Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 11, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Pomona Grange
Enjoys Treat of
Dextrose Candy
Morrow county Pomona met as
guests of Greenfield grange at
Boardman Saturday, Oct. 7.
Two guest speakers were Ronald
C. Smith, deputy of Washington
state grange, and Miss Grace Gade
ken, home demonstration agent for
Morrow county.
Miss Gdeken spoke on topics of
interest particularly to the home
economics department and announ
ced dates for near future demon
strations and conferences.
Smith has specialized in chemur
gy and is especially interested in
the development of glucose from
wheat grown in the northwest. Fol
lowing his discussion the audience
was delighted when delicious glu
cose candy was passed for their
The next Pomona meeting will be
held in the Lexington hall with
that grange as host. An officer from
the state grange will be invited to
install the officers and an invitation
sis being extended the subordinate
'granges to bring their officers to
Lexington and join in the installa
tion ceremonies.
Mrs. A. E. McFarland expressed
fcegret at leving the county soon.
Mrs. McFarland has served Morrow
county as master for ten years and
will be greatly missed.
Girl Scout troop II held a court
of awards at a recent meeting. At
this ceremony two Brownies, Eli
nor Rice and Patsy Peck, flew up
and received their Girl Scout pins
and the rank of Tenderfoot. The
following girls were awarded sec
ond class Girl Scout badges: Joan
Bothwell, Sally Cohn, Genevieve
Cox, Jo Jean Dix, Nancy Ferguson
and Gail House.
The rest of the time was spent in
singing, folk dancing, nd clay mo
deling. Troop II will meet at 2 p.
m. Sturday, Oct. 13, in the Metho
dist church basement.
S Sgt Orrin W. Bisbee, son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. E.. Bisbee of Heppner
has been discharged from the army
air forces. .Orrin joined the army
Oct. 7, 1942 at San Francisco and
was chief clerk in the administra
tive section of Headquarters Fourth
Air Force.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross have
leased the restaurant at O'Donnell's
and just this week assumed man-
Heppner Gazette Times, October 1 1, 1945 5
agement. Mr. Ross has been em
ployed at the Heppner Lumber Co.
Mrs. John Hanna was rushed to
the hospital in Pendleton Sunday.
She had a severe nasal hemmorhage
and it was necessary to get her to
a hospital for blood transfusions.
She is reported much better today,
but is reported to be greatly im
proved at the present.
Mrs. Frank Rumble has been ill
at the family residence this week
Charles Ross, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ross, tumbled down
nesday and injured his breast-bone
the steps at the school house Wed
on the corner of one of the cement
Stanley Minor and his uncle, C.
A. Minor are in the mountains for
a couple of weeks in search of a
deer. The men left Heppner Wed
nesday. Mrs. John Saager drove to Leba
non Wednesday to visit at the
home of her parents for a few days.
On her return she will stop in
Portland to do some buying for
their local drug store.
Ed Clark, in town Wednesday
from Ordnance where he is on the
munitions depot fire department,
stated that he got a deer and a 400
pound bear on a hunting trip in
the Susanville district. Although
the weather was quite warm he got
the meat home and is curing one of
the bear hams for future use.
Regular meeting of Ruth Chapter
No. 32, O. E. S. will be held this
Friday evening. There will be in
itiatory work.
In a letter to his mother, Mrs.
C. J. D. Bauman, Jackson Holt
stated that he called at the home
of Mrs. Lera Crwford in Berkeley,
Calif, to visit her and her son Cal
vin and found Lt. (jg) John Craw
ford there, he having just arrived
from duty in the Pacific.
Donald Rowe spent a few days in
Heppner visiting Rev and Mrs.
Noble and his little daughter. He
has received his discharge from the
coast artillery with which he served
33 months in the Pacific theater and
has gone to Portland to work.
Under new
Sunday Dinners
We serve the best
the market
at all times
MR, and MRS. C. E. LONG
jC, Owjt mm wwt
"t'm the kid from next door who's keeping watch
X over Germany. I'm a long way from home. I get
kind of low sometimes. But I'd get a lot lower if it weren't
for the U.S.O. Camp Shows."
Don't turn your back on me.
"I'm the widow down the street with two service stars
tn my window. Besides worrying about my boys overseas,
I've somehow got to give my other children the decent,
Jiealthy life they deserve. It would be pretty tough if it
weren't for my home-town relief agency."
Don't turn your back on me.
"I'm a merchant seaman. Fve hit some tough ports in
iny time, but nothing like the ratholes I've seen in the last
few years. But just making a port is okay when there's
Something there to remind me of home. Something like
the United Seamen's Service."
Don't turn your back on me.
"They call me a 'displaced person.' I guess that's Ameri
can for someone whose home is rubble, and whose family
has been worked to a tortured death in a Nazi sweatshop.
I hope Allied Relief gets around to me."
Don't turn your back on me.
The dollars you give to your Community War Fund help all
of these, and more. Your support of the War Fund sends Camp
Shows to those overseas; lifeblood supplies to war prisoners j;
relief and comfort to stricken civilians here and abroad.
Somewhere from the depths of spirit and pocketbook
Americans have met every appeal made so far in this war
We can't stop now. We can't turn our backs on human
Give generously. There was never a greater cause.
Community War Rind
Jackson Implement Company
Lexington, Oregon