Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 04, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, October 4, 1945
Lexington Rebekah lodge enter
tained the lodges of district No.
20 Monday when they met in their
24th annual convention.
Seventy-eight members and five
visitors attended. Mrs. Ethel Bailey
president of the Rebekah Assem
bly was honor guest The afternoon
session started with the opening by
Holly lodge 139. The address of
welcome was given by Mrs. Fay
Munkers of Holly 139. Response by
Mrs! June O'Connor of Bunchgrass
91. Mrs. Vida Heliker of Bunchgrass
again won the contest for the un
written work.
At 6:30 a delicious dinner was
of the Assembly and district depu
ties were introduced as follows:
Mrs. Ethel Baily, president; and de
puties, Mrs. Ruth McCabe, Mrs.
Delia Davidson and Mrs. LaVeme
..c iiu'-hffil of the evening was
t hv trio president. Her slo
"i ' I. (ho year is "Keep the good
!-.-' tier era is an electric dish-
' . h I O. O. F. home.
Degree work was put on by Sans
Souci No.. 33 and memorial by Hol
ly 139. Seating the 1946 officers
nd presentation of gifts was done
by Holly.
The convention accepted the in
vitation of Bunchgrass No 91 of
"How very smart? "Where
did you get it?" and
You re looking especially
pretty." This is the kind
of comment youH hear
when you wear a new hat
from Penney's! Hats for
sports or evening in black
or colors. Sequins, veils,
bows or feathers.
AdvtrUumtnt 9
From where I sit ... it Joe Marsh.
Americans have
a word for it
Bill Larkin's boy, who's back
from overseas for good, was tell
ing us about the funny customs
and the different languages of
European countries.
, One thing he noticed is that in
so many of those countries there
Is no word for "home." 'House,"
yes ... or "building." But no
lune that stands for what we
Btean when we say home.
"In spite of the fact," says
Bill, "that it's the most impor
tant thing there is ... a place
you can take your shoes
off and let down your hair . . .
enjoy a glass of beer before the
fire and relax with folks you
From where I sit, that may be
an important difference between
this country and some others.
The conception of home as a
place of tolerance and sacred loy
altieswhere differences of hab
it and opinion give way before
love and understanding! Yes, we
Americans have a name for It I
lone for 1946 and new officers are:
Mrs. June O'Connor chairman; Mrs
Nina Van Horn, vice chairman; secretary-treasurer,
Helen Bayles.
Among relatives and friends here
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
Charles B. Cox were Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs. T.
C Burroughs, Mrs. Walter Moreland,
Mrs. Virgil Wagner nd Mrs. George
Burroughs of Portland, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Gordon, Weston and
Matthew and Clarence Gordon of
lone. The Gordon brothers are ne
phews of Mr. Cox. Others attend
ing the services were Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Morton, Hood River, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Rayburn, Astoria and
Mrs. Al Saather, Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon and
Matthew and Clarence Gordon r
turned last week from a visit with
relatives at Galax, Va. Among those
visited was their grandmother, Mrs.
Anne Burroughs.
Bright Future . . .
continued irom mrst rmea
Farms makers of ice cream, along
with the two concerns mentioned
prefer dextrose as a sweetening and
demanded it even at 10 cents per
pound. Orders amounting to 3.000
carloads or more have been reject
ed, mostly from Arden Farms.
"There is a profit in this syrup
business," Cutsforth declared. "This
profit is found not only in the glu
cose syrup but in a great side-line
of by-products. It is estimated that
there is $50,000 net profit in $100,
OUU worth ot business. Wheat is
purchased from co-operators at the
rate of $1.52 per bushel basis Nov.
1. Since the plant is strictly a co
operative more than 50 percent of
the business must be done with co
operators who are permitted to sell
two . bushels of wheat at the1 plant
for every $1 worth of stock owned.
It all sounds like possibly a "pipe
dream", but we must remember
that there is a secret formula in
volved and royalties must be paid
to one Herman Liepsig, the holder.
He is a German Jew who escaped
from Germany to Canada a few
years ago and later came to Wash
ington." Henry Baker spoke of progress
in the REA movement, stating that
the prospect is bright for more in
the near future. The local district
has been placed in the Walla Walla
REA jurisdiction.
Sam Hunter of Milton announced
a general meeting to be held in the
county Oct. 24 at which time Har
ry L. Bryson, national Farm Bu
reau Federation organizer, will be
the speaker. Hunter also called at
tention to the forthcoming state
convention Nov. 8, 9, 10 to be held
at the Columbia Gorge hotel at
Hood River, urging that reserva
tions be made at once.
Star Reporter
Joel McCrea, Edward G. Robinson, Brian Donlevy, Walter Brennan, Marlon
Hopkins. .. A reissue of a great film classic.
Jimmy Wakely, Dennis Moore, Lasses White. Solid action drama.
Donald Duck Cartoon In Technicolor.
Humphrey Bog art, Alexis Smith, Sydney Greenstreet
A smooth and compelling mystery story that is so brilliantly directed that It
will hold you spellbound to the very last scene.
Gale Storm, Sir Aubrey Smith, Prank Craven, Conrad Nagel, John Mack Brown.
Johnny Downs, Mary Boland
"It's a glowing, warming movie!" Jimmie Fiddler.
Ida Lupino, Sidney Greenstreet, William Prince, Stuart Erwin, Johnny Mitchell,
Ruth Donnelly V
A comedy chock-full of chuckles.
llOO-acre Ranch
55Q acres farmed, 270 acres in crop.
Good water system, good buildings.
Well Fenced and cross fenced.
Turner, Van Marter Gr Company
When You Got a Tiro Rationing Corflffcaf.
' X ' 4"E7 uxe meat .
:y Vi
Grade I Tire Certificate NcedeU
TJ 52
The only tire built with the famous Gear-drip Tread tor extra protection against rtMiltng.
The only tire built with Safti-Lock, Onm-Dipped Oord Body for extra strength and blowout
protection. The only tire built vita Saftl-Sared Oomtractlon for greater safety and longer
mileage. Get the best I
Rosewall Motor Company