Block 15, West, Section 25, Township 5 North, Range 26 E. W. M. for the minimum price of $25.00, cash. Lots 1 and 2 in Block "0" of Royse Second Addition to the town of Hardman, for the mini mum price of $10, cash. Lot 22 in Block 10 of Mt. Ver non's Addition to the City of Heppner, for the minimum price of $25.00, cash. "WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes, Dep. Sal. $120.20 Frances Mitchell, dep sal 119.60 Adell Forster, dep sal 108.50 Marie Barlow, dep sal 120.20 Sadie Parrish, Supt. Asst 50.90 J. O. Archer, janitor 101.00 Dr. A. D. McMurdo phys. 25.00 Susie W. Miller. Ct reporter 33.33 P. A. Mollahan, Sheriff 46.00 41.60 49.60 11.00 2.50 6.15 38.70 5.00 IONE MAN DISCHARGED Harold L. Buchanan, aviation metalsmith, third class, was dis charged from the U. S. Navy Oct. 18 with a large class of Oregon men at the naval separation center at Bremerton navy . yard. Buchan an is from lone. State Ind. Acrid Comm Sher $3.00; Sher Sal .31 331 Martin T. Pratt, Sher. jail, 2325 Gazette Times, Offic Pub. 38 70 Sunt. 2.05: rac. iei & Tel Co. Current Exnense Pac Power & Light Co, Court House A. E. Simmons Sunt Lulu M. Hager, Health (Em- ergency; State Dept. of Agri, District Sealer West Coast Printing & Bind Co. Treas.. $1.35; Clerk, $23.60; Assessor $13.75; Children's Farm Home, Juv Court William E. Hughes, Bangs Dis ease control 24.00 P. W. Mahoney, Dist Atty 2360 West Coast Printing & Binding Co. Dist Atty. . 7 00 Pac. Stationery & Printing Co., Clerk 7.8O Margaret Gillis, Co nurse 133.85 C. W. Barlow, Co clerk, Cur rent expense $3.00; Court House $1.17 4.17 L. D. Neill, County Court 60.23 Bert Johnson, County Court 8.55 First Nalt Bank Portland, With ' holding Tax 213.92 Bert Johnson, Judge, General Assistance 158 60 P. A. Mollahan, Stamps & En velopes 75.00 Bert Johnson, Current Exp 1.00 Martin T. Pratt, Sheriff , Jail expense " 20.25 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Assistance $467.20; Dep Child ren 48.40; Blind Assistance $11.40 527.00 A. B. Chaffee, Justice of Peace Justice Court S. C. Russell Justice Court W. W. Bechdolt Justice Court Mike Healy, Justice Court Ronald Black Justice Court Eldon Shannon, Justice Ct Clyde Tannehill, Justice Ct Ernest Knopp, Justice Ct Roy Patrlow, Justice Ct Mrs. Roy Partlow, Justice Ct Mrs. Paul Partlow, Justice Lt Florence Ely, Dep Sher WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND E. A. Kelly Chas. Williams Frank Nixon Walter Gilman Harold Wilson Austin Wilson A. J. Chaffee E. S. Hunf W. Cunningham Wm. Harrison Dean Gilmon Robert Taylor H. Sherer M. V. Nolan Harry Quackenbush Robert S. Wilson Adam Knoblock Paul Tessman Don Hill Hodge Chevrolet Co Shell Oil Ci Jackson Implement Co Bacus Radiator Service City of Heppner Rosewall Motor Co Union Oil Co. Union Oil Co Hermiston, Jack Allen Supply Co. Heppner Garage Gamble Store Dealer Bert Mason Nelson Equipment Co City of Hepp. Water dept Columbia Equipment Co Pac Power & Light Co State Industrial Accid Comm First Natl Bank of Portland Tress McClintock Braden Tractor & Equip. Co Feenaughty Mach Co Jackson Implement Co WARRANTS DRAWN ON Joseph Baltrenas. Rod Fund Carl McDaniel 121.98 55.02 101.32 179.52 163.45 83.51 22.47 5.99 26.95 2.99 37.85 54.80 23.23 9.00 56.83 117.16 368.39 9.90 20.15 27.30 21.90 2.35 35.70 3.40 61.51 10.72 55.12 149.10 23.54 11.53 8.44 12.16 25.00 25.00 GAMBLE'S CREST DELUXE TIRES 6.00 x 16 size $13.95 plus tax . Other sizes now available All Guaranteed Gamble's guaranteed CAR BATTERIES $6.95 exchange New Stock Radio Batteries and Power Pak Radio Batteries Phone 1282 Conley Lanham, Owner 8.70 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 119.90 180.84 86.20 29.85 125.70 74.03 150.77 174.45 134.14 180.84 TO PAYS? r YOURS for ACCURACY and DEPENDABILITY two essentials in filling your PRESCRIPTIONS Gordon's Drug Store John Saager, Owner Along the Union Pacific Strategic Middle Boat, uniting the East with the Pacific Coast, stretches a vast network of telephone and telegraph wires. Over these wires go orders controlling movement of all trains. To insure efficient and safe operation, extreme care must be taken in transmit ting. For example, the Union Pacific "book of rules" gives the following instructions for the transmittal of train orders by tele phone . . . "time will be spelled and then pronounced, thus: t-w-o t-e-n 2:10 pm." Tft MOGklSSIVl UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Union Pacific's efficient operation has been developed throughout seventy-six years ol service to the nation in peace and in wax; A tremendous amount of "know how" ham been accumulated during those many years. In the postwar era when trave. conditions have returned .to normal, you can continue to depend on Union Pacific for dependable transportation ... for the utmost in rail travel comfort and enjoyment.