2 Heppner Gazette Times, October 4, 1945 IONE NEWS NOTES By Mrs. Echo Palmateer The PTA held their regular meet ing Wednesday night, Sept. 26. The following topic was discussed, "What the school expects of the parent and what the parent expects of the school." The band played two numbers under their leader, Miss O'Brian. Cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Ruby Kincaid, Mrs. Henry Peterson and Mrs. Henry Baker. The next meeting will be Nov. 5. An auction sale and pro gram will be held-about the middle of November to raise money for the hot lunches. The Amec club met at the home of Mrs. Gary Tullis Sept. 26 with 12 members and one guest present. Pumpkin pie and coffee were en joyed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and sons Alton and Clifford returned last week from a trip to Portland, Seattle, Yakima and Pasco. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pemerantz who have been visiting over the week end at the Henry Clark home left Monday for Los Angeles to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson of San Jose, Calif, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Troedson. Mr. Nelson is a brother of Mrs. Troedson. The Maranatha club will meet Oct. 13 at Mrs. Margaret Turner's at the Palmateer ranch. The Topic club will hold its study meeting with Mrs. Roy Lindstrom, Oct. 17. Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mrs. Victor Rietmnn and Mrs. Agnes Wilcox are the other hostesses. Three flights of racing pigeons were released Sunday morning by station agent A. J. Fisher. More will be turned loose at 7:00 a. m. next Sunday. Joel Barlow's car was stolen and wrecked near the Wm. Seehafer ranch Sunday evening. Mrs. Seeha fer reported the wreck to the sher iff and then drove to lone to church. Later she found that her pick-up had been stolen. The party was captured at Arlington Monday. The lone high school football team played Helix at Helix Friday and lost 13-19. Fred McMurray of Hermiston visited his brother Laxton who is ill. Those getting a deer so far were Delzells and Lonnie McCa.be. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and family spent the week-end in Spokne where they visited their nephew Van Rietmann who is in the hospital there. Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Castleman spent a lew days last week at Sun valley. Visitors at the H. O. Ely home at Morgan last week were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ely of Marshfield and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hali'erty of Warrenton. The two Elys are bro thers and Mrs. Ely, and Mrs. Hal ferty who is staying for an extend ed visit, are cousins. A women's missionary meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. L. Carlson at 2 p. m. Oct. 7. Everyone is welcome to attend. The PNG club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer with 12 members and 2 visitors present. Jello, cookies and coffee were served. Preaching services are being held this week at the Cooperative church by Rev. E. C. Salter, pastor of Ardenwald church of Portland. Mrs. Bernice Harris has purchas ed the Art Stefani house now occu pied by the Whites. A number of Rebekahs from lone and Morgan attended the con vention in Lexington Monday. Thnsp rpnnrted ill and in hosoit- als are Mrs. Robert Buchanan at The Dalles hospital and Mrs. Louis Bergevin at St. Anthonys in Pen dleton. Mrs. Joe Mason of Prineville vis ited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker and Mrs. Rov Lindstrom left Sun day for Portland to attend the grand chapter of Eastern Star which was held Monday and Tuesday. Olarpncp Linn who was recently discharged from the army is visit ing relatives in this vicnity. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith of Morgan returned from an extend ed trip through Oregon and Wash ington. Mrs. Mary Austin, English teach er received word that her son who has been in the armed forces in the Pacific is now in a hospital at Au burn, Calif. Mrs. Bessie Everson states that her son Sgt Tom Everson is sta tioned at Sioux Falls S. D. T-nst Fridav was cleanup day at the Cooperative church. The stove was moved into the basement and mnrln into a furnace which is a OTPat improvement. It will heat both the church and the basement with less work. o Lexington Items . . . . By MBS. MARY EDWARDS T.t Tfonnotri .Tankson of the army air corps arrived home Tuesday, having received his discharge from the service. T5 Mplvin Lvlp Allvn (Pinkv) arrived home Friday from Camp Lewis. He has received an nonor able discharge from the army. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Ya kima were Lexington visitors over tVip wppk-pnd. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt spent iv, ,.,ootonH in R;ilpm. Thev were Vllt accompanied by Louise Hunt and Estelle Ledbetter who are entering oniintm himinpss collece there. ir-,rl Tnvlor and son Keith of PnHlnnrl arrive d Mondav at the Edwards home. They came up to go hunting. Keith has spent the last four vears in the armv and was in the south Pacific most of the time He lias his discharge and is hunt- WiU fw-mt-m VWNM ing deer instead of Japs. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger and family spent several days in Portland last week. Mrs. Florence McMillan and Mrs Adolph Majeske were Pendleton visitors one day last week. Miss Audrey Majeske left Sun day morning for Salem where she will compete in a state wide 4-H club show. Mrs. Martha Hicks was hostess for a surprise birthday party for her daughter Ramona Tuesday af ternoon. Guests were members of the first and second grades. Kenneth Way Sic left Thursday to report at his base at San Diego. BOARDMAN NEWS By Maxine Ely Mrs. Gregory Daniels who is se riously ill was taken to The Dalles hospital Sunday evening. Harley Miller of Myrtle Point is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phelps and children moved to Madras Monday. Mrs. Isabelle Davis and children of lone visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fortner the first part of the week. Lester Thorpe of the navy re turned to San Francisco Sunday af ter spending a 30 day leave with nis parents, ivir .ana ivirs. nairy Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ely and son Fayne and Mrs. D. L. Pieriott of Morgan spent Sundy afternoon visiting the Elvin Ely home. The grade school teachers attend ed a health workshop in Heppner Friday and the high school teach ers attended Thursday. Among those who have gone deer hunting are Russell Miller, Shorty; Lehman, Cecil Hamilton, Lou Ham-, ilton, Melvin Carlson and Edward McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill and Keith and Mr. and Mrs. Art Allen and Gene spent the week-end vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe at Union. Mrs Ann Overson and daughters of Wallowa spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Ronald Black. Melvin Carlson spent Wednesday in Portlnd on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pearson went to Heppner Saturday from where Mr Pearson went hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hill of We natchee Wash, spent Monday visit ing Mrs. Elvin Ely and Mrs. Ida Chandler. Mrs. A. A. Agee returned home Saturday from Hermiston where Continued on Page Serea Willard and Goodyear Batteries For all Cars and Trucks. BATTERIES RECHARGED New Fast Willard Safe Method. RENTALS Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon Home heating without waste Tor every family, fuel conservation is a wartime "must." tylake the most of all you get ! Standard Burner Oils are completely distilled (purified). They provide complete combustion without waste no carbon deposit or coke residue. Standard Furnace Oil for home furnaces; Standard Stove Oil for circulating heaters. L E. DICK Phone 622 This little act of carelessness is responsible for approximately one fourth of our forest fires, No. 1 enemy of the woods. 4 But the direct money loss isn't the greatest dan ger. Worse is the fact that lands frequently burned over lose their capacity for reproduction. America needs productive forest lands, not fire-blackened wastes, for America needs the things forests pro duce. You can do your part by making certain your cigarette is out before you throw it away. KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY .00 BBEKBSBEStS: )