CHURCHES CHURCH of IONE COOPERATIVE a. is. Waddell, Pastor Bible school 10 a. m. WorshlD service 11 n. m Junior Christian Endeavor 7 r. m. Praise and preaching service 8 ociock p. m. Bible study 8 p. m. Tuesdays HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor 'Bible School 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian. Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening service 8 o'clock.' Sub Midweek service 7:30 p. m. Wed xiesday. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor acnedule of Services: HeDDner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and 4th bundavs. Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri lav 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays: Sundays. 8:15.8:55 a. m Mass at 9 a. m. on fifth Sunday in Heppner only. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Church school 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion 11 a. m. Wednesday: Holy Communion 10 a. m. At 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m in the parish house, classes of deep spiritual instruction will be held. Bring your Biblt, notebook and friends. God has placed the spirit of Christ within our hearts Christ is the power of God within us, greater than the atomic bomb. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Subject: "Dynamos." Evening service 8 . o'cock. Sub ject: I'd Meet Life's Requirements. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's Service 6:30 p m, Evening service 8:00 p. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD IONE Rev. R. L. Castleman, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Children's church 7:30 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Wednesdays, Christ's Ambassa dors 8 p. m. Friday afternoons, Ladies pray er band. MISSIONARY TO SPEAK Mrs. Moon, missionary from Ja maica, will speak on her work at social meeting to be held after noon and evening, Wednesday, Oct. 24. An invitation has been extend- CLAYTON DAVIS HOME Clayton Davis, recently released as a prisoner of war by the Japan ese, is back in the States and ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gray at Stanfield Sunday. He has a 30-day leave and then reports to the naval hospital at Corvallis. He is in fairly good health, it is reported. Prevent a Cold by using Vacagen Cold Tablets -the oral vaccine Nip a cold in the bud and avoid use less suffering and loss of time from business or social duties. GORDON'S DRUG STORE JOHN SAAGER, Owner BOARPMAN NEWS By Maxine Ely Cla-erce Nelson, section foreman at Messner got his leg crushed by a fallen rail and was taken to The Dalles hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Molly Earwood of Idaho is visiting at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ear wood. Lolla Garner spent the week end in Walla Walla visiting her mother, Mrs. Inez Garner and her sister, Mrs. W. A. Reed. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob McLean and son Gene are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Duelen. McLean was recently discharged from the army. Mr. and Mrs. George Linn and Mr. and Mrs. Debs Beaver motor ed to Walla Walla Saturday. Frank Johnson is visiting on the project. Mrs. Tim Rippee spent the week-end visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Connor and family in Heppner. Marion Pearson arrived home from the Walla Walla hospital Sun day. She is recovering from an appendectomy. H. E. C. met at the home of Mrs. Lehman last Thursday. Fourteen members were present. Potluck was served at noon and Miss Grace Gadeken gave a demonstration and talk. Geoerge Daniels motored down to The Dalles Saturday to visit his wife who is in the hospital there. He reports that Mrs. Daniels is improving. Heppner Gazette Times, October 18, 19453 Mrs. Charles Stoltnow returned home from The Dalles hospital Sunday. Ralph Skoubo returned home last week. He recently receivd a discharge from the air corps, home from Walport where she had Mrs. Edith Hendricks returned been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley of Fos sil visited on the project last week end. Pvt. John Partlow is spending a furlough with his wife and child ren Susan and Johnny Jay. Lexington Items By MBS. MABY EDWABDS Mrs. S. G. McMillan returned Sunday from Lewiston, Ida. where she had been visiting relatives. She attended the golden wedding an niversary of her sister while there Miss Marjory Miller of Portland spent the week-end at the George Peck home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck have arrived home. Kenneth was recent ly given his discharge from the navy and plans on taking over the ranch. The ladies of the Rebekah lodge were hostesses last Thursday for a shower honoring Mrs. George Bye. She received many beautiful gifts. Refreshments of jello, cook ies and coffee were served. Clayton Davis has arrived at Stanfield and is at the Gene Gray home. Clayton was a prisoner of the Japs for nearly four years. A. F. Majeske and A. M. Edwards were business visitors in Condon Ism J Keep livestock healthy Standard Sheen Din is "5 list thf tirlrpf" i r - ---- to keep your livestock thriving ! Con trols parasites, destroys germs. Safe to use in proper dilution on animals (ex. cept cats) and poultrv as often as desired. A round out your farm sanitation, use Standard Super-Germite. Nine times as strong as pure carbolic acid it's the ideal disin fectant for pens, chutes, sheds, barns when properly diluted. L. E. DICK Phone 622 QDQCB (SO 0OQPGKDO Sunday. Lyle Allen is spending the week in Portland visiting relatives. Mrs. W. E. McMillan was tiostess to a party for her granddaughter Charlene Jones' third birthday. Charlene is visiting here from Yakima. The afternoon was spent playing games after which refresh ments were served. The table was very pretty with a lace cloth, cake, favors of candy and small red flags. Many of the mothers attend ed and they spent the afternoon visiting. Those attending were: Ro byn and Kay Yarnell, Laddie Hen-' cicison, Carol and Joe Palmer, Cal ol Messenger, Janice Martin, Larry and Bobby Fetsch, Johnnie McMil lan, Barbara Grant and Charlene Jones. Mrs. Howard Evans was taken to the hospital in. Pendleton by ambulance Tuesday afternoon. JUST ARRIVED! 80 NEW DRESSES V ?ty;;lftW DRESSES tUXt" Attlt CtOrUA UHUl ofj&fe, 4.98 Are you a clubwoman, a party girl, or do you like to hug the fireside? No matter, we've the kind of dresses that will suit your way of life! Dresses with a business-like tailored way about them, dressy rayon crepes and sheers or pinafores for stay-at-homes! Rayon gabardines and wool-and-rayon combinations in an assortment of styles in black and the new winter colors. New Arrivals in Austelle Frocks Sizes 9 to 44 Othtr Drtssts 7.9 m K m m m m m wm mm u a w mm m mmm. t Ml mi call for just the kind of groceries you will find at this market. Be right in stylebuy Central Market foods and know you are always getting the best. Central Market and Grocery