2 Heppner Gazette Times, October 18, 1945 IONE NEWS NOTES By Mm. Echo Falmateer The twin babies, Shirley Lorene and Stanley Eugene, born to Mr. and Mrs. John Botts at Yakima Oct. 7 died the following day. Fu neral services were conducted Oct. 11 at the Assembly of God church here with Rev. R. L. Castleman officiating. Mrs. Bernice Harris left for Portland this week to spend a few days. Mrs. John Ransier was called to Spokane on account of her mother being ill. The Social meeting of the Topic club will be held at the home of Mrs. Victor Rietmann Oct. 27, with Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mrs. Agnes Wilcox and Mrs. Rietmann as hostesses. The high school held a bonfire rally Wednesday night, Oct. 10 Iprior to the first home game of football which was played Friday with Pilot Rock. The visitors won, 33 to 7. ' A demonstration by Miss Grace Gadeken, emergency home dem onstration agent for Morrow coun ty, will be held at the Congrega tional church parlor beginning at 1:30 p. m. Oct. 23. The topic will be "Sugar Stretchers." Everyone is invited to attend. Sgt. Tommy Everson has been moved to McChord Field in Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Castleman and children Raymond and Sally of Oswego visited at the home of Mr. Castleman's parents. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Castleman, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Al Alplanalp of Portland visited at the Herbert Ekstrom home. Mrs. Alplanalp is a sister of Mr. Ekstrom. While hunt ing, Mr. Alplanalp was fortunate in getting a deer. Those ill in the hospital at The Dalles are Eric Bergstrom and Paul O'Meara. Both will be able to come home soon. The Maranatha society met Sat urday at the home of Mrs. Walter Cor ley, with Mrs. LeRoy Turner as hostess. There were nine mem bers and three guests present. Mrs. Mary Austin and Mrs. W. Went worth became members of the so ciety. It was decided to have a miscellaneous sale at" the Congre gational church parlor Nov. 10. It will be during the afternoon and everyone is urged to bring some thing for the sale. After the busi ness meeting jello, cake and coffee were served by the hotess.. Guests at the Mrs. Mary Swan son home over the week-end were her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson, and children of Portland, her son-in-law, Elmo McMillan of Salem and Al Neimi of Portland. The annual meeting of the Mid Columbia association of the Con gregational Christian church was held at the Cooperative Church of lone Friday with delegations from Condon, Freewa'ter, .Hood River, Lexington and The Dalles. A pro gram was held in the afternoon consisting of a conference hour and busiess of the association. i Dinner was served at the Mason i ic hall at 6 o'clock by the ladies of ' the lone church and over 100 peo ple participated. Following the din . ner an address was given by Rev. Everett C. Blake of Izmir, Turkey. He told many interesting things about Turkey, having been a mis : sionary there for a number of years. The choir of the Cooperative church sang a couple of songs. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen re turned from Portland Saturday where they purchased a Plymouth coupe. Mr. and Mrs. David North of Prr( IcmH cnfnt. fiat.urdav with Mrs. ! Steena Shleevoight who is Mr. North s step-mother. Mr. and Mrs. David Craber and Mrs. Bessie Cook of Independence spent a couple of days last week visiting Mrs. Ada Cannon. Mrs. Cannon is a sister of Mr. Craber and Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Lana Padberg left Monday for Portland. The grange will hold their regu lar meeting Oct. 20. A very inter esting program is being planned to which the public is invited. The date of the lone P-TA has been changed to Oct. 24, at 8 p. m. at the school house. Truman and Pete Cannon of Portland visited their mother, Mrs. Ada Cannon over the week-end. W. Wentworth has purchased two Wc nf Mrs. Marv Swanson and will 'build a garage there later. Donald Heliker. killed a cougar in the mountains on Ditch creek while deer hunting. It weighed 148 pounds and measured BVz feet. Guests at the Ransier home are Mr and Mrs. E. O. Simmons of Keiso, Wash., Dr. and Mrs. Menal and Bill Menal of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stevenson of Kel so, Wash. Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Ransier are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burgoyns and two children of Klamath Falls were visitors at the Smouse home last week. Mr. Burgoyne is a bro ther of Mrs. Kenneth Smouse and has just received his discharge from the army where he was a lieutenant. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Cram of Seattle are visiting at the home of of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns. Mrs. Crum and Mrs. Dobyns are sisters. Mr. Crum has iv.st received his discharge from ihe navy having vjalilna for Sliif Mart to Because you want the most for your money you want a Maytag. And new Maytags will ' be here soon. Right now, Maytag is making , washers again, after over two and a half years of all-out war work. And what washers they are built for years of efficient, carefree serv , ice, with a whole list of exclusive features, and many important "post-war" improvements, to carry on Maytag'i tri? r dltion of leadership! Come in now and get the facts and you may bcj one of the first to get your new Maytag. (Dealer's Name and Address) COME IN NOW FOR FULL DETAILS Heppner Hardware and Electric Company been in tfe central Pacific for many monllis. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dbbylns have moved into the Peterson house and Mr. and Mrs. Lake Beckner moved into their home which they purchased from Milton Morgan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry were visitors in Morgan last week. Mr. Perry received his dischavge from the navy and intends making his home in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. David Ely and Mrs. Fred Ely of Morgan went to Bremerton last week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hoak'. Mrs. Hoak is a daughter of Mrs. Fred Ely and sister of David Ely. SUGAR STRETCHERS TO BE DEMONSTRATED FRIDAY A demonstration on "sugar stretchers" is slated for tomorrow afteinoon, beginning at 1:30 o' clock; in the Home Economics room of the Heppner school, announces Miss, Grace Gadeken, emergency assistant, who will be in charge. The demonstration is being given to emphasize the fact that very pal atable cakes, cookies, puddings, aftd other tasty foods can be made with substitutes for sugar. Mrs. Mabel Mack, extension spe cialist will be present and will be ready to answer any questions re garding the home extension pro gram for the coming year and also will discuss lessons which will be given in the future. Home exten sion demonstrations are open to all interested people, Miss Gadeken states in urging you to come and! bring your neighbors. ' ON HUNTING TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Borg of Port bud were week-end visitors in Heppner, having stopped here for some bird hunting while enroute to the John Day country to hunt deer. They drove to Condon Sun day evening to spend the night with Mrs. Berg's niece, Mrs. Wal ter George, and family. HERE FROM IIILLSBORO Visitors in Heppner the first of the week were Mrs. Lew Reynolds, and son Jasper of Hillsboro. They owned and operated the Hotel Ashland at Ashland, having dis posed of it a few months ago. The Gazette Times acknowledges a pleasant call from the visitors. o Mrs. R. B. Rice substituted for Miss Rose Hoosier during the lat ter 's absence from the sixth grade in the local school this week. Willard and Goodyear Batteries For all Cars and Trucks. BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method. RENTALS Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon !h 11 Trees need not be hoarded to be saved for the future. They are the world's largest plants .... and, like all plants, they reproduce and grow. The rapidly developing science of forestry has found, fl the last few decades, practical ways of harnessing this capacity of nature to replenish and hasten forest growth (Today an increasing number of professional foresters is being employed by the forest industries to put this knowl edge to work on the land. Good forest practice . . . . and we use it in our woods . . , . ma&s possible the full use of timber resources toty and provides foe new. trees to grow again for tomorrow. il PI MILLS COMPANY COME IN NOW FOR FULL DETAILS