Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 13, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, September 13, 1945
Mrs. Austin is staying KATE BARTON LUTTRELL
'F'impral services for Mrs. xtate
School opened Monday with the
following teachers in the grade
school: Mrs. Helen 'McCabe, first
and second grade; Mrs. Alice Linn
third and fourth grades; Mrs. Gla
dys Ely fifth and sixth, and Mrs.
Wm. Ludwig seventh and eighth.
Eighty five pupils are enrolled in
the grades with 13 in the first
The high school faculty is as fol
lows: B. C. Forsythe, superinten
dent, who will teach mathematics
and shop; Francis Ely, commercial,
social science and: coach in the
grades; Mrs. Mary Austin, english;
Wm. Ludwig, social science, physi
cal education and high school
coach; Miss Elizabeth CBryan, mu
sic and art in high school and
grades. There are 45 enrolled in
high school and more are expected
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stroller of Yam
hill and Mardell and Sandra Sparks
of Portland were visitors at the
Fred Ely home at Morgan last
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews
returned from a trip to Roseburg.
Miss Bonnie Jean Mathews, niece
of Mr. Matthews, returned with
them for a short visit.
N. Schmaltz and sons of Condon
are putting a new roof on the school
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parsons and
family of Portland were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely
Miss Jo LaFollette and Miss Kitty
Wilmot. both nurses at St. Vincent
hospital in Porland were week-end
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely
of Morgan. The ladies were return
ing from a trip through British Co
lumbia. Miss Willmot was formerly
' from lone.
Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell and
family returned Saturday night from
San Jose, Calif. They followed the
coast highway .and enjoyed all the
scenic spots along the way.
A. J. Fisher is the new depot
agent taking the place of Miss Alice
Nichoson as she intends to go to
Oregon State college this fall.
Ronald Ball of Yakima is staying
with his uncle Louis Ball and is at
tending lone high school. He is a
junior. ,
lone was well represented at the
Heppner rodeo. Quite a number
rode their horses in the parade.
Mrs. Delia Corson went to Hood
River last week to attend he fu
neral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Er
nest Smith who died in Port
land Sept. 1 and was buried in
Hood River Sept. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley
and family are living in the Pauline
Boyer house.
Mrs. Wallace Matthews has ac
cepted a position as teacher in the
Boardman school.
A special meeting was held at
the school house Sept. 7 to elect a
director to replace Walter Dobyns
who resigned. Markham Baker re
ceived three votes and Garland
Swanson six. The housing problem
was discussed. It was voted to give
the school board a vote of confi
dence to go ahead and erect a
building for teachers on the lots
owned bv the school.
The following property changed
hands during the past few weeks:
Laxton McMurray sold the small
creek ranch to Paul Pettyjohn, his
other creek ranch known as the
Lindsey place to Fred Buchanan
and 160 acres of wheat land joining
the Nelson place north of the rail
road to Gotfreid Herman.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of
Mountain View Calif, are visiting
their cousin. Mrs. Mary Swanson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and
son Donald returned from Red
Cloud Nebr. where they moved the
Wm Burk family. They were much,
imDressed with the country in Ne
br.aska but found some very hot
A pot luck supper and party were
held at the Morgan Oddfellows hall
Sept. 6 in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
David Ely. Mr. Ely plans on at
tending a government schoool to
study diesel.
Another "singspiration" will be
held at 3 o'clock Sunday, Sept. 16
at the Baptist church. Everone is
The regular grange meeting will
be Sept. 15 and H. E. C. will meet
at the grange hall Sept. 21.
The Cooperative church will
have a potluck dinner Sunday Sept.
16. Everyone is welcome.
Mrs. C. W. Burton of Portland is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Lana Pad-berfi.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray
left Monday for Ritter Hot springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig are living
temporarily In the American Le
gion rooms
with Mrs. Echo Palmateer.
The following bus drivers have
been hired by the lone district;
Fred Nichoson, Rhea creek route,
John Eubanks and Dale Ray the
north side routes, Leslie Wiles the
Rocky Bluff route, John Bryson,
Gooseberry. Cleo Drake the west
side route. Martin Bauernfeind was
hired by the Morgan district. Henry
Clark will again be janitor.
Ph M lc John Darst and family
left this week for Bremerton Wash.
where Mr. Darst will be stationed
until further noice.
Barton Luttrell who died Sept. 3 in
St. Anthony's hospital, Pendleton,
were held at 10 a. m. Wednesray,1
Sept. 5 at the Folsom chapel, with
byterjan church officiating and
Dr. .Earle P. Cochrane of the Pres
Mrs. Luttrell was a native .of
with Ted Roy singing.
Madison county, Iowa, and lived in
Oregon all her life. She is survived
by her husband, William P. Luttrell;
a daughter, Mrs. Gladys Fisher of
Tacoma, Wash., a son, Kenneth W.
Lane of Pendleton and a sister,
Mrs. M. D. Clark of Heppner.
men are brothers.
I wish to thank the members of
the Heppner fire department and
all others who turned out and help
ed put down the fire which swept
over my field this morning.
Frank S. Parker.
Mrs. Echo Palmateer received
word from her son, Ted Palmateer,
ATVTTWSrt Vint Via 1a av V.t .......
from the Central Pacific on a 30 day as guests during the rodeo Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller had
'Mrs. Ed Miller of Portland. The
Spring Flowering Bulbs
I am pleased to announce that I have received a small shipment
rfA-1 bulbs for fall planting from Connelly's , B JjJgjJ
Eugene. This is the nursery from which most of the bulbs plant
ed in my garden came, so I can recommend them nigmy.
Rachel Dick, Florist
' Peters Building
Phone 2502
Open week days from 1-6 p.
and all day on Saturdays
at th
annas Kane
Between Kimberley and Monument
Five Miles from Kimberley and 10 Miles from Monument
Sept. 18, Beginning at 10 A. M. Sharp
I have sold the ranch and am disposing of
Livestock, Machinery, Household Furniture, Etc.
21 Head Mixed Ewes
166 head Purebred Romney Ewes
50 head mixed cattle-Herefords and Dur-
hams, some dry cows and some cows
and calves
1 Registered Hereford Bull
1 Registered Roan Durham Bull, 2 years
old. Can furnish papers on this one.
3 Milk Cows (Durham)
4 Work Horses
2 Gentle Saddle Horses
1 Unbroke Work Horse
35 Purebred Romney Buck Lambs
Also a few old rams and yearlings
22 head Mixed Lambs
MACHINERY Mowing Machines, Wa
gons, Plows, Sprinkler Pump with about
500 feet of pipe, Blacksmith outfit and
many other things.
1 Electric Radio (32-volt Zenith)
1 Good Circulating Heater
2 Dining Room Tables and numerous
other articles
Also have a good 32-volt electric cream
Anyone who has anything to sell may bring it to this sale.
Fred Gassner is putting up the following livestock:
1 Registered Holstein Bull Ridgeport
Segis Walker De Kol
6 Young Holstein Cows-all double-test-
ed and sound
Bred Holstein Heifers-tested and vaccinated.