Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 20, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, September 20, 1945
The Topic club met at the home
of Mrs. Mary Swanson Sept. 12 with
12 members present. The novel
"The Fields of Paradise" by Bates
was reviewed. Watermelon . was
served. Mrs. Arvilla Swanson and
Mrs. Frances Carlson were also
hostesses. The social meeting will
be held Sept. 22 with Mrs. Arvilla
Fred Buchanan has purchased a
new car and was hired to drive the
Dry Fork school bu3.
The PTA held a reception for the
teachers at the gymnasium Sept. 12.
The following program was given
Song, Star Spangled Banner by
all; welcome address, Mrs. Vera
Rietmann, president of PTA; re
sponse by Supt. B. C. Forsythe;
musical reading, Mrs. Markham Ba
ker; vocal solo, Patricia Drake;
reading, Aloha Painter; piano solo,
Mildred Carlson, and song, "God
Bless America" by all. Refresh
ments were served. Mrs. B. C. For
sythe and Mrs. Carl Linn poured.
Rev. Paul A. Davies, superiten
dent of the Congregational churches
of Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. George
Alley, all of Portland were guests
at the Omar Rietmann home one
day last week. They were on their
way to Lexington and Condon. Mr.
and Mrs. Alley will attend theolo
gical college in Chicago.
Word was received that Carl
Feldman of Sunnyvale, Calif, had
the misfortune to break his arm.
Kenneth Lundell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Lundell, is home from
Seattle where he has been working
for an aircraft company. He ex
pects to leave soon for California
to work,
Roy Lindstrom, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom, cut his
toe quite badly while playing
around a well drill.
Clifford McCabe, who is in St.
Anthony's hospital at Pendleton fol
lowing an appendectomy, is expect
ed home this week.
Dinner guests of Mrs. Lana Pad
berg Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Burton and son Marsh, Mrs.
R. A. Misetich and Mrs. Robert Ca
son, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Darrell Padberg and family, Mrs.
Hazel Benge and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Stevens and son Jim
my The Portland guests returned
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of
Portland were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Franklkin Ely of
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Emert and
family left for Hoquiam Wash. Mr
Emrt will engage in commercial
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilson of
Santa Anna Calif, visited ' at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Smith. Mr. Wilson, who is a bro
ther of Mrs. Smith, was' discharged
from MeCaw General hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hoodley of
Portland spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Heliker and also
attended the Pendleton Round-up.
Mrs. Fred Gustafson of Sumner,
Wash, died Sept. 5. Funeral ser
vices have been postponed await
ing the arrival of a son from the
Pacific area. Mrs. Gustafson is a
sistr of; the late W. A. Swanson.
The PNG club will meet with
Mrs. Echo Palmateer Spt. 28.
Misses Alice Nichoson and Eu
nice Peterson left Sunday for Cor
vallis where they will attend Ore
gon State college. Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Peterson took them. Miss June
Griffith will leave the last of the
week for O. S. C.
Visitors at the Roy Lieuallens
over the week-end were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Long and son Pvt Joe
Gaskill, Gladys Walle and Vernon
Sparks all of Toppenish, Wash.
Mrs. Etta Bristow is visiting at
the home of W. N. Swenden of
Walla Walla.
Mrs. Earl B. Wright of Baker
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ida
Pfc Harry Ring is home enroute
to Fort Lewis, Wash.,
Mrs. Ella Bleakman is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Hershall Town
send. Mrs. Harvey Smith received word
that her brother Vinton Wilson is
on his way home. He has been in
a Japanese prison- camp. He was re
ported to be in good health.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner were
pleasantly surprisd Tuesday eve
ning. SeDt. 11 when about 50 friends
called to help them celebrate heir
25th anniversary. A mock wedding
and dancing occupied the evening
with refreshments served later.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wetzel of Port
land are visitors at the Franklin
Lindstrom home. Mrs. Wetzel is an
aunt of Mrs. Lindstrom.
Rev. and Mrs. C. Weitemier of
White Swan, Wash, were guests of
Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell. Mr.
Weitemier preached the morning
services at the Cooperative church
Charles Austin of Richland Wash.
visited over the week-end with his
wife who teaches here.
Mrs. Dorothv Olston and Mrs.
Mary Norris of Portland, sisters of
Mrs. Henry Clark visited their fa
thr, George Ganger who is ill in
Pendleton. Little Alicia Jean Swales
returned to Portland with them.
Little Danny Pomerantz of Port
land is visiting his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark. He will
move with his parents to Los Ange
les the first of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin re
ceived word that their daughter
Betty, a government nurse station
ed in Manila is on her way to Japan.
Mrs. Charles McElligott and son
Don of Portland are visitors at the
Hubbard home. Don has seen ser
vice in North Africa.
Cpl and Mrs. Greiner of Rich
mond, Califi are visiting her mo
ther Mrs. Ada Salter. Cpl Greiner;
has received his army discharge.
Pvt Charles Doherty is enjoying
a short furlough with the home
folks, having completed his basic
training at Camp Roberts. He will
report at Camp Adair for assign
ment which may mean a trip to To
kyo. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Doherty of lone. '
Lt. Jack Forsythe returned to
Heppner Tuesday flying here from
Pampas, Tex., in a Taylorcraft two
place plane which he will put into
service at the Lexington airport.
He will go to Fort Lewis th first of
the week to receive his discharge
from the U. S. Army, after which
he will be in charge of the new
Mrs. Jim Driscoll and Mrs. Bruce
Lindsay are visiting their grandpa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Lucas.
The young women are making
their home in Portland while their
husbands are serving overseas.
FOR SALE 6 white face bu?ks,
MacCallister stock. E. Jay Mer
rill. 2Gp
FOR SALE Wood or ccal heater,
good condition. A. 3.. Shamblyn,
across from depot. 26-27p
FOR SALE 2 Briggs & Stratton
washing machine motors; an RCA
Victor radio, battery set. Ray
mond Reid Heppner. 26-27p
FOR SALE Small well broke
saddle horse gentle for women or
children; also Guernsey milk cow
milking 2 months. Howard Bryant.
Willows Grange Hall
Saturday Evening
SEPT. 22
lone Cardinals
Supper Served at Midnight
Everybody Welcome
Admission 50c, Tax 10c, Total 60c
4 I '
I X Si -Affii,
h hmiiii m h m Mini
Save Fuel, Keep Warm
r- jm a --
Partemp adds almost
unbelievable comfort, siring warmth
in winter, delightful coolness In, fn!tfi U&
wovernmeni inspected.
About JJjjJU Buys
Sufficient Partemp to Insulate an Average
Unfloored Attic
Pays for Itself in Three Years
Rosewall Motor Co.
Your Firestone Dealer
Star Reporter . . . .
(The Story of a Careless Stork)
Marjorie Reynolds, Charlie Ruggles, Fay Bainter, Helen Broderick, Arthur
Lake, Hattie McDaniel. An uproarious tale of complicated situations.
PLUS ROUGH RIDIN JUSTICE Charles Starrett, Dub Taylor, Betty
Jane Graham. See some tall riding, fast shooting and justice triumph.
Jimmy Vakely and his Saddle Pals give out with campfire tunes and
there is a good duet number by a couple of boys with an accordion and a
bull fiddle.
Ginger Roger. Joseph Cotten, Shirley Temple, Spring Byington, Tom
Tully. Chill Wills . . . They came from different worlds these two, each
living a secret and afraid to tell...the screen s newest romantic pair on the
strangest hodiday two people ever shared.
Edward Arnold, Selena Royle, Dan Duryea, Hume Cronyn
The Dibson family finds that "paddy rolling" our servicemen doesn't pay.
PLUS SWING OUT SISTER Rod Cameron, Billie Burke, Arthur Trea
cher, Frances Raeburn, Samuel S. Hinds Fuzzy Knight, Leo Diamond
Quartet. Swing music, broad comedy, a little roughhouse and a double
wedding add up to entertainment fare for the family.
Jokn Wayne, Ami Dvorak, Joseph Schildkraut, William Frawley. Virginia
Grey, Russell Hicks A lusty romantic hit with captivating songs of
yesterday and today.
mum one
We have been asked by the Maytag company,
in placing our order for washers, to specify our
choice for ELECTRIC or GASOLINE models.
Anyone wanting early delivery on a
Maytag, please give us this informa
tion before we place our order.
ii mgm mmimmibimm
Heppner Hardware and
Electric Company