CHURCHES HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor Bible Schoo1 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young I eople's meeting 7 p. m. Evening worship service 8 o'clock. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. rn. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Ione:10:30 a. ra. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a, a First Fri--day 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Blunt Church school 9 :45 a. m. No morning service. Archdeacon Blunt will conduct services at St. Stephen's church in 'Baker Sept. 9. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister Church School 9:45 a m. Morning worship 11 a. m ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's Service 6:30 p m. Evening service 8:00 p. m. CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE H. N. WadileU, Pastor Bible school. 10 a. m. Worship service 11 o'clock. Thursday Union aid 2 p. m. Come to church. School Law Sets Attendance Rules With school opening but a few days off, it is not out of the way to point out some of the regulations concerning attendance, and Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county superinten dent, has prepared a copy of the Oregon school law pertaining to compulsory attendance which ap pears timely. Sec. 111-1801" Every parent, guardian or other person in the state of Oregon having control or charge of any child or children be tween the age of 7 and 16 shall be required to send such children to public school the number months held annually in the district, ex cept in the following cases: (A) Children being taught in pri vate or parochial schools or those that have completed high school. (B) Children physically unable. Children physically, abnormal or subnormal unable to attend school. (C) Distance from school. Where tranportation is not furnished by the district children between the ages cf 7 and 10 living lk miles or children over 10 years of age liv ing 3 miles from school on a main traveled road are exempted,. (D) Private instruction. Any child or children being taught by parent or private teacher must re ceive the written consent of the County School Superintendent and submit to an examination by the county superintendent every three moiiths in the work covered. This permit shall not extend longer than the current school year. (E) Excused by the school board. The school board of the district in which a child resides has the auth ority to excuse a child from com pulsory attendance after they have completed the 8th grade and fur ther attendance would cause a hardship on the family or that further attendance would be educa tionally unprofitable to the child. Sec. III-19C3 All children be-, tween the ages of 16 and 18, who have not completed high school must be in school or legally em ployed. Any person firm or corpor ation employing a child between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age must allow the child to attend part time school not less than five hours a week or 180 hours a year. Any firm or corporation failing to carry out the duties placed on him by the provision of this act shall be subject to e fine of not less than $1D nor more than $25 for each se parate offense. IONENEWS NOTES By MBS. ECHO FALMATEER Flc' and Mrs. Howard Eubanks ore the parents of a daughter Marlene Eleanor, weight 7 pounds, 6 ounces, born at the Pendleton hospital, Aug. 29. Mrs. Charles Wagner of Portland has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Algott Lundell. She returned to her home Wed nesday when Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Lundell and daughter Karen drove to Portland. Mrs. John Rancier was hostess at her home last Wednesday afternoon at a large bridal shower honoring Mrs. Earl McCabe. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the bride. A program including a mock wedding was presented dur ing the afternoon. In the evening about 50 friends attended a chari vari at the Rancier home for the newly weds. Carl W. Troedson and Walter Rietmann spent a couDle of wpp Irs at Ritter Hot springs, returning Monday. Mrs. Lish Sperry of Portland vis ited her husband over the week end. She will teach at Newberg again this 'winter. The first fall meeting of the Lo cust chapter of the O. E. S. was held Wednesday, Sept. 5. Mrs. Dixon Smith and children spent last week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burk and fam ily have moved to Red Cloud, Neb. where Mr. Burk will teach. Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and family accompanied them east, tak ing the Burk household goods on the Eubanks' truck last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burk spent a few days visiting Mrs. Burk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess of Redmond before leaving for Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason drove to Portland last week to take their grandchildren to their home before school opens. Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray had as overnight guests last Fri day, Lt. and Mrs. Wm. McMurray and Lt. Wayne McMurray of the air force who were on their way to Fort Lewis to be discharged. The two men who are brothers, are nephews of Laxton McMurray and have been together throughout the entire time they have been in service which was in the Pacific area. Sgt. Jaco.b DeShazer of Madras one of the Doolittle fliers rescued from a Jap prison camp in Man churia is a nephew of Henry De Shazer who is visiting relatives in Morgan. Mrs. Mary Cunningham of Post Falls Ida. is visiting her sister Mrs. Elmer Griffith. Mrs. Kitty Turner of La Grande, another sister, is al so visiting the Griffiths. Mr. - and Mrs. Leo Gorger and family have returned from Walla Walla to their ranch north of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson and sons visited Mrs. Mary Swan son over Labor day. A special school meeting will be held Friday Sept. 7 at 2 p. m. at the school house to elect a new board member to serve the unex pired term of Walter Dobyns who has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson and family left Monday for a short vacation on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ritchie and son were Portland visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ring and Heppner Gazette Times, September 6, 1945 3 Mrs. Clarence Harris and children left for Portland Monday. Mrs. W. W. Smith of Portland and Sandra Eubanks. small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks accompanied them. Earl McCabe MM lc left by plane from Pendletoon Saturday for Hart ford, Conn, where he will be sta tioned. Francis Ely SK-c, recently dis charged from the navy, arrived Saturday to visit his father, George Ely of lone and his wife, Mrs. Flo rence Ely in Heppner. Among the Ioneites attending the Dress-Up parade in Pendleton Sat urday were the Rodeo princesses Darlene Biddle and Dorothy Berg strom. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keith ley, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bris tow, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan, Mr, and Mrs. Norton Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefani and son. Mrs. Roy Lieuallen suffered pain, ful burns on her right arm Satur day when a stove at the Lieuallen cafe exploded. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ware of Olyrn pia are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Noel Dobyns. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom left Tuesday for a vacation at the beach. Mrs. Elmer Griffith anr daughter June went to Portland the latter part of last week. Mrs. .Ann Smouse of lone and brother, Carl Troedson of Hermis ton left Sunday for Moro to visit at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Martin. From there they plan to visit Mrs. Smouse's daughter in law, Mrs. Paul Smouse and new son in Spokane, and Mrs. Daisy Hoss. of Hope Ida. Mrs. Martin and Miss Shirlee Smouse will accom pany them from Moro. The Topic club will meet at the home of Mrs. Mary Swanson, Wed nesday, Sept. 12.Hostesses will be Mrs. Swanson. Mrs. C. W. Swanson, Mrs. Clel Rea and Mrs. Charles Carlson. Highways to Health SURPRISES IN ICE CREAM For you who must worry about "waist lines" and "figures" ice cream is a delightful answer. Com pared with most foods which it commonly replaces in the diet, ice cream i9 not high in caloric value, serving of ice cream contains about 200 calories, or the same as a large baked apple, An average piece of apple pie furnishes 300 calories, and an ordinary serving of Brown Betty or Angelfood cake supplies from 300 to 400 callories. On the other hand, ice cream con tains all the nutritive elements of milk. It is rich in . the very best of. proteins and contains liberal quantities of vitamins as well as The lone schools will open Sept. 10. Arrangements for transportation have been practically completed. Lunches will .be served beginning Sept. 11 instead of Sept. 12 as pre viously announced. The lone PTA will hold a recep tion for the lone school staff at 8 p. m. Sept. 12 at the gymnasium. Patrons of the school are cordially invited to attend to meet the teachers for the coming year. . Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and family left Tuesday of last week for a vacation through central and western Oregon. There will be another "singspira tion" at the Baptist church at 3:30 o'clock Sunday, Sep. 9. Miss Gladys Seehafer of Pendle ton is spending a week's vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seehafer. Gladys is anurse at St. Anthony's hospital. Mrs. Mary Blake spent Monday with Mrs. Ella Davidson. PhMlc and Mrs. John Darst and sons arrived Monday evening from San Diego. calcium. Its refreshing qualities and important protective values give it the high degree of popularity it holds with all groups. Still another surprise to many of fish or seafoods can well be eaten you is the fact that ice cream and at the same meal. Fish is often combined with milk in tasty dishes. Ice cream, a milk product, can be served at the same meal with equal success. Regular use of ice cream or milk sherbet will provide a nutritious and delightful climax to your meals. Use honey next time you make ice cream. It will save your sugar and add a subtle flavor to your dessert. Whether or not you use honey as an ingredient in your ice cream, honey poured over ice cream, sprin kled with nuts, and topped with a garnish of cherry will make a deli cious ice cream sundae. HONEY ICE CREAM 2 cups miljk, 3-4 cup honey. Va rps salt, 2 eggs 1 cup cream Scald the milk ,add honey and salt. Beat eggs. Pour scalded milk into the egg mixture and stir until well blended. Return to double boil er and cook for three or four min utes. Cool. Beat cream and fold in to custard mixture. Freeze in re frigerator. Stir once or twice while freezing. a - .. Miss Marguerite Glavey return ed to her home this week-end after spending the summer in Den ver Colo, attending summer school. Miss Glavey will teach in the Hep pner school this year. Miss Dorotha Wilson was in Hep pner over Labor day visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson. She returned to her nursing duties in Portland Tuesday. Select choice staple foods and fresh crisp vegetables from pur stocks and give your school age children the needed vitality for doing topnotch work. CENTRAL MARKET and GROCERY Select your gifts for that overseas package now and rest assured tnat it will be delivered on time. We' have a nice line from which to make your choice. ' GAMES Checkers and Board Acey-Ducey, Playing Cards Money Belts, Zipper Kits, Candy Shaving Creams and Lotions Stationery. Macazine Subscrintions and many other suitable articles GORDON'S DRUG STORE John Saager, Owner