g O G 50 "0 O PO H r o Z C -DOW 4 H O O O 50 50 50 ro o Road Improvement Curtailed Due to Lack of Equipment ' Bridge Puilding Most Urgent Now, Court Declares A shortage of equipment and crew personnel is handicapping the ounty court in carrying out road improvement work and it will be several months before anything like pre-war activity can be inaugurat ed. This is the viewpoint taken by the court in answering requests from people of the several districts of the county that certian roads be repaired. Much of the old equipment is no longer fit for heavy duty and new equipment is not yet available. This situation has put the court behind many months, although that body is fully cognizant of the needs and would be happy to get the road service into high gear at an early date. Right at the present time there are two bridges claiming the atten tion of the court which must be taken care of. The bridge at McNab has to be rebuilt. This job necessi tates straightening the creek chan nel and cutting away the bank to obtain solid footing for concrete piers. It is the court's policy to make bridge work as permanent as possible and necessary expense and effort will not be spared. The other bridge is near the Phil Griffin place and is badly in need of repair. Heavy truck traffic passes over the bridge during the grain harvest and the approaches are in bad condition. At the October meeting the court gave permission to the Lexington airport to use the county's bulldo zer and a tractor in leveling off runways. The equipment was placed under the supervision of Vernon Munkers, former member of the county road crew and an experien ced opertor of that type of mach inery. The airport officials had asked for assistance from the court and it was deemed proper to loan equipment provided such action did not interfere with road work. At present the main landing strip at the port is 1800 feet long by 250 feet wide. This strip will be widen ed to 500 feet as development of the port progresses. A cross strip 1500 feet long by 250 wide is being run to meet changing wind conditions. DISTRICT MEETING OF EASTERN STAR SLATED Ruth Chapter No. 32, Order of the Eastern Star will be host the evening of Oct. 18 to a district meeting to be held in the Star's quarters in the Masonic building. Mrs. Hazel Graham, Grand Wor thy Matron, will be present to offer instruction and advice in present ing lodge work and conduct of bus iness. RECAPS DON'T COME OFF In reporting the accident exper ienced by Mrs. Harold Hill . two weeks ago the Gazette Times stated that a recapped tire was the cause It developed that the rear wheels of the car locked and skidding over the pavement virtually tore one of the recaps off. Frank Engraff, OK Tire shop operator in Heppner, is authority for the statement that re capped tires do not work loose and leave the casing. HEALTH ASSOCIATION MEET A meeting of the Morrow county public health association has been scheduled for 8 p. m. Monday, Oct. 15, according to announcement Tuesday by Mrs. Claude Graham, president of the group. The meeting will be held iri the music room at the school hous and the public not only is invited but urged to attend. MRS. DAVIDSON RECEIVES MEMORIAL TO SON HERBERT A memorial to her son, Staff Ser gent Herbert R. Davidson, was re ceived Tuesday by Mrs. Mabel Dav idson. The memorial was in the form of a citation to the brave fli er who lost his life while on duty over Germany, He was reported missing just prior to Sept. 13, 1944. The same mail brought a copy of the Purple Heart awarded post humously to Sgt Davidson. Both papers were signed by President Harry Truman and Secretary of War Stimson. Auto Thefts Net Seattle Man Three Years in Prison Theft of two cars cost Jo Dee DeLapp of Seattle a three-year prison sentence when he appeared before Circuit Judge Calvin L. Sweek at the court house in Hepp ner Wednesday forenoon. The con victed man was lodged in jail last week upon the complaint of W. S. Seehafer of lone, whose pick-up was one of the cars stolen. DeLapp first stole Joe Barlow's car at lone and started down the highway. Near the Seehafer place he wrecked the car and Mrs. See hafer, enroute to church at lone, offered to take him back there. He refused the ride but followed Mrs. Seehafer and took the pickup she was driving. Missing the car after church, Mrs. Seehafer called Sher iff Mollahan who went at once to the scene. The sheriff notified state police headquarters at Arlington and in a short time word was sent back that the culprit was arrested as he entered that town. Judge Sweek passed sentence on Burl W. Hilton, charged with issu ing checks without funds. Hilton had been released on bail and was picked up by the Sherman county sheriff at Moro upon request from Sheriff Mollahan. He received a three-year sentence on probation and was ordered to make the checks good. Three divorce suits were settled when the judge issued decrees sev ering the .bonds of matrimony be tween Melissa and Thomas Howell, Adam and Emma Knoblock,' and Lois R. and Silney C. Zinter. m Annual Fire Loss Revealed in Article Read at Luncheon This being National Fire Week, that was the subject of a paper read by La Verne Van Mrter to the luncheon group of Heppner cham ber of commerce Monday at the Lucas Palce. The article revealed figures that conclusively proved the carelessness of American people and pointed to the necessity for studying preventive measures as well as protective measures. More than $430,000,000 went up in smoke and several hundred people lost their lives in fires over this land of ours in 1944. It was declared by the writer of the article that much of this astounding loss could have been avoided had the people been more careful about cleaning up trash, handling combustibles and explosives and a thousand and one other things that cause fires. Cigarettes rate as the number one cause, involving both lighted mat ches and burning stubs. ' Blaine Isom, Heppner fkj chief, explained one instance in which he cautioned a party about leaving paper scraps and other highly com bustibles near the furnace. He warned that such carelessness, even if not responsible for a fire, is cause for voiding insurance on the property. , The matter of asking business houses to close for football games was left optional. It was found that several places closed for last Fri day's game and that more intend to close for this week's game with Condon. Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, October 11. 1945 Mustang Eleven Defeats Hermiston Bulldogs 7 to Zero Sting of 1944 Armistice Game Wiped Out Friday By La Verne Van Marter Heppner high school's Mustang football eleven kicked a big dent in the mythical "dope bucket" last Friday when they scored a startling 7 to 0 triumph over the powerful Hermiston high Bulldogs. With last year's Armistice day 39 to 0 defeat at the hands of these same Hermiston Bulldogs still rank ling in the minds of the Mustangs, Coach Leonard Pate's boys asked no quarter and gave none as they out-played and out-fought the Bulldogs throughout the entire game. Although Hermiston was a strong pre-game favorite, Hepp ner's victory was no "fluke" as they definitely showed themselves to be the better team in Fridaj's game. To start the game Hermiston re ceived Heppner's kick-off and re turned the ball to the thirty yard line. After gaining nine yards in three plays, the Hermiston quarter back, apparently thinking his team could run through the Heppner de fense at will, called a running play instead of kicking. This proved to be a costly mistake as the Hermis ton ball ' carrier was thrown for a loss and Heppner took over the ball on downs. The ball see-sawed back and forth in Hermiston territory for more than a quarter, then the Mus tangs engineered a forty-five yard touchdown drive that carried them for what proved to be the game winning score. Hermiston fought with their backs to the wall throughout the third quarter in a vain attempt to break through Heppner's burly line, which stubbornly refused to yield. With remaining game time relent lessly ebbing away, Hermiston op ened the final period with a series of forward and lateral passes in a desperate attempt to score a tying touchdown. For a time Heppner seemed un able to cope with the Hermiston passes. The Hermiston receivers consistently snagged passes for size able gains as the Bulldogs drove deeper and deeper into Mustang territory. With two minutes to play Her miston reached the Heppner 20 yard line. On the next play the vis itors again passed, but this time Peterson, Heppner line-backer, in tercepted on the 15 and the game ended shortly with the ball in Hep pner's possession. This Friday the Mustangs will meet the Condon high Blue Devils in what points to be a rugged en counter. Condon this season bosts the biggest aggregation in several yers and have two impressive vic tories to their credit thus far, one a 45 to 0 rout over Prairie City and the other a 27 to 13 decision over Arlington, last year's Eastern Oregon "B" champions. ON WAY TO TOKYO Mrs. C. J. D. Bauman dropped in to the Gazette Times office Mon day to order a change of address for her husband. "Sheriff" as he is known around these parts, suc ceeded in persuading the navy au thorities to give him a hitch of overses duty and presumably he will go to Tokyo. When home re cently he stated if he went to Ja pan it would likely for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Lee , Howell were Portland visitors the last of the week visiting with their daughter, Sibyl and Mrs. Howell's mother, Mrs. Hary Sowers. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY COLLECTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS The American Legion auxiliary will hold its regular meeting in the parlor of the Methodist church at 8:30 p. m. Monday Oct. 15. Families or members of the armed forces in War II as well as World Warl veterans are invited. A window at Heppner Hardware and Electric company has been se cured for collection of gifts for "The Yanks Who Gave." Those wishing to give may leave their gifts there. Tidy Sum Received By Blue Mt. Council Receipts from the voluntary sub scriptions to the Blue Mountain Camp and Hospital Council fund in Morrow county since June 1, 1945, total $3,033.06, according to a report submitted this week by Miss ! Florence Bergstrom, treasurer. The funds were collected in nine dis tricts in the county and there also! was a gift from Hermiston from former residents of Morrow county. Taken by districts the amounts include: Heppner $838.90; Lexing ton $643; lone $743; Eightmile $445. 41; Lena $104.75; Hardman $71; Up per Willow Creek $100; Sand Hol low $28, and Boardman $9. The Hermiston gift was for $50. The Morrow county committee, headed by Mrs. Ralph Thompson, is elated over this fine contribution to a worthy cause and all members have expressed appreciation for the work done by the finance director, Mrs. Earle Gilliam and each district chairman, and for the unselfish giving by the contributors. Mrs. Spurlock to Be Laid to Rest Here Friday Morning Memorial services will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. Friday, Oct. 12 at St. Patrick's Catholic church, for Mrs. Milton Spurlock, 39, who pass ed away Tuesday evening at St.. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton fol lowing a lingering illness. Mrs. Spurlock had been hospitalized the past eight months and her passing was not unexpected. Florence Cason was born at Spjrajy in 1906, the daughter of Mr., and Mrs. John Cason. She came with the family to Morrow county in 1913, received her schooling here and in 1929 was married to Milton Spurlock. They alternated making their home here and in Ukiah. Mrs. Spurlock had been an invalid for 13 years. Surviving are the husband, her mother, Mrs. John Cason, a brother, Carl Cason of Portland, and five sisters, Margaret Aiken of Bend. Mrs. Gordon Bender, Portland, Mrs. Vernon Prock, Mrs. Faye Prock and Mrs. Harold Scritsmeier of Heppner. All members of the family with the exception of Mrs. Scritsmeier are here for the funeral service. Guy Cason accompanied Carl Cason and Mr. a.nd Mrs. Gordon Bender from Portland. FIRST DEER WAS BEAR Skip Connor and a pal hied them selves to the mountains early in the hunting season and were pre pared to bring a buck home. After roaming the hills for some time they came upon big game of an other type a brown bear. Skip thought a bear would be . better than no game at all and he downed the animal with a well aimed shot. Unable to move the carcass, the boys removed part of its scalp, in cluding the ears and returned home to get help, bringing the ears for conclusive proof. When they re turned to the scene of the kill some one had beat them to it and the bear was gone. o SCRITSMEIERS HAVE SON A baby boy was born at 4 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, Oct. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scritsmeier. Moth er and son were reported doing nicely at St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Vol ume 62, Number 29 Community Chest Campaign Swings Into Action Here Large Sum Asked From County in Final Fund Drive A drive to raise around $4,600, Morrow county's quota in the com munity chest fund, got under way this week and it is the hope of Chairman Blaine E. Isom to reach the goal by Nov. 1. This is the last of the National War Chest cam paigns and it is expected that all requirements will be met. Some of the countries formerly receiving aid from the National War Chest have been dropped. In Ore gon this factor has been offset by adding a request for funds to fight cancer so that in reality we are asked to give more than in past years. One of the biggest outlays for money is in carrying on the USO activities. It is stated that demands on the USO since cessation of hos tilities have been greater than dur ing any period of the war and that the service must be maintained un til mustering out is over or has dwindled to 8 point where other agencies can take care of the man. Funds asked for now are expected to carry the work along until no longer needed. Countries still requiring assist ance are those devastated by the axis in Europe and the Far East. "This county has come through on every demand made of it," Isom stated, "and I'm sure we will do our part this time. Please remem ber that while this is the last drive to be made by' this organization, contributions must be generous for there is a lot of relief work to be done if millions of people are not to suffer severely this winter." Bonneville Power Coming to County Construction of a power line from Umatilla to lone to carry "juice" from Bonneville was announced Monday by Henry Baker, member of the board of directors of the lo cal REA. Baker stated that al though the line will be constructed at an early date it will be about 18 months before electric current will be available from that source. This line will be part of a network which Bonneville is building to serve the Columbia Basin Electric Cooperative, Inc. The local unit comprises Morrow, Gilliam and parts of Wheeler and Grant counties Baker, in company with Dr. L. L. Taylor of The Dalles, left Monday night for St. Louis to confer with the ntional REA administration re lative to pains for extension of Bon neville service in this territory, O ' LEGION SLATES IMPORTANT MEETING MONDAY EVENING Heppner post of the American Legion has scheduled an important meeting for Monday evening, Oct. 15 at the headquarters in the Odd fellows hall. There will be a sup per, installation of officers and in itiatory work. The supper will start the eve ning's program, followed by induc tion ceremonies with George La Fountaine of Pendleton, district commander, in charge. Initiatory work will be put on by the 40 et 8 degree team of Pendleton. All service and ex-service men have a special invitation to the affair. ON WEEK-END VISIT Mrs. Evelyn Bosworth and Miss Merlyn Kirk spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kirk, coming from Corval lis where they are students at Ore gon State collegia. o o m H -