8 Heppner Gazette Times, September 27, 1945 4-H Club Exhibit Awards Announced More than 100 parents and child ren attended the annual 4-H fair and home economics exhibit held in the Heppner Oddfellows hall Saturday .Sept. 22 .AH agreed that this program concluded a success ful year of 4-H club work: It was not possible to present the awards to the winners of each class at the program and the results of the enmnetition of the different classes of exhibits are given here with: . , ., , ..... Class I Clothing: Division 1A Exhibit: noorllPMSp.. nincushion. weaving, wall hanging, luncneon cloth, record book, Gail House, Kathleen Orwick, Beverly Nolan. Dianne Van Horn, Patricia Division II, dress apron, holder, towel, darn, record book, Patty tea Ma jeske, eBtty Jean Graves. Division III Dress, patch, housecoat, record book, Jean Rauch. nivisinn TV. Comolete ensemble and rpnnvatp.d earment. record book and unstpr Andrpv Maieske. Class II Cooking: division la, Ice box cookies, record book: Marion fear son, Donna Hottman, Lois Miles, Pa rinin t-TpmIv flrania Miller. Division lb: Drop cooKies, recuru book .Nancy Ferguson, Rita Mae Gra ves, Grac.ia Voile, Eleanor Harwood, Dolores Zivney. Division III, Loaf white bread, rec ord book, Betty Jean Graves. Division IV, Camp cookery: Baking powder biscuits, record book, Patty Ma jeske, Faye Cutsorth, Wendell Connor. Billy Hughes, Jimmy Green. Class III Canning: 1 jar fruit, 3 jars vegetables. 2 jars pickles, record book, Mildred Carlson. Class IV Gardening, 3 vegetables of 3 varieties, record book, Betty Jean Graves, J. Dean Graves, Jo Anne Graves. , Class V Health Posters, record book, Patty Majeeke, Glenn Walker, Billy Steagall, June Van Winkle, Joan Breeding, Betty Lou Messenger, Le Roy Nikander,, Pat Cutsforth. Scrap books: June Van Winkle, Leon Theis. Class VI homemaking 1, two bedroom articles, record book, Ruby Ann Riet manii, Lola Ann McCabe, Patricia Drake. Jane Seehafer, Dolores Drake. Style review, Audrey Majeske, Patty Majeske, Betty Jean Graves. Record book contest: Audrey Ma jeske, Betty Jean Graves, Wanda Mat teson, Leon Theis. Demonstration teams: Baking pow der biscuits; Barbara Stout. Colleen Connor; needle case, Beverly Nolan, Gail House; measuring flour, Wendell Connor, Gail House; sandwiches, Nan cy Ferguson, Donna Hottman. The exhibits of the following people will be taken to the State fair at Sa-H loin. Oct. 1 and 2: Clothing 1. Gail House, Kathleen Or wick, Beverly Nolan. Clothing IF. Patty Majeske. Audrey Majeske will compete in the state wide style review Colleen Connor and Barbara Stout will be awarded a trip to the state fair for being the winning demonstra tion team. WINS PRE-FLIGIIT COURSE Tom Hughes, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hughes, has been awarded an eight hour pre-flight training course which he plans to take un der Jack Forsythe at the Lexing ton airport. Tom was one of 12 boys who tied for top grades at the re cent two weeks short course spon sored by the Civilian Air Patrol at Portland and won out in the fi nals, Highest grades at the school ranged from 90 to 98. FOR SALE 15 ft. John Deere disc harrow practically new. Earl Mc Kinney, Heppner. Call 18F5. 27-9p o Authority on Deafness Here mmm ... Mr. S. H. Riipp will be in Heppner to conduct the new and radically different "Acousticon Speech Hear ing Test" for the hard of hearing at a clinic to be held in the Heppner Hotel on Thursday and Friday, Oc tober 4 and 5, from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. Mr. Ripp has had speciaaized laboratory training on hard of hear ing problems and takes an under standing interest in helping the haaring. Hard of hearing people are invited to attend this Hearing Aid Clinic where they will be given the Acou sticon Hearing Test free of cost and without obligation. Also you may enjoy a demonstration of the new War Born Revolutionary Develop ment, "Heaaring Lenses," which help ears as properly fitted glasses . help and rest eyes. Evening appointments in your own home may be arranged for. Acousticon World's First Electric al Hearing Aid Manufacturer. Mr. and Mr?. Chas. Vaughn were Portland visitors from Wednesday to Monday. While away they visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Goodman in Salem. .Mrs. .Clayton Shaw came Star Reporter . . . . FRIDAY-SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28-29 CALL OF THE WILD Clark Gable, Loretta Young, Jack Oakie, Reginald Owen Jack London's famous melodrama of gold prospecting in Alaska combines action and romance in an outdoor setting. A reissue. PLUS SEE MY LAWYER Olsen and JohnsonAIan Curtis, Grace Mc Donald, Noah Beery Jr., Franklin Pangborn, Edward Brophy, Yvette, Carmen Aniaya and Co., King Cole Trio, Hudson Wonders, Rogers Adagio Trio, Four Tjpens, The Christianis, Six Willys. Olsen and Johnson create their characteristic and convulsive confusion amid much splendid talent. A menc FUR SALE!!Ofyso Al 1 ICQ TO 4:0 in if M Sept. 28 and 29 5 NOTICE: If the 20 Federal Tax oh furs is reduced or eliminated by Jan uary 1; 1946, Duplers' will refund to their customers between now .. and Jan. DCPS,t Reserves Choi our oice 10 MONTHS TO PAY No interest no carry ing charges. Every Coat Guaranteed! home with them. Mrs. F. S. Parker has been visit ing at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoskins, Jr. onRhea creek. Via 1, 1946 the fur amount nf thp tnv rpHiir:,no. Friday and Saturday Only! Curran's Ready-to-Wear ST -NDAY-MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30-OCT. 1 NATIONAL VELVET E zabeth Taylor, Mickey Rooney, Donald Crisp, Anne Revere, Angela Lansbury, Jackie Jenkins Arthur Treacher. Against a background of vibrant Technicolor unfolds an unforgettable story of two youngsters who shared a secret dream of greatness for a spirited horse. TUESEAY, OCTOBER 2 ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Bela Lugosl, Anne Jeffreys, Sheldon Leonard Frank Jer.ks Horror, humor and hokum are glended into a funny scare-a-roo. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, OCTOBEH 3-4 DELIGHTFULLY DANGEROUS. Jane Powell, Balph Bellamy, Constance Moore, Morton Gonld and his Orchestra, Arthur Treacher, Louise Beavers Good music and a light-hearted story make diverting entertainment. Greatest Plus Tax Ch fi oose rrom Mouton Dyed Lamb Muskrat Head Muskrat Sides Grey Persian Paws Blue Dyed Fox Paws ( Brown Dyed Fox Paws Antelope o Red Dyed Fox Paws o Sealine Sable Dyed Coney Black Persian Paws And Many, Mssiy More!