2 Heppner Gazette Times, September 20, 1945 Irrigon News Notes By VB.8. J. A. SSOUH CWO and Mrs. Wiley Benefiel and small son Wiley left for Se attle Saturday after spending some tim here with the A. E. Stephens and Carl Haddox families. Harry Bennett of Spokane is vis iting with the Ora Thompsons. The Grandmothers led -by Mrs. Tom Caldwell helped Grandma Ferrill celebrate her 81st birthday with refreshments including a grand birthday cake. Mrs. Ellen McCoy and Mrs. Mil ton Bailey went to Pasco Sunday night. Mrs. Bailey has been quite ill. Mrs. Ellen McCoy and son Ron ald started for Seattle Tuesday to spend a wek with Russell McCoy Pfo Elton Fraser arrived home from his California base Friday and he and hia mother Mrs. Minnie Fraser and sisters Clara and Max ine and brother Jimmie left for Kendrick, Ida. Saturday. The J. A. Shouns have been no tified that their son Andrew has had an honorabale discharge and is in Walla Walla with his family. Mrs. A. E. Stephens, and son Clarke spent a few hpurs Sunday with Mr. Stphens in the Ordnance hospital. Pvt Marvel Connell has a 60 day leave from McCaw hospital and is visiting his brother Earl and fam ily. He went down to Boardman Monday to visit his mother Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Burke and Theresa Connell. son of Mt. Vernon spent Sunday with Mr. Burke's sister, Mrs. Wm. Gollyhorn and family. They went on to the coast Monday. Billy Allen, S 2c of Pasco spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. H. W. Grim and ohter relatives, e Herbert Ames and son Melvin were at Celilo Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. .Milton Bailey, Ellen McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach, June Goodwin and Ella Mae Grim attended Happy Canyon Saturday night at Pendleton. The Strausers have purchased the Dobble place. Paula Haberlein of Portland vis ited at the home of her father Paul Habrlein for a few days. She will soon start her senior year at Maryl hurst college. Friday seemed to be Round-up day for Irrigon people. The follow ing were among the Pendleton visitors that day: the Herman Duus family, Gollyhorns, Mrs. Seites, the Mike Hinkleys, Mr. ' Pelton and daughter, Minnicks, Leila Thomp son, Ruckers and daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Meltton Amos of Kellogg, Ida., Fred Adams and family, A. A. Ssoun, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shoun and the Cosner family. COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR AUGUST 1945 The . minutes of the July term were read and approved. The Court agrees to allow the dances in the County dance hall rodeo association to give 4 or 5 for the benefit of the rodeo without cost to it. This is to be the Coun- I do what r you want I yl jfM' A frilly blouse makes a suit the proper thing to wear to tea and a tailored blouse will make it right for daytime oc casions. . . . Short, sleeves, collars or not, bows and ties in matching or con trasting shades. ' Cot tons and rayon cre pes in white only. NEW ARRIVALS! Wash Frocks $1.85 to $2.59 Good selection in seersucker and ginghams-checks and plaids. Sizes 12 to 44. ty's contribution to the rodeo. The Court orders the levy of the town of Lexington In the amount of $5,276.00 to be placed on the tax rolls for the year 1945-46. The Court orders the District le vies be extended by the County Assessor. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following County property: Lot 1, Block 3 of Fergerson's Addition to the town of Hard man for the minimum price of $10.00, cash. Lot 1, Block 16 West and Lot 4 West in Section 25 Township 5 North, Range 26 E. W. M. con taining 15.27 acres, for the min imum price of $25.00, cash. Lot 2, Block 13 East in Section 19, Township 5 North, Range 27 E. W. M. for the minimum price of $5.00, cash. The Court orders the followinng Bangs' disease claim paid: Fred Pettyjohn, $4.00 WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL FUND Edna Hughes, Dpy Sal $120.20 Muriel Rice Office clerk 88.50 Adell Forster Office Clerk 28.63 Marie Barlow, Dpty Sal . 120.20 Sadie Parrish, Supt Asst 50.90 J. O. Archer, Janitor 101.00 Dr. A. D. McMurdo Phys. 25.00 Susie W. Miller, Ct Rptr 33.33 State Dept. of Agric District Sealer ' 6.15 State Ind Accid Comm., Sher $3.00, Sher Sal 0.31. 3.31 The Dalles Freight Line, Sher 1.23 P. A. Mollahan, Sheriff 31.25 43.85 1.00 Pac Tel & Tel Co Current Expense W. O. Dix, Assessor Children's Farm Home, Juvenile Court 10.00 Continued on Page Three FOR SALE House and furniture. Four rooms and bath. See Mrs. Anna Harshman. 26p WANT TO RENT partly furnished one or two bedroom house or apartment in Heppner. Mrs.. James M. Estes. 26-27p. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Soght Specialist of Walla Walla, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on SUN DAY, SEPTEMBER 30th . . Hours 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. 26-27 FIRESTONE SUPREME quality house paint in 5 gallon containers $3.11 per gallon. ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon Live butts and the woods don't mix r .OU don't toss burning cigarettes around a powder plant. But enough smokers toss burning cigarettes around forests to Start 20,000 forest fires a year, more than a quarter of the totaL In years of average fire loss, smokers cause a national loss of more than $10,000,000 in our forests. Few people realize how explosive a dry forest is in fire season . . how, in a twinkling, a lone spark may be fanned into a roaring conflagration, destroying in a few hours what nature, aided bjj man, has taken years to produce. A cigarette in a forest is & spark in a powder plant ' KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY V