8 Heppner Gazette Times, October 18, 1945 CATCHES TWO SALMON . M. L. Case caught up with his while on a fishing trip with his son fishing in a big way last week Allen. The local furniture dealer landed two big salmon on the Ne halem river, one of which was eat en on the trip. Allen is kippering the other for his father. Mr. Case returned to Heppner Tuesday morning accompanied by another son, Harold, and they have gone to the John Day section in quest of deer. If M. L. kills a buck his cup will be running over, and we don't mean perhaps. NORMAN GRIFFIN RETURNS Norman Griffin called his father, Phil Griffin, Tuesday afternoon to let him know that the former pris oner of war is once more on home soil. Norman is at San Francisco and stated that he will be coming horre soon. P. H. Cosner of Irrigon was in the county seat today paying up his taxes for the year. Mr. Cosner is a comparative newcomer in the county having come from La Grande last April. He made a friendly call at the Gazette Times office and saw to it that he will receive the great family journal hereafter because he said he felt the only way to become acquainted with his new environs was to fead the county paper regularly (and of course we agree with him.) Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones and son Bob, and Mrs. David Wilson are in Portland this week. They went down Wednesday afternoon and while gone expect to tako in the Oregon State-Washington foot ball game in Portland Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz and son Len Eay are in the moun tains this week in search of the e.usive deer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knox of Portland are visiting in Heppner this week while doing some hunt ing. Mrs. Knox is a niece of Mrs. Sara McNamer. J. M. Ezell, auditor for the State Industrial accident commission will be at Hotel Heppner for three veeks. Farmers and others con cerned can contact him there. Mrs. John Hiatt, Mrs. Oscar RipT pee and son, and SK3c Hubert Gai ly were in Pendleton on Wednes day atteding to business matters. Mr. Gaily will return to his base in San Francisco on Monday. Clarence Hayes is due to arrive home today with an honorable dis charge from the II. S. Marines. Harlan McCurdy, Jr. telephoned his wife and family from Boston the past week. Harlan has been in Germany with the army of occu pation until just recently. He ex pects to be in Heppner very soon. L. Stewart, father of Mrs. A. V. Wright, was operated on in Pen dleton the first of the week. He will have to remain in the hospital for another week at least, but his condition is satisfactory at the pre sent writing. Octob C! er Star Reporter . . Group No. 1 Women's Leather Handbags Reduced to 2.00 Group No. 2 Women's Handbags Reduced to Q0 ea ranee Reduced INFANTS BONNETS To Clear at 10c 2 Only INFANTS CARRIAGE SETS I CfN Reduced to Group of Fall LADIES HATS Reduced to 50c $1 . . $2 Patentex Non-Rationed SANDALS Reduced to 75c , Sizes 10 to 2 Little Boys' WASH SUITS To Clear . . . . 1.00 FBIDAY-SATTODAY, OCTOBER 19-20 THREE CABALLEROS Walt Disney's newest idea: real people and Disney characters on the screen together in a least of beauty, laughter and Rainbow Technicolor PLUS Charles Starrett western "Both Barrels Blazin' " STTNDAY-MONIjAY, OCTOBER 21-22 Billy Hose's DIAMOND HORSESHOE Betty OraMe, Dick Haymes, Phil Silvers, William Gaxton A lavish musical loaded with entertaainment values and all in Technicolor splendor. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 ADVENTURES OF RUSTY Td Donaldson, Margaret Lindsay, Conrad Nagel, Gloria Holden, "Ace" A grand story of a boy and his dog. PLUS PENTHOUSE RHYTHM A pleasing succession of songs and dances. Reduced to Clear! Young Men's SPORT COATS.... , $5 Size 36 1 only SPORT JACKET Reduced to $4.00 Reduced to Clear! BOYS SHIRT & . PANTS SETS........ I.OU Sizes 12 and 14 Odd Lots MEN'S SWEATERS to Reduced to ..... . . . Not All Sizes See our Reduced rack of Ready-to-Wear DRESSES, GIRLS JACKETS JERKIN SUIT NOTICE TO HUNTERS Non-Rationed ALL RUBBER BOOTS 1 5 inches high, Lace front aQ Sizes 6 to 11 WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24-25 AFFAIRS OF SUSAN Joan Fontaine, George Brent, Dennis O'Xeefe, Walter Abel, Don Before, Mary rma, Alia ounnson This swell comedy is a delight from start to finish. T GRAIN BINS FOR SALEr Bids are being received NOW on all grain bins under our control in Morrow County erected or un erecrcd on WHERE IS and AS IS basis. Bids given preference in order re ceived. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. MAKE US A BID (Any quantity) Full specifications and locations supplied on application. Morrow County Agricultural Conservation Association Henry Baker, Pres. Heppner, Oregon m IBIlMiiiiiyiii IMMEDIATE DELIVERY On trie following Firestone tires. 4:50 x 21 Passenger 5:50 x 17 Passenger 5:50 x 18 Passenger 6:00 x 16 Passenger 6:50 x 16 Passenger 6:50 x 15 Passenger 6:00 x 20 Truck 6:50 x 20 Truck 7:00 x 20 Truck 7:50 x 20 Truck 6:50 x 15 Truck 6:00 x 16 Truck 7:00 x 17 Truck 50 x 20 Non Fric- tional tires that are ration free. Bring your fire certificates to us for quick service Rosewa Co mm p any Your FIRESTONE Dealer otor I