t Heppncr Gazette Times, September 27, 1945 -3 MURO i CHURCH of IOE COOPERATIVE II. N. Waddell, Pastor Bible school 10 a. m. Worship service 11 a. m. Junior Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Praise and preaching service 8 o'clock p. m. Bible study 8 p. m. Tuesdays HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herbison, Pastor Bible School 9:45. Morning worship .11 a. m. , Young Feople's meeting 7 p. ra. Evening worship srvice 8 o'clock. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m..id and 4th Sundays. . , Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st arrfjfcj; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th SurTL Week day mass 8 a. CFrst Fli day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:3(VOTl,fc. m. Sat urdays; Sundays, SrlS:55 a. m. Mass at 9 a. m. on fifth Sunday in Heppner only. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL' CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Church School 9:45 a. m. No 11 o'clock service. Archdeacon Blunt will be at Baker. FIRST METHODIST CIIUPtCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Subject Morning worship 11 a. m. Sub ject "I Believe in the Holy Spirit." Sunday Oct. 7 will be observed by Christiian congregations through .out the world as "World Commu nion Sunday" Sermon subject will be "I Believe in the Holy Catholic Church." ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. rrigon News Notes t:v MRS. J. A. SHOUW Mi". Minnie Fraser and daughter ''a-s;e and son Elton arrived home Catur-lcy from Kendrick. Ida. Jim nie and Clara arrived Wednesday rom there. t The freshmen were initiated into "he high school Thursday with a party by the students. Patty Markham is visiting the Harry Smiths while her sister Lois is home from Spokane. Mrs. Virgil Sparks spent from Wednesday until Sunday at Red mond. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom were in Irrigon Tuesday. They sold their house in Irrigon to Mrs. Ruth Umi ker. They have lived in a Spark camp house since she sold the Leicht property. The house is oc cupied by the Minnie Fraser fam ily now. They will move in as soon as the Frasers move out. Avery Shoun was a Heppner visitor Monday. His brother A. A. Shoun departed Tuesday for Cali fornia after spending a few weeks here.. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shoun and son Steven of Walla Walla were Ir rigon visitors Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Suddarth is adding a brick laying house to her extensive : oultry equipment. Wm Potts and Clyde Caldwell of Umatilla are do ing the work.. The Walter Griders have paint ed the outside of their house and the Milton Baileys and C. W. Ac ocks have iinished the interior of their houses. Mr. and Mrs. Robert tWaters of Umatilla were Irrigon visitors at the home of 'his mother, Mrs. Jack Browning. i'illa IViae Grim and June Good win left Saturday for La' Grande where they will take teacher train ing. Miss Grim has a scholarship. Misses Lavelle and Delpha Mark ham leave for Seattle Friday. They are to attend the Northwest Bible Institute. The Pentecostal church Young People's Service :30 p m. Evening service 8:00 p. m. Fit SI IS GENERAL ELECTRIC -cC nms m mm a second i ; V A 7INS NEW FEATHERWEIGHT P! AsTIC 'I M ) L . ViZS I,' m COWs MS BEEN DEVELOPED If ".'.VV V.' :.t',i b 1 V ff a LY GtiJSHAL ELECTRIC RESEARCH ?mm$i$. FIXTURE IN TEST TU3G EXPANDS CO TI.V.E3 ITS SIZE H 10 A'iINUTES. "J f ; ; HA- 1 4 y mi 1 1 S wmm- i ' v AN OLD G-E CUSTOM . FOR 37 YEARS GENERAL ELEC TRIC HAS HAD MEN SPECIALLY ASSIGNED TO HELP THE FARMER WITH HIS ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS. WOmt CARRIES 27 TCS! A FARM WIFE CARRIED WATER FROM SPRING OUTSIDE HOUSE TO THE AMOUNT OF 27 TONS PER YEAR. AN ELECTRIC PUMP COULD HAVE DONE HER WORK FOR 10$ PER MONTH. had a farewell party for them Tuesday evening. This is Lavelle's second year there. Pvt Elton Fraser left for Camp Adair Tuesday morning. He has been visiting here and at Kendrick, Ida. since he left Camp Roberts, Calif, about two weeks ago. The A. B. Turners were Pendle ton visitors Monday. Robert Smith went to Portland Sunday and returned Monday night. He took his sister-in-law Mrs. Wayne Caldwell nd small son Rich ard Wayne down with him. They have been visiting her husband's relatives here for some time.. Wayne Caldwell is now in the Philippines. Cadet Nurses Lois Markham and Betty Acock will return to their training hospital in Spokane Fri day. Mrs. Ruth Umiker had a chick en dinner for them Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach, Willrd Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bailey were Pasco visitors Thurs day evening. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Winquist and small son arrived Friday to make their home here and to be at the head of the Community church here. The C. W. Isoms, former property owners here, have sold their pro perty near Pendletton and are moving to Oregon City. Virgil Sparks and mother, Mrs. Floyd Sparks were Pendleton vis itors Monday. Clifford Rucker Sic of Astoria is home on pass for a few hours with his parents, the Elmer Ruckers. BOARDMAH news By lUaxlne Ely M Sp;t Don TnniiPhill is spending a furlouph with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill. Don lias been in the Philippine island:;. Mr. and Mrs. Loo Root accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root of Ath ena returned Friday from Gredley, Calif, where they visited Mr. Root's brother Marvin Root and family. On their way home they stopped in Port land to visit Mrs. Root's mother. Mrs. Mefford. J. T. Bullock from Pendleton is visiting his daughters Effie Bullock and Mrs. Minnie McFaiiand for a couple of weeks. Ralph Akers of lone is visiting Lis daughter. Mrs. Russell Miller. Mrs. Maxine Scott and son spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott at Athena and friends at Weston. Mr. and Mrs. George Linn and Kent and Mr. and Mrs. Debs Beaver spent Saturday in Pendleton. 'Mrs. James Driscoll and children Tommy and Janice and Mrs. Bruce Lindsey and daughter Sherdy arrived Tuesday at the home of thei" parent:. Mr. and Mrs. Boh Fortner. The child ren remained with their grandparents while their mothers went to Heppner to visit their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. p'red Lucas. Mr. and Mr.. Fort ner went to Heppner Sunday taking the children. Mrs. Lindsey and Sherry returned with the Fortners. Mr. and Mrs. Lolund Rodgers spent 1-v-a week with their daughter-in-lav and granddaughter, Mrs. Allen Rod gors and' Linda. Merrill McFarland of Umatil'a spnl the week-end with his (rrandparents, Mr. and Mrn. A. E. McFarland. Lt. fiid Mrs. Frank Dan-di from San Diego, Calif, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kale Macombcr. Mif-s Jo:-ephine McTntire of Portland s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntire (his week. Jack Oorhirn from Eugene spent lact week in Boardman. Archie McFarland motored to Dcpoe Cay Sunday on business. Elvin Ely, extra gang foreman at Rock creek, spent the week-end with 'lis family. Mr. and Mrs. ' Ronald Black and Crystal Barlow were Pendleton visit ors Saturday. James Wayner of the marines sta tioned at Miramar. Calif, spent last week here visiting Dorothy Roacii and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hood Agee and fam ily spent Sunday with A. A. Agee. Loi3 Messenger of The Dalles spout the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. J3. T. Messenger. Ernabell Peck who is attending school in Pendleton spent the week Continued on Page Seven JSL. WE ARE OKI OUR WAV The peak of our Company's telephone short age was in August Then' we had about 305,000 unfilled orders for service of which more than 298,000 were for service in residences. More orders come in every d?y, but now wei are installing telephones faster than the new orders come in. We will get 80,000 telephones from July to December 31 this year, and 80,000 in the first three months of 1946. Western Electric, our manufacturing company, is setting up every machine it has that will make telephone equipment. In the next 12 months the Bell System expects to install more telephones than there were in all of France and Belgium before die war. Even that will not give service to everyone who wants it in that time. There are places where: we have complicated switchboards to install even places where we must build new buildings for the new switchboards. While there were in August more than 123,000 unfilled orders du to lack of telephone instruments, diere was a greater number, about 164,000, unfilled due to shortage of central office facilities. But we are- on our way to give service to all who want it on our way to restore Bell Sys tem standards of service and raise them even higher. We are turning our facilities back to civilian service just as fast as we turned them) to the instant needs of war. t:-:s paemz telephone mm TELEGRAPH CC.V.PAWY 4 YVet Willow St Phone 5 1st' Select choice staple foods and fresh crisp vegetables from our stocks and give your school age children the needed vitality for doing topnotch work. CENTRAL MARKET and GROCERY GENERAL fH ELECTRIC I :