4 Heppner Gazette Times, October 11,1 945 EDITORIAL. . . :miimiiiiiimiimnimiiiiuiiuniiiiib Get Ready for "Victory Loan" While in the midst of a national campaign to raise funds for various war relief agencies we are reminded that the eighth war loan, only this time it is to be a "Victory Loan", is just around the corner. A mere eleven billion dollars is needed by "Uncle" to finish up the job of making Ger many and Japan behave and getting our boys and girls home. As in previous drives, the newspapers are asked to play an important role in the forthcom ing campaign. Some of our advertisers and read ers may have gained the impression that we were taking advantage of the drives to increase adver tising sales, to which we can only reply that we were doing what was asked of us. To make that point clear we submit a letter issued by the Sec retary of the Treasury to newspapers and adver tisers all over the land. It reads: "Newspapers and their advertisers have coop erated excellently with previous bond drives and the Treasury needs your assistance this time more than ever. Obligations incurred in the achieve ment of victory have been tremendous. We must bring the boys home as soon as possible, care for the wounded, supply mustering-out pay, and maintain occupational forces in Germany and Japan. These and other aftermath-of-war respon sibilities make the success of the "Victory Loan" a must for our nation." Sincerely, Fred L. Vinson, Secretary of the Treasury Throughout the war the various agencies of the government army, navy, treasury, etc. have recognized the value of newspaper advertising in getting their messages and needs over tohe pub lic and no small amount of the success of the various fund raising events has been credited to that source. a more or less formative stage and that there is nothing definite except, perhaps, where larger towns are concerned? Laying aside the indefinite prospects it is wor thy of note that Heppner could use a federal building. It is customary to house the postoffice and other federal agencies in such buildings and we have both forest service and agricultural ad ministrative offices now renting office space in a local building. There is nothing wrong with that, either, but the fact that we have these agencies .all of which could use more space to good ad vantage, furnishes a basis for demand for a fed eral building. Those of our citizens who think we have good reason for asking for a federal building should get in touch with our congressman and urge act ion on the matter. G. Sherer, director of social hygi ene, Oregon T-B association will appear on the program. . Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gonty are taking their little daughter to Port land for medical attention and a check-up. A Federal Building Here? Reading a list of proposed appropriations for federal buildings in Oregon we came upon an item of $95,000 for a building in Heppner. This news gave rise to a feeling of jubilance, what with a proposed county hospital to cost upwards of $100,000, and we thought the future for the little city looked rosy indeed. Perhaps, gentle reader, you too read the list if appropriations and you too were elated. But did you read far enough to find the whole thins; is in This Is National Fire Week This particular seven day period of the current year is designated as National Fire week a time set apart for the people to learn all they can about fire hazards and how to avoid them. We learn plenty about fires from almost daily accounts in the newspapers but why they happen is the other side of the picture which not enough of us take time to study. Some fires may start from natural causes but in most instances they are due to carelessness. Failure to remove trash from the furnace room or the storing of combustible matter where a care lessly dropped match may readily ignite it these are practices in common with hundreds of others that contribute to our national fire loss approxi mating one-half . billion dollars annually to say nothing of the frightful loss of human life. We are aDDroaching the heaviest fire loss month of the vear December. Let us see that furnace rooms are cleared of debris, flues are are made, safe and above all refrain from use of explosive materials in lighting, fires. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Return of cigarettes to counters has its draw backs, according to Harry Van Horn. When there was a scarcity of the commodity shoppers got around almost the first thing in the morning, with !he hope they could get at least one package. Now that they know they can get cigarettes any time they do their shopping just about that way especially right at closing time. P-TA Enjoys Fine j Program at Opening Meeting of Season Singing of "God Bless America" opened the first regular meeting of the Heppner P-T A for 1945-46. Joan Corwin favored with two de lightful piano numbers atter which the regular business meeting was held. It was decided to make a membership drive, rewarding the room with the most paid-up mem bers. Harold Becket, president an nounced an executive meeting at his home, Wednesday evening, Oct. 17. ! A short skit followed, put on by the publications committee in which Mrs. Wendell Herbison and her son Jimmie, took part. Cooperation between the home work. Everett Smith, grade school prin cipal, had charge of a reading and literature display, featuring texts used throughout the entire school and the school was the keyword ofjin ,those subjects. Some written the program prepared by Mrs. Ja mes Valentine. Very interesting talks on what the teacher expects of the home were given by Mrs. Lena Kelly of the grade school fa culty, and Leonard Pate of the high school. They stressed punctuality, cleanliness, discipline, regular at tendance, know your child, plenty of sleep and rest, study the child's report card, and encourage home work in connection with their read ing was also on display. The refreshment committee, Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mrs. Clyde Nutting and Mm. Kenneth House, served doughnuts, coffee and tea. Next meeting will be Nov. 14 with Mrs, James Thomson as pro gram leader, stressing health and physical fitness. Miss Margaret Gil lis, county health nurse, and Dr. F. Quality combines with surpassing designing skill to make every Diamond Bridal Set a distinguished example of perfect mating. Prices are right and values real See them today! PETERSON'S Change of Schedule Effective Oct. 1, 1945 HEPPNER STAGE OUR BREAKFAST IS TOPS THE I L M. Bead Down 9 :40 Lv. Hepnr. 10:20 Ar. lone 10:25 Lv. lone 11:40 Ar. Arl'tn Read Up Ar. Hepnr 5:45 XiV. lone 5:05 Ar. lone 5:03 ImV. Arl'tn 3:47 Via Union Pacific Stages 12:15 Lv. Arl'tn 5:20 Ar. Ftld Ar. Ptld 3.20 lv. Ptld 10:00 Gray Rock Lines Fossil, Ore. A wartime worker needs every bit of energy which a nutritious m e c I supplies. Stop in before your regu- lar shift and go to E work prepared to deliver a big day's work. HEPPNER I CAFE i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner, Ore. A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon O. M. YEAGER CONTRACTOR & BUILDER All kinds of carpenter work. Modern Homes .Built or Remodeled Phone 1483 415 Jones St. HEPPNER. OREGON Blaine E,. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 JOS. J. NYS . ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon P. W. MAHONEY Attorney at Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance Frances Ritter Commercial Designing and Illustrating : Lettering Photos Oil Tinted Phone 1483 415 Jones St. HEPPNER, OREGON J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon N. Schmaltz fir Sons Peters Bid., Heppner Roofing and Siding Coontractors . and Applicators For information write Box 726, Heppner, or Phone 83, Condon New Aufo Poh'cy Bod. Inj. Pr. Dam. Class A 6.25 5.05 Class B fi.00 5.25 Class C 7.75 5.25 TURNER, VAN MARTEIl & CO. e!ps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 ' Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for discus sion, please bring before the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accounting Service Member National Association Tax Accountants Heppner, Oregon of C. A. MYTINGER CONTRACTOR Roofing, Siding, and Rock Wool Insulation. Fair prices and skill ed workmen. P. O. Box 251 Pendleton, Ore. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazett rf.ui.i,u March 30. 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, Tj.V,. i -"nu ten. J.O, 1812.. Published every Thursday and en- Kl ai me i-osi uiiice at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription Price $2.50 a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor