Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 13, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, September 13, 1945
Rodeo Track Adds
Zest to Races
It is one thing to have a fine
string of race horses and quite an
other thing to have a good track
for them to run on. In the case
of the Heppner Rodeo spectators
had an opportunity to see what
fine running horses can do on a
fast track, for this year, through the
insistance of Frank Turner, the oval
was put in first class condition for
the races..
Not only did Turner insist that
the track be put in first class shape
he did much of the work and felt
amply repaid for his services when
race horse owners and riders com
mented favorably upon th fine con
dition of the turf. This was only one
of Turner's activities in connection
with preparations for the 1945 show
but he is more satisfied with the
track job than any of the others.
He hopes that will be tfte only job
hell have m connection with next
year's show.
The first fall meeting of the Am
erican Legion auxiliary will be held
at 8:30 p. m. Mondav at the hall in
the Oddfellows building.
VJhen Tires are Plentiful
Soon, we trust, you can hop in
your new car with new tires and a
tankful of gasoline and enjoy the
Northwest playground. Then, re
member that Bergmanh Shoes are
made for outdoor comfort.
will pay to wait and get
the famous Bergmann Shoe,
ffJj Ffom where I sit ... Joe Marshi
Mad Dogs
and Wagging Tongues
The county had a "mad dog"
scare last week. Phoebe Token's
spaniel bit the postman, and he
vowed that he was plenty mad
about it.
But by the time the rumor got
around, it wasn't the postman
who was mad, it was the dog.
And before the truth was learned,
half the kids in the neighbor
hood had missed school, while
their mothers nearly died of
Wagging tongues can cause a
lot of "mad dog" trouble. Like
wagging tongues that gossip
about our soldiers drinking too
much around Army camps.
It's just not true, as the govern
ment found out and told us.
Milk and beer are among a sol
dier's favorite drinks -which Is
why we have the best behaved
army in history. But those ugly ,
rumors are bound to hurt mo
rale and cause hard feeling.
From where I sit, wagging
tongues can cause a heap more
trouble than mad dogs.
Ccpy-Ash:, lr-:-5, United States Bremen Foundation
ar Reporter ....
R y Rogers, Dale Evans, Gabby Hayes, Sons of the Pioneers '
Ti rills, romance, music and comedy...your favorite cowboy and his sing
ing friends at their colorful best! PLUS
WarnTamouleseSCh CranC' Another exciting adventure with radio's
Blng Crosby, Betty Hutton, Sonny Tufts, Ann Doran, Gwen Crawford
With waves of laughter, Crosby "Ac-cent tchu-ates the Positive," Hutton
is twice as terrific as twins, and Sonny Tufts has his first singing
l-ard Cregar, Linda Darnell, George Sanders, Fay Marlowe
In his final screen appearance, the late Laird Cregar again gives a mas
terful portrayal in a tense mystery drama that will rate among the
( best m its classification. Also. "It Happened in Springfied," a
short drama pointed at racial intoleranre.
Consance Moore, Eve Arden, Otto Kruger, Dennis O'Keefe. Alan Mow
bray, Stephanie Bachlor, Pinky Lec, Paikyakarkus
A good musical with song numbers, dance numbers and lavish floor shows
in ' in n
U I H .
"mi""""' iimhiih iiwHiffinniiwiiamwHrmnii'mmmii
Heppner Rodeo Association
Upon presentation of the 21st annual
Heppner Rodeo
Revival of the Heppner Rodeo, looked upon by
many as a. next to impossible task, has once
again demonstrated the old axiom that
"where there's a will there's a way." The Rodeo
was a great success and this organization,
speaking in behalf of the business interests
and people of Heppner, takes this opportunity
to congratulate the Rodeo Association for
staging a fine show. Officers and directors of
the association and all those who in any way
contributed to the presentation of the Rodeo
are deserving of much credit and the thanks of
the community.
Chamber of Commerce
You can have lights, while you are
waiting for the REA lines, with one
of our 1 1 0 volt 60 cycle light plants.
Sizes for every need, same current
as REA lines.
See us for prices and wiring mater
ial. Oil Furnaces are also" avrJ for
farm use.
eppner Hardware an
Electric Company