Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 04, 1945, Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, October 4, 1 945 3
H. N. Waddell, Pastor
Bible school 10 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m.
Junior Christian Endeavor 7 tn.
Praise and preaching .service 8
ociock p. m.-
Bible study 8. p. m. Tuesdays
O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor
Bible School 9:45.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Young Feople's meeting 7 p.m.
Evening worship service 8 o'clock.
Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor
Schedale of Services:
Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and
3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and
4th Sundays.
Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd;. 9:00
a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays.
Week day mass 8 a. m. First Fri
day 7:30 a. m.
Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m, Sat
urdays: Sundays. 8:15-8:55 a. m.
Mass at 9 a. m. on fifth Sunday
in Heppner onlv.
Archdeacon Neville Blunt
Church School 9:45 a. m.
Holy Communion 11 a. m.
Wednesday,, Holy ' Communion 10
-a m.
During October and November in
the parish house at 2:30 p. m. and
7:30 p. m. there will be classes nf
Bible instruction in the great spir
itual truth concerning the Fathers
testimony of Christ in the heart of
the believer, and of the believer in
Christ. Come and learn how to let
Christ share Himself with the be
lieving heart.
Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject
Morning worship 11 a. m. Sub
ject "I Believe in the Holy Spirit."
Sunday Oct. 7 will be observed
by Christiian congregations through
out the world as "World Commu
nion Sunday" Sermon subject will
be "I Believe in the Holy Catholic
Clifford Noble, pastor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Young People's Service 6:30 p m.
Evening service 8:00 p. m.
The ladies of the Methodist
church will hold a cooked food sale
Saturday, Oct. 13 at Case Furniture
store. 28-9c
Regular meeting of the Morrow
County Woolgrowers auxiliary will
be held Friday afternoon, beginning
with a no-host luncheon at 1 o'clock
at the Lucas Place. Cards will be
the order of the afternoon, with
bridge and pinochle in play. Reser
vations may be made through Mrs.
Alva Jones, Mrs. Harlan McCurdy
or Mrs. L. D. Neill.
Mrs. Frank Monahan Jr. had as
guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Quinn and Mrs. Delia aMyers of
Mayville and Mrs. Shrum of Port
land who accompanied the May
ville friends.
a Cold
by using
Cold Tablets
-the oral vaccine
Nip a cold in the
bud and avoid use
less suffering and
loss of time from
business or social
Irrigon News Notes
The Community church is getting
the ground ready to sow a lawn.
Pfc Maurice Hill is in the U. S.
after being gone three years in Eu
rope and England. He entered
France on D-day. He lived with his
brother Dan Hill and is coming on
here soon. ,
The W. E. Dodge family have
moved into the Harvey Warner
Mrs. Marshall Markham and dau
ghter Marlene returned from Se
attle Monday. She took her daugh
ters LaVelle and Delpha up to the
Northwest Bible Institute. They
stopped over in Portland to visit
relatives on the way home.
Irrigon was defeated 32-6 by the
Pilot Rock team Friday afternoon
on the Irrigon field.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Case, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Arkell of Seattle and Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Arkell and Tom
O'Grady of Hermiston were visitors
of the William Gollyhorns Sunday.
The W. T. Wheelers are visiting
at Monument after visiting at Gol
lyhorns. The women are sisters.
Walla Walla visitors Sunday were
the grade school teachers, Evelyn
Scott, Miss Margaret Kennedy and
Miss Flora Belle Eddy.
Coach Leroy Darling and the lo
cal football team went to Moscow
Ida. Saturday to watch some foot
ball games there.
Miss Emma Crego, the seventh
nd eighth grade teacher went to
Pendleton Saturday.
Miss Betty Acock,' cadet nurse
went to Redmond Wednesday to
visit her sister, Mrs. Adren Allen
and family. She went on to Spo
kane where she had to report Sat
urday. Miss Lois Markham left Fri
day for Spokane. The girls had 18
days of vacation at their, homes.
Miss Emma Crego and a bus load
of people visited the x-ray clinic at
Boardman Friday.
Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Grim of Hub
bard were recent visitors at the
home of his cousin C. W. Grim and
Mrs. Grim.
' The Emery Bediwells had a fam
ily reunion at Pendleton at the
Frank Seivers place. Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bediwell came home with them
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Harry Smith has had word
from her son Sgt Charles Markham
who is in San Francisco on the way
borne. He has been at Okinawa and
other islands in the Pacific for
many months.
The high school teachers went to
Heppner Thursday to attend the
teachers' work shop, and the grade
teachers went Friday.
Robert and John Smith poured
concrete for the basement of the
addition to the house they purchas
ed from Earl Leach this fall. They
are still living on the old place as
the new owners have not arrived
as yet. Since they have the hay
there they will feed it and care for
the place until the owners arrive.
W. B. Dexter is excavating the
basement for the house he is build
ing on his place east of town.
Mrs. Minnie Fraser and children
are moving in with Mrs. Lillian
Lavern Duus, R. N. terminated
at Ordnance because she was not
needed there at present and began
working in the nursery at St. An
thony's hopsital Monday
Mr. nd Mrs. Herman Duus and
daughter Laverne visited Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Fanchier at Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. George Crawley of
Renton arrived Saturday to visit
the Milton Baileys. They are old
friends from Miles City, Mont. They
and Mrs. Bailey and Milton Jr.
went to Pasco Saturday. Mr. Bailey
went up for them Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McCoy,
Ellen McCoy, Alfred Goodwin and
Milton Bailey started for the moun
tains Sunday evening to hunt deer.
Mrs. Ellen McCoy and Ronald ar
rived home from Seattle Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graybeal went
to the mountains Saturday to hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton
were in Portland last week. Mrs.
Houghton arrived home Sunday.
Cpl Ray Pelton arrived from a
government hospital in Denver to
visit his uncle E. S. Pelton and
Don Kenny Clarence Rucker and
a friend from Portland brought the
first two bucks into Irrigon Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haberlein went
to the mountains Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Casebeer
drove to Seattle Wednesday to meet
their son Marvin who has just re
turned from the European theater
of operations.
o o
JL plus tarn
A big bottle ... a grand spe
cial Helps soften roughness . . .
smooths away fine dry Unas.
Us as a powder base too.
Drug Store
Claude Snow, on duty with the
Navy and stationed on Okinawa,
writes tht he hs been awarded the
air medal. The pilot of the plane
to which Claude is assigned was
awarded the dtstinguished flying
cross and the crew members the
air medal. Their plane sank a Jap
merchant ship and a Jap plane.
Mrs. Gus Nikander has taken
their younger son, Edward, to a
physician in Portland for medical
care. Edward has been running a
temperature consistently the past
several days and. his parents art
feeling great concern over him.
I ffofe In ?
MR. Farmer, we need your
help. We need you to
pitch in on a job that's bigger
now than at any time since
Pearl Harbor.
It's the job of helping our
people here at home, and
our sons and brothers and
husbands wherever their
military duties may have
taken them.
We need your help to keep
U.S.O. Clubhouses and
Camp Shows going, to enable
War Prisoners' Aid to spread
its mercy among American
prisoners of war still in Jap
hands, to feed and clothe and
keep alive the destitute men
and women and children of
ravaged lands over the whole
face of the earth to help our
own grieved and uprooted and
troubled, right here at home.
You can provide that help by
' giving to your local Commu
nity War Fund.
No matter what you give,
It's vitally needed. We hope
you'll give from the bottom
of your heart and pocketboolc
More than ever before, every
dollar counts. So dig deep,
won't you? And dig now.
Give onerously to
Sponsored by
Gilliam &Bisb
mm m.
call for just the kind of groceries you will find at this market.
Be right in style buy Central Market foods and know you
are always getting the best.
Central Market and Grocery