w 1 2 Heppner Gazette Jmes, August 30 1945 War Department Awards DFC to Late Norton King Mrs. Louise King of Heppner has been notified by the War Depart ment that the Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded posthu mously to her husband, First Lieu tenant Rhea Norton King, Air Corps, and the Air Medal with three Oak-leaf Clusters, represent ing three additional awards of the! Air Medal have been awarded to him while he was serving as sec ond lieutenant. The citations are as follows: DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS "For extraordinary achievement as pilot of an F-5 type aircraft. On while participating in aerial flight 26 December 1944, in response to an urgent request from Allied ground and air forces, Lt. King flew on a photo reconnaissance mission over heavily defended enemy positions near Bologna. Italy. Encountering an intense and accurate barage of anti-aircraft fire upon the comple tion of the first photo run, Lt. King immediately started a vigor ous evasive action and reached a place of safety. Realizing the im portance of completing this vital assignment, Lt. King returned to the target area. Courageously fly ing through continued strong ene my opposition, he made seven runs over the objectives and returned safely to base with accurate cov erage. Information obtained on this mission contributed greatly to sub sequent Allied tactical operations in this sector. His outstanding pro ficiency in combat and steadfast devotion to duty have reflected great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United .States." AIR MEDAL ''For meritorious achievement while participating as pilot from 9 September 1944 to 30 September 1944 in aerial flight during a per the Mediterranean Theater of Op iod of sustained operations in the eration." FIRST OAK LEAF CLUSTER "For meritorious achievement while participating as pilot in aer ial flight of an F-5 type aircraft on! a photographic reconnaissance mis-1 sion over Northern on 18 No-j vember 1944. The professional skill! and devotion to duty displaed re- fleet highest credit upon the mili tary service of the United States." SECOND AND THIRD CLUSTERS "For meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight as pilot of an F-5 type aircraft during a period of sustained oper ations from 28 November 1944 to 2 December 1944 and fro 22 Decem ber 1944 to 31 December 1944." The decorations will be forward ed to the Commanding General, Ninth Service Command, Fort Douglas, Utah, who will select an officer to make the presentation to Mrs. King. o Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, is spending' a few days this week at Lehman Springs health resort. She drove over Tuesday and will return Saturday. Mrs. Curt Thomson and young son were passengers on Wednes day's stage returning to their home in Bremerton. Wash, after a few days visit in Heppner. Mr. Thomson is stationed in the Navy at Bre merton. Algott Lundell has purchased from Gene Ferguson the house in which Mr. and Mrs. Frank Con nor have been living, and he and Mrs. Lundell expect to make it their home. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kind words of sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings during our re cent bereavement. Mrs. Homer Tucker and family Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tucker and family Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison and family. Z7hen ESaiiommgr Ends We hope gasoline, tires, Pull mans soon become available and you can travel to your sports play ground. Then we can promise you the famous Bergmann Outdoor Shoe made for comfort and long, economical wear. will pay to wait and get the famous Bergmann Shoe. pi Star Reporter . . . . Marshall, Billy Cummings A quickly moving story that carries a heart punch and never lets your interest lag. PLUS TOPEKA TERROR an Allan Lane Llovd Nolan, Michael O'Shea, Trudy pction film, ' Friday-Saturday, Aug. 31-Sept. 1 Circumstantial Evidence SUNDAY-MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2-3 PRACTICALLY YOURS Chuidette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Gil Lamb, Cecil Kellaway, Isabel Randolph. Rosemary DcCamp A delightful comedy full of gny, bright, romantic fun, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 HONEYMOON AHEAD Allan Jones, Grace McDonald. Raymond Walbum, Vivian Austin A sweet little comedy made up of love, larceny and Allan Jones' lyric tenor. PLUS HIGH POWERED Roger Pryor, Mary Tiecn, Robert Lowry, Phyllis Brooks Pine-Thomas Producers again deliver just the kind of red-blooded fare th?t action fpns like. WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5-6 THE UNSEEN Joed McCrca, Gail Russell, Herbert Marshall, Phyllis Brooks If a great suspense drama makes you break out in goose pimples, count on a bumper crop when you see "the Unseen"; from Ethel Lina White's breath-taking novel "The House Where Fear Lives." Also, THE MARCH OF TIME; ISLE OF TABU, a Technicolor musical; Color Cartoon and Newsreel. if VALU Little Boys' Jimmies 1.45 Just the pants for the small fry to start out to school in. Materials - herringbone twill and army twill. Sizes 2 to 8. , Boys' ' Dress Shirts In a good wearing slick mater ial and washable. Sizes 6 to 14 Men's All Elastic Garters 49c All Elastic Armb'ds19c Young Men's. Sport Sweaters 4.98 All wool knit in popular coat styles. Sizes 36 to 46. Luggage tan or blue shades. Little Girls' Seersucker Dresses 1.95 An easy to wash and popular material for the little miss. In sizes 3 to 6. i i G'rls' Blouses L98and2.98 A good selection of cottons, rayon crepe or rayon shark skins. Also plain and novelty sheers in sizes 2 to 14. G'rls' Skirts 2.98 and 4.98 Choose yours now for back-to-school wear in popular black and white checks, flannels and crepes. It Pays to Shop at Pennes It Pays to Shop at Penney's Young Men's Corduroy Slacks . 4.20 In the popular cream shade that all young fellows go for in a big way. 28 to 36 sizes. Boys' Corduroy Pants 2.98 A heavy durable cord for the boys. In colors that are easy on the washing. Sizes 6 to 16. Boys' Cotton Union Suits 79c Plan ahead now for those colder months. A good warm union in sizes 4 to 12. Boys' Rockford Type Socks A good wearing hose for play or school wear. DON'T MISS THE HEPPNER RODEO Thirsty! Terry Wash Cloths 7c 8c 12c A useful item you need around the home at all times. FOR SCHOOL Boys' Shorts 37c Arrived in time to complete the young man's school ward robe. Men's Shorts Yes, men! We now have shorts in stock again in durable prints. Washable. Men's . ' Work Socks : 50 wool, 50 cotton for foot comfort made in black or all white.