Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 13, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 Heppner Gazette Times, September 13, 1945
A Successful Rodeo
They came, they saw, and went away satisfied.
That is the general verd'ct relative to visitors to
the 21st nnual Heppner Rodeo brought to a suc
cessful conclusion Sunday afternoon before one of
the largest crowds ever assembled at the rodeo
grounds. We doff our tile to President Lee Beck
ner and his efficient staff of dirctors and helpers
for their faithful efforts to make it a worthwhile
show; to Harley Tucker for providing rear show
stock, and to the comparatively small crew of
performers who worked hard and ran great risk
to their lives and limbs to give the appreciative
crowds their money's worth of entertainment.
, Final settlement has not been made on all
bills but there is a considerable sum of money
on hand to mett all obligations and more than
likely a sizeable nest, egg will remain upon which
to build the next show. It must be remembered
that a big war was still in progress when work
started upon the 1945 rodeo and the association
was handicapped by rationing restrictions. Then
when peace came the time was rather short to
get preparations under way and completed to
meet the new condition of unrestricted gas and
other things that if not unrationed at least eased
uo some, so that t.re was an air of uncertainty
almost up to the opening of the show on Friday
afternoon. The uncertainty vanished when tne
opening day crowd was revealed to the associa
tion. It was not a record breaker but it was suffi
cient to assure success, for it was the barom
eter which foretold what was to follow on Sat
urday and Sunday capacity crowds both days.
If there is to be a show next year and there
is no reason why there should not be one it
'would be a good idea to lay some plans now so
they could be put into execution earlier. Conditions
will be more normal and more of those features
which go to make up a wild west show should be
available. Due to conditions over which the asso
ciation had no control there was no band. A band
adds much to any type of entertainment and is
sorely missed at the rodeo. There will be more
band musicians looking for work a year from now.
It should be possible to contract with a real car
nival company. People like to patronize carnivals
and will make it worthwhile for a big outfit. There
will be time to work up new features and if per
mitted to express a personal viewpoint, some of
.the attractions offered this year should be re
peated, namely Trixie and a clown. It was unfor
tunate that Clarence Belcher was injured the sec
ond day for he was doing a. good job of filling in
and -helping the show to run smoothly.
One more idea would boost the prize money
a little and get more top hands to come in. Assoc
iation and cash customers alike are grateful to
Jerry Ambler for staying on and working hard to
make the rodeo go. His riding was a highlight of
the show and his sportsmanship was marked.
All in all' it was a tiptop rodeo. Even King Sol
smiled benevolently upon the rodeo grounds and
if there had been a band to help Announcer Clyde
Nutting over the inevitable interludes everything
would have been "jake." Nutting worked hard to
keep the show rolling smoothly and is entitled to
no small amount of credit for keeping the program
on schedule.
What About the Hospital?
As this is being written four Heppner people
are in a Pendleton hospital, all in serious" condi
tion. We are indeed fortnnate to have hospital
facilities so close at hand and doubtless numerous
cases of illness or injury would terminate more
eriously were it not for the availability of the
Pendleton and other institutions.
The present situation raises the question
"What about the proposed Morrow County hos
pital?" Is any planning being done to build it now
or will it just ride along until sufficient tax money
is on hand to complete the project? These are
things many of our people would like to know
and if the county court and the hospital commit
tee have something definite in mind there should
be a little noise made about it.
Conditions are different today to those of one
year ago when the project first got under way.
Then it was a postwar matter, an indefinite time
in' which the court was led to believe that a tax
program extending for four or five years would
raise a sufficient fund to build and equip a
hospital. The people voted in favor of a two mill
tax to raise the fund. Almost a year has passed
and the first installment will soon be set aside.
Also within the year that nebulous postwar period
arrived and with it an increasing need for the
Will it not be advisable to call another special
election and vote to raise the other four of the
five years assessments in one year? That has
been suggested by the committee as about the
only avenue left, since bonding is not permissible
and solicitation of funds is not in line with the
progam set out by the court in the earlier stages
of planning. An eight mill assessment will not
set well with the larger land owners and doubt
less would work a hardship on many smaller tax
payers, yet the need for a hospital grows every
day and if we are to have one it appears necessary
to renew the campaign to remove barriers.
3-4 cup milk, 1 tsp sugar, lcup
nranirp sharhet or orange juice
Combine all ingredients and beat
until blended. If juice is used, chill
the mixture.
4 cups buttermilk, juice 1 lemon
juice of 2 oranges.
Combine buttermilk and fruit jui
ces. Add salt and sugar to taste.
Mix, chill. Serves six. '
1 cup hot milk, V cup cocoa malt,
S 3 cups cold milk, tsp salt, 1
tsp vanilla, Vx tsp peppermint ex
tract, .'pint vanilla ice cream.
Combine hot milk with cocoa and
stir until dissolved. Add cold milk,
salt, vanilla and peppermint ex
tract. Chill. Before serving pour in
to a shaker with vanilla ice cream
and shake the mixture well.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood and
daughter of White Salmon, Wash,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Nutting. The guests were
here for the Heppner Rodeo. The
men went to Pendleton Wednes
day for the Round-up and the wo
men folk will take in the big show
LOST American blag, blue stan
dard with gold knob and Trail
Dusters pennant, maroon and
white on blue standard with gold
knobbetween Stanfield and Hep
pner. Notify Ruth Pearson, Box
366, Hermiston. 25c
A wartime worker
needs every bit of
energy which a
nutritious meals
supplies. Stop in
before your regu-
lar shift and go to
work prepared to 5
deliver a big day's
Round-up Has Spotlight
This is the week when a sports loving world
converges upon Pendleton. For four days,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, top
hands of the rodeo world are vying with one an
other to gain the coveted championships at the
premier wild west show, the Pendleton Round-up.
For after all is said and done, the other wild west
exhibitions, rrany of them superb shows, are
build-ups for the great pageant of the west.
Visitors to the Round-up city earlier in the
week found everything in readiness. Streets are
decorated, eating houses were set to feed the
throngs, the park was alive with horses, riders,
and men busy at the task of putting on the final
touches that 'make for a smooth working perfor
mance, and the business men of the city were
decked out in ten-gallon hats and fancy shirts
and vests. Yes, and the people from the reserva
tion were assembling to present their colorful
part in the pageant.
Morrow county will contribute its share of
patronage to the 1945 Round-up which is already
assures a capacity attendance.
Headquarters for 1847 Rogers Bros.America's
Finest Silverplate
Three patterns will be offered
Eternally Yours, First Love
and Adoration
Coming some time this Fall. ,
We will be limited on the number of sets for a period of time.
Place your order now for a set of America's finest silverplate.
heppner 0. M. YEAGER
Meets Every Monday Noon at the Moto BSled
I urnc Plncv Phone 1483 4l5 Jones St.
Dr. W. H. Rockwell Blame E. Isom
Physician & Surgeon
227 Nortt Main St. INSURANCE
Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m.
Exam. Free. Ph. 5?2, Heppner, Ore. Phone 723 Heppner, Ore.
A. D. McMurdo, M. D. New Awto Policy
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Cod. Inj. pr. Dam.
Trained Nurse Assistant ggj 5.05
Office in Masonic Building Class C 7.75 3.23
Heppner, Oregon TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies n. , ...
osteopathic 5 neaps Funeral Home
Physician & Surffeon Licensed Funeral Directors
First National Bank Building pW 1332 Heppner Ore
Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492
JOS. J. NYS Heppner City Council
ATTORNEY AT LAW Mecls Firsl Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for discus
Peters Building, Willow Street sion, please bring "before
TT the Council
Heppner, Oregon j Q TURNER, Mayor
J. 0. TURNER - Morrow County
attorney at law Abstract Cr Title Co.
' Hotel Heppner Building ABSTRACTS OF TITLE
' Office in Peters Building
Attorney at Law Harry Nelson
general insurance Accounting Service
Heppner Hotel Building Member Assoclation
Willow Street Entrance Tax Accountants
. Heppner, Oregon
Frances Ritter '
Commercial Designing and l iiVTiwirn
Illustrating : Lettering V. A. FA1 I INQjcK
s Photos Oil Tinted CONTRACTOR
Phone 1483 415 Jones St. Roofing, Siding, and Rock Wool
HEPPNER, OREGON Insulation. Fair prices and skill.
-- ed workmen.
J. 0. PETERSON P- O- Box 251 Pendleton, Ore.
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods HPPPKICD
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds r . " Er r C K
Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing
Heppner, Oregon HpPner. Gazette, established
March 30, 1883. The Heppner
ki c i i. - ieS "fcUifhed November 18,
N. Schmaltz & Sons Du? i onsolidated Feb. 15, 1912.
. , . Published every Thursday and en
Peters Bldg., Heppner tered at the Post Office at Hepp
Roofing and Siding Contractors ner Oregon, as second class;
and Applicators maei A
For information write Box 726, Year
Heppner, or Phone 83, Condon ArgSr