Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 04, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    Merchants Asked
To Close During
Football Games
Co-operation of Heppner business
houses to make high school football
games more successful financially is
being sought by the school. Merch
ants are being asked to close their
doors during the game period,
which usually runs from 2 to 4
o'clock, to permit employes to at
tend the games and encourage cus
tomers to do the same thing.
Jack Parrish and Tom Hughes,
members of the Mustang squad, ap
peared .before the chamber of com
merce luncheon group Monday and
asked assistance in presenting the
school's request to the business
houses. The proposal was left in
the hands of the merchants' com
mittee. .The first game to be play
ed on the home grid is set for 2 p.
m. Friday, Oct. 5.
Guests at Monday's luncheon
were members of the x-ray unit,
Clarence Bradford and Keith Gros-
senbacher, technicians, and officials
of the Morrow County Public
Health association, Mrs. Claude
Graham, president and Mrs. Oscar
Rippee, secretary.
After an absence of three years
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Crawford and
son Jim have returned to make
their home in Heppner. Mr. Craw
ford has accepted the position of
county AAA director and assumed
his duties Monday morning. He
fills the place left vacant when Ted
of the Heppner branch of the Mor
Smith resigned to become manager
row County Grain Growers, Inc.
It is not the intention of this
newspaper to overlook mention of
returning soldiers but occasionally
some of them have been home
some time before the news staff
learns of it. Two veterans of the
Pacific war have recently returned
home as civilians Sgt. Charles Mar
ion Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Claude Cox, and Sgt. Joe Gilleese,
nephew of Mrs. Frank Monahan.
Another returned soldier from the
European theater is Sgt. Raymond
Johnson, brother of Mrs. Paul
Jones, who arrived at Pendleton
Wednesday of last week. Lt. Jatik
Forsythe ' has finally received his
discharge from the Army Air Corps
and returned, from Portland the
first of the week.
Mrs. Joe Hughes left Monday for
Sacramento, Calif, to attend a re
union of the Bassett family. She
had intended to travel by bus to
Klamath Falls and take a Southern
Pacific train from there but central
Oregon ,bus service was affected by
the strike ' of bus drivers and she
went from The Dalles by train.
Hubert Gaily SK3c.is due home
Saturday evening from his station
in San Francisco on a 15 day leave
with his wife. Mrs. Gaily was ex
pressing doubt to this reporter this
morning as to his being able to
make it home as planned because
of the bus strike now on, but we're
putting our money on the Navy.
Legion Auxiliary
Installs Officers
Installation of officers was the
order of business at the Sept. 27
meeting of the American Legion
auxiliary. During the business ses
sion reports were given by Eugenia
Biddle on her trip to Girls State
camp in June and by Mrs. Dick
Wells on the recent Victory con
vention in Portland. Refreshments
were served by the hostesses, Mrs.
L. E. Dick, Mrs. Alva Jones and
Mrs. Harry Tamblyn.
Mrs.. E. O Ferguson, installing of
ficer, inducted the following offi
cers: Mrs C. P. Brown, president;
Mrs. D. E. Hudson, first vice pres
ident; Mrs. H. A. Cohn, second vice
president; Mrs. Richard Wells, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. W. 0. Bay
less, chaplain; Mrs. Alva Jones, his
torian; Mrs .Earl Evans, sergeant at
arms; Mrs. Loyal Parker, Mrs. E. O.
Ferguson and Mrs. L. E. Dick, ex
ecutive members.
Chairmen of standing committees:
Americanism Mrs. E. O. Ferguson;
child welfare, Mrs. L. E. Dick; com
munity service and music, Mrs. W.
0. Bayless; Girls' State, junior ac
tivities, Mrs. E. H. Miller; hospital
and rehabilitation, Mrs. Loyal Par
ker; legislative, constitution and by
laws, Mrs. H. A. Cohn; member
ship and national news, Mrs. Frank
Dcvidson; national defense and
pan-America, Mrs. K. K. Blake;
poppy, Mrs. E. L. Cox; publicity,
Mrs. Richard Wells; memorial hall,
Mrs. W. O. Bayless, Mrs. Loyal
Parker and Mrs. Frank Hulbert.
Heppner Gazette Times, October 4, 1945 5
Mrs. Anna Snyder and William
Eastwood have gone to Reno, Nev.,
where they are to be married. Mrs.
Snyder is the mother of John Han
nan, owner of the local cleaning
establishment and moved here last
winter with the Hannans Mr. East
wood is from Tule Lake, Calif., and
was in Heppner helping in the har
vest this summer. Mr. .and Mrs.
Eastwood will make thier home at
Tule Lake.
Larry Mollahan is wearing his
arm in a sling this week as the re
sult of an accident on the school
playground Monday. The arm was
broken in the elbow and it was
necessary to take Larry to Pendle
ton on Tuesday to have it put in
a cast.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker and
Mr. and Mrs. Ashenhurst of Stan
field were visitors Wednesday at
the Hynd and Mrs. Emma Ashen
hurst homes.
Mrs. Wm. Barkla, Mrs. Emma
Evans, Mr and Mrs. Harley Ander
son, Mrs. James Davis and Mrs. D.
M. Ward were all in attendance at
the grand chapter Order of Eastern
Star when it convened in Portland
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 1 and 2.
A small fire in the pump house
at the Heppner Lumber company
plant caused a little excitement
Monday afternoon. A call was sent
for the Heppner fire department
and the truck was on the scene in
short order, only to find that the
equipment was not needed as mill
hands had extinguished the blaze.
Relatives have been informed
that Joe Farley has been accepted
for limited service in the U. S.
army. He is situated at Ft. Lewis.
We wish to express our apprecia
tion to the people of Heppner and
vicinity for their expressions of
sympathy and for the lovely floral
F. K. Paine :
D. L. Paine and familjj
I. C. Cox and family
Under new : J;
management !
Sunday Dinners '
We serve the best
the market
at all times
MR. and MRS. C. E. LONG
rERE'S a simple diagram to show how PP&L's "All-Purpose
Rate works to your great advantage especially if you are one
of the thousands who are just waiting for all the new electrical
comforts and conveniences to become available again.
First, there's a new low rate for your first 125 KWH. It provides
an average saving equivalent to one month's free service every year.
Second, the next 125 KWH you use enough to run an electric
range, for instance is only lyc per KWH now, anywhere on
the PP&L system.
AND THEN comes the big-value quantity-discount rate of
only dlOc per KWH for the next 600 KWH! That brings you'
up to about all the electricity a well-equipped home or farm
needs to operate its electrical appliances range, water heater,
refrigerator, home freezer, radios, small appliances, domestic water
system, and plenty of good light for all the family.
That's why we call it our "ALL-PURPOSE' rate. It covets
practically everything you can think of!
The new postwar electrical appliances will be at your dealer!
soon. Watch his store windows and be ready to make full use
of this amazing new ratel
Mm & near ewmv
Your Business-Managed Power System.