Miss Wilkinson Becomes Bride at Morning Ceremony All Saintts Episcopal church was the scene of a beautiful wedding Monday morning when Frances) Wilkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson was united in marriage to Walter Oslund, United States Army. The double ring cere mony was used with Rev. Neville Blunt officiating. Baskets of pink and white gladi oli marked an aisle up to the altar before which the vows were ex changed. Lighted candles and white gladioli gleamed upon the altar. The bride, given in marriage by her father and attended ley her sis tpr. Shirlev, was attractive in a soft green dressmaker suit with black She carried a white prayer book and wore a corsage of white orchids. An army friend of the groom, Captain Hackwood, acted as best man and Alex Thompson ushered. Wedding music was played by Mrs Blunt and Mrs. Ture Peterson sang "Oh Perfect Love. The bride was a member of the class of 1945 at Oregon State col lefe where she was affiliated with Delta Delta Delta, She grew to vounff womanhood in Heppner be- inff a graduate of the local high school. Captain Oslund has' but recently returned from 18 months active service in Italy. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and ' was a member of Sigma Phi kpsi- lon fraternity on the campus. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Os- innH nf Chevenne. Wyo. Following the ceremony friends crPPtpd the newlv wedded couple in c;Ki,1o nf the church from L11C VWUMW'V Whence thev went to the Lucas pi, fnr a wedding breakfast taVupVi was served to 30 guests. Out of town guests attending the nine o'clock wedding were the Mr. and Mrs, Emil nclnnd. Cantain.and Mrs. Hack wood of LaFayette Calif.; Fred Ball, nf Fossil, grandfather of the bride; Miss Jessie Durston, Portland; Miss Wowiot .TnspDh of Corona, Calif., and Richard Praenneke, CM2c from Tnwa Following a honeymoon in' Cali fornia he voung coupl will go on to Alabama where Captain Oslund has to report for further asignment Heppner Gazette Times, September 13, 1945 5 Kilkenny-Greenup Nuptials Event of Monday Morning In the presence of their immedi ate families, Miss Colleen Kilkenny and Donald Greenup were united in marriage at St. Peter's Catholic church at 8 o'clock Monday morn ing with Rev.' Francis McCormick officiating. Mrs. Dene Laughlin, cic-tpr nf t.ho bride was matron of honor and Joe Farley was best man. Following the ceremony the bridal party were served breakfast at tne omrfmont nf Mrs. .Laughlin and then the voung couple left for short wedding trip after which they will return to Heppner to make the Hinton creek V11V1J. vw ranch. TVip bride is the younger daugh ter of the late John Kilkenny and Mrs. Kilkenny. She is a graduate ot HeDDner high school and was queen of this fall's rodeo where this past week end she and her attendants made a graceful picture. For her wedding the bride chose a yellow suit with brown accessor ies and wore a corsage of white car nations. Mrs. Laughlin wore a brown suit with a corsage of cop- The groom is the son of Mr. andJ Mrs. Price Greenup ot wu. u0n cloved on the Kilkenny ranch but has orders to report at Fort Lewis for inaucuon - , o " ranivf UKIAII UEilVU " - .i la" e Mr. and Mrs. day me - Donald E. Turner Claims Bride in Chapel Ceremony A wedding of interest to Heppner people was solemnized at four o clock p. m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, in the chapel of Trinity Episcopal church in Portland when Miss Janet Bell Roberts of Portland be came the bride of Donald E. Turner of Heppner. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. L. E. Kempton, rector of Trinity church, and was witnessed by relatives of the con tracting parties. A: reception was held immediately following . the ceremony, after which the couple left for a wedding trip to coast points. They will make their home in Eugene where both are students at the Univerity of Oregon. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lulu Roberts of Portland and the groom is a native Heppner ,boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner. Mrs. Turner will complete her course at the university with the class of 1946, while her husband has two more years at the law school. Relatives attending the wedding from Heppner were Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner and daughter Jean, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and daughter Marylou, who was maid of honor, Mr. and Mrs. James Valentine and Mrs. C. C. Dunham. star reporter is sojourning in the city for a few days. She'll be back on the job Monday. 4 Interested spectators at the Hep pner Rodeo were Fay Legrow of Athna, presidnt of the Pndleton Round-up, and Fay Hodges, man ager of Happy Canyon, big night show of the Round-up. ids and fresh crisp give your r i . i . if oeiect choice staple roods vegetables from our stocks and school atje children the needed vitality for doing topnctch work. CENTRAL The reason for our shortage in personals this week is because our' MARKET and GROCERY i I I r dl " : .nt.lv received N. Kir. ""r ' w e loss was k t crash iust ' - ' vj many friends nere ss' of their only son, woiu niipd in a plane t LTore V-J day. V had manL "Z Tdeeply regret bis younger set w passing- 19 e re's a Great Feature cif PP&L's evi Low Rate for Homes and Farms! No matter where you live on the PP&L system- in a city home or; ion one of the 13,000 farms served by this progressive Company you now have available this new "all-purpose" rate that gives you tractor, performance at wheelbarrow cost! After the first 125 KWH you use any month in your home or on your farm, PP&L's "all-purpose" rate drops kto only V cents per kilowatt-hour for the next 125 KWH. fThen it drops sharply again down to only 6 10th of a cent per kilowatt-hour for the next 600 KWH, That means the 600 KWH block costs only $3.60! Think what you can do with all those kilowatt-hours when you really put electricity to work. Start planning right now to get that electric range, that automatic Water heater, and all the other labor-saving, comfort-giving electrical appliances that are now on the production lines. Pacific K O U R BUS I N tow S er & Light Company S-MANAGED POWER SYSTEM