2 Heppner Gazette Times, September 27, 1945 IONE NEWS NOTES By Mrs. Echo Palmateer The Birthday club held a party at the Congregational church parlors Tuesday, Sept. 18. Mrs. Stella O'Meara and Mrs. Kathenne Yarnell were host esses. Guests of honor were Mrs. Bar bara Heliker and Mrs. Elsie Peterson. About 12 members were present. Re freshments of jello, cake and coffee, were served. Donald and Ernest Heliker went to the mountains last week to cut their winter supply of wood. Those leaving for OSC this week-end were June Griffith, Melba Crawford and Wilma Dobyns. Mrs R. It- Castleman who has re turned from a visit in Portland was aompanied home by her claught Mrs Ramona Poore, whose home is in Si? Mrs. Poore will spend a wee visitine her parents, Mr. ami Airs. fflSSan. anPd her daughter Janice bW5 daughterlin-law, Mr, - Kitty Turner who has been! viSVhie relatives in this vicinity for , Snt?meleft for Union to visit a son S were Mrs, Clyde Denney and Mrs Fred Mankin; low, Mu. Ll Sell and Mrs M. E.. Cotter.; Jack I hieh Mrs. Louis Bergevin, and giand S Mrs. Fred Mankin. Itef resh-1 mo ts of ice cream, cuke and coffee, were served. Hostesses w?re tors. Ar-, villa Swanson, Mrs. Mary Swanson and , Mrs. Frances Carlson. . fl Round-Up guests at the home of Jairios Lindsay were Mr. and M. a. C. ; A Rarlow and son Jack of Camas,, Wash and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Law-: rente of Silve.ton. Mrs. Lawrence is a sister of Mr. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Job Crabtree lot . rl dav evening for their home in bale n after spemlfng the Bummer With their dauchter Mrs. Louis Halvorsen. The HEC of Willows grange wil have a dinner at their hull Nov. 21 from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m., also a bazaar carnival will be held. The apron SSrnmittee wishes to announce that there will be a prize for the most fancy apron and one for the most practical apron. Aprons should be sent in to Mrs. Mary Lindsay as soon The Union Missionary meeting will be held at the Congregational church parlors Oct. 4. . Mr. and Mrs. Clell Rea are the par- ,.t v.l, crii-1 hnrn Sfnt. 18. eiu ui t uttuj J1-" .. i A. A. McCabe has gone on a vacation j trip. . ' . , ... .., i Earl MCUaDe IS on nia way ui eiuili vva;;i. t" iclxivc ..if v.,. ........ Mrs. Eloise Estes of Seattle is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Bo.rgevin. Mrs. Estes is a sister of .Mr. JlV and Mrs. Victor Rietmann and ; daughter Ruby Ann and Mr. and Mrs. , Omar Rietmann and son Larry drove I to Condon Sunday to visit Ed Riot-; 111:11111. - Tvr,.,u,.a f fho 4-TT pliih frnm here iu;iiimi j ml - - who attended the fair at Heppner i Saturd.iv were Pat'-icia and Dclnrua Drake, Ruby Ann Rietmann, Lola Ann ; t,t..( l.mo slonVmVor .ioAnn Colf- man. and their leader, Mrs. Lonnie McCalxf. Thev were accompanied by Mrs William Snehafer. Mrs. Victor Rietmann and Mrs. Cleo Drake. The girls demonstrated bed making and their number on the program was a soi'lT Mrs. Walter Corley received word that, her hu:;liand has been moved to Fort Knox, Ky. Cleo Drake and l ienry i ku k wi-m , to Bond over the week-end. Drake hunted antelope and was t'oi-tunate in getting one. and Clark visited with Charles Shaver. The high school football team lost the first game to Echo last Thurs day at Echo. The next game will be at Helix. Miss Darlene Biddle left last week for itadinon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Lindstrom return ed Friday from a three weeks vaca tion. They visited in the Willamette valley and along the coast then went, to San Francisco where they spoilt a week, also visited an unc'n of Mr;;. Lindstrom's, Byron Goodall, at San Mateo and Eva Swanson of the Waves at Balboa Park. Lt. Paul Sniouse who is stationed at Marchfield, Calif, has a 15 day fur lough. He spent mos't of it with his wife who is 111 in Spokane, and is now visiting his mother. Mrs. Anne Smou. ".. Mrs. Frances Hitter of Heppner is visiting her sister, Mrs. Grace Ander " son. Mrs. Vernon Brown received word from her son. Lt. Bill Biddle. that he is on his wav to Port Lewis to rcceiv his separation from the Army Air Mr. ' and Mrs. Loval Eriekson of El-1 lensburg', Wash, and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Girard of Reno, JTlev. were visitors over the week-end at tne jonn luiu sier home. Mrs. Eriekson is a sister ol Mr. Ransier. Mrs. Ada Cannon spent last week at the Ivor Nelson home at Kinzua. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ball returned home from an extended trip through Oregon and Washington. They visited the Edgar Ball family at Foien Grove, the Vernon Christophersons at Donald and Glenn Ball at Yakima. Lake Beckners have purchased the. house of Milton Morgan Jr. and will move in soon. Mr. and Mrs. William Ludwig and son Curtis were Walla Walla visitors over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray have returned from a week's vacation at RItter. The Mobile 'Chest X-ray Survey unit will be in lone at the school house Oct. 1 from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 4 p. m. Harry Ring has received nis dis charge from the army. Lyle (Pinky) Allyn will soon receive his discharge. He has been visiting In lone. Visitors at the Wallace Matthews home were Mr. Matthews' sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Bushnell, and a nephew and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Kl Lane Matthews, all of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lleuallen sold their cafe to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long. The Lieuallens will remain here as Mr. Lieuallen will run the card room. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark received word from their son Lowell that he had arrived in New York and would be sent to a hospital on the west coast soon to receive treatment for his ear which wa3 injured by a bomb explosion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olsten of Port land visited at the Hmry Clark hni They brought little Alicia Swales back with them. Mrs. Olsten will leave ioi Minneapolis, Minn., the middle of Oc tober to attend the graduation exer cise.) of her son, Robert Sparks, from the University of Minnesota after which he will become an aide to an ambassador to Europe. Robert at tended school here while in the grades. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCabe are vi:ating the ladies' mother, Mtb. Clyde rite art. Pvt Robert Rietmann has been transferred from Camp Maxle, Tex. to Fort Ord, Calif. Those who are interested In Youth for Christ are Invited to meet again Monday, Oct. 1 at 8 p. m. sharp in the Congregational church parlor. A group is expected from the Pendletor Youth for Christ to inform those who are not acquainted with this movement, which is non-denominational. All Christians, young and old, are urged to attend this meeting. n . NOTICE TO HUNTERS No trespassing or hunting will be permitted on any of the proper ties of the undersigned in Morrow county. Anyone found violating this , AUXILIARY MEETING order will be prosecuted to the run,- The Women's Auxiliary of AH Saints Episconal church will meet Mrs. D. O. Justus i in the parish house at 2:30 p. m. F. D. Cox l Friday. extent of the law.' Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield Service Phone 1242 i w n i mmimw i mi w 1 1 m wimi m 1 1 Get Rid of Flies the New Scientific Way We have been fortunate in securing for resale a limited quantity of DDT Spray. Now is a good time to get rid of those flies in your barns. Hard Heppner ware r fcSeciric Company . Mplm L can desfroB forest Because many people only fhoughf their Stamp on It, reducing every ember to powder, eampfires were dead, thousands of acres of Then rake it over thoroughly. Then douse It forest, lands have been ravaged by destruc- with water until not the slightest spark remains, five fires. Your help is needed to fecop America green. Don't take It for granted ... be sure your to maintain our forest lands at their produe tire Is out. tlve peak. 12i PI MILLS CIIMPAHY