Heppner Gazette Times, August 23, 1945 3 CHURCHES ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor Schedule of Services: Heppner: Mass at 9 a. m. 1st and 3rd Sundays; at 10:30 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Ione:10:30 a. m. 1st and 3rd; 9:00 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Week day mass 8 a.m. First Frl 4ay 7:30 a. m. Confessions: 7:30-8:00 p. m. Sat urdays; Sundays, 8:15-8:55 a. m. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Archdeacon Neville Bhint Church school 9 :45 a. ra. Morning prayer 11 a. m, FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Fletcher Forster, minister. Church School 9:45 a m. Morning worshiD 11 a. m HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST O. Wendell Herhison, Pastor Bible School 9:45. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young I- eople's meeting 7 p. m. Evening worship service 8 o'clock ASSEMBLY OF GOD Clifford Noble, pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. TWnrninc wnrcViin 11 a m Young People's Service 6:30 p m. evening service o:0U p. m; CHURCH oflONE COOPERATIVE H. N. Wadilell, Pastor Bible school. 10 a. m. Worship service 11 o'clock. Thursday Union aid 2 p. m. Come to church. BOARDMAN NEWS By FRANCES SKOUBO , Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe and family, Pauline and S Set Law. rence Smith of Union spent several days with friends on the project last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Skoubo and family drove to Hood River Thurs day to visit the Martin Ekker fam ily and to pick pears. From Hood River Erna and Leo Skoubo went to Portland where they will visit friends and relatives. The others re. turned home Friday. A stork shower was given for Mrs. Leicht at the home of Geral- dine Grawnquest Thursday eve ning. Many lovely gifts were pre sented. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston and daughter Duee of Portland, Karen John McClaskey of The Dalles and Audree Wilson visited the R. S, Wilson family over the week-end. Audree plans to be home for a couple of weeks before entering The Dalles high school for her ju nior year. Mrs. George Linn and Mrs. Fort- ner left for Portland Monday by bus where they will visit friends and relatives. W. W: Bechdolt is visiting with his sons Archie, and Adrien and wife in Hardman for a few days. Mrs. Ray Grawnquest and Mrs. Jack Getz are now employed in the Knopp restaurant formerly run by Slim Roseland. There seems to have been a con siderable amount of celebration Tuesday night after the Japs' reply of surrender. The church bell rang several times during the night along with the car horns sounding and laughs and screams of Board manites. Service station, coffee shop and post office were open all Wed nesday. N beer was sold in Board man that day. S Sgt Lawrence Smith who visit ed friends in Boardman for several days last week while on furlough i from Camp Wolters, Texas, accom- J : J U TT ;1a r 1 i T T t faiucu ule xj.cuiuii.oii lamiiy lo un ion Saurday where the Hamiltons are visiting the Thorpe and Smith families for a few days. Greenfield grange met Saturday night wih Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Marlow, Effie Bullock and Mrs. Crowder as hosts. Plans were made for improvement of the hall by painting and completing the stage. The Miller Bros, potato harvest of White Rose potatoes was com pleted Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ransier mot ored to Pendleton Sunday to cele brate their son Kenneth's birthday with him and his family. Chuck's melon stand was opened last week. Mrs. Anderegg reported business to be unusually plentiful since the Japs reply of surrender and the eliminantion of gas ration ing. Mrs. Ray Brown is helping Mrs. Anderegg in the stand. Mrs. Josephine Rands was pleas antly surprised Thursday when her huband, Buster Rands of the U. S. Marine' corps telephoned her from California. Buster has been on over seas duty for six mooths and was sent to the states for medical aid for his back. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ely of Morgan were Sunday visiors at the FJvin Ely home. Mrs. Bill Buck returned from Portland after visiting friends and relatives there for several days. Word was received Tuesday that Bill Harrington, resident of Board man for 25 years, passed away in St. Anthony's hospital in Pendle ton Tuesday morning after suffer ing from several heart attacks. Mrs. R. S. Wilson opened her melon stand last week down by Tom's camp. Mrs. Wilson is selling melons and cants in her stand this year. Meals, sandwiches, ice cream and soft drinks are being served in the Coffee Shop after it was reopened by Myral Anderson last week. Mrs. Conoyers. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Chas. Roseland are waitresses. The "place is open for all night service. NOTICE OF SEASONAL DETERMINATION Notice is hereby given that the employer listed below has been de termined to be a seasonal employ er within the meaning of Section 126-707 O. C. L. A. Any interested party may request a hearing be fore the Commission within ten days after final publication of this dar weeks) of each seasonal em notice. The "off-season" (in calen- ployer in Morrow County is as stated below: Reed Lumber Co., 48-10. OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION COMMISSION Dated and first published this 23rd day of August,-1945. Date of last publication 6th day of September, 1945. Frank Turner drove to Portland Wednesday morning, taking Mrs. lurner to the city for medical at tention. In his absence, Miss Mar garet Brugman was in charge of the Turner. Van Marter & Co. of fice, Van Marter also being in the city on vacation. Guests at the E. R. Huston home for a few days the fore part of the week were Mr. and Mrs. Andre J. Wolff of Portland and Mrs. W. H. Davis of Albany and granddaughter Jeannie Gustafson of Los Angeles. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Hus ton and Mrs. Ada Bloom. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney are enjoying a vacation this week from, their duties at the First Naional bank. They are at Spirit Lake Wash. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Isom and Harriet went to Portland this af ternoon. Mr. Isosm spent the fore part of the week in Union and Wallowa counties making hail ad justments. - . GRAIN GROWERS iTIfllL BIR MEMBER When your County Agricultural Conservation Committee prepares your loan papers, be sure to specify this Branch of the First National Bank of Portland. You'll receive prompt and efficient service, HEPPNER BRANCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND , Oregon' Leading Merchant of Cfdlt FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION) GOOD T ires on 600D C ars If your tires are bad and you can't get any, maybe it's time to trade the old bus off anyway. Well Trade you a car in good condition . with good tires. Chase in and see us anyway. Trail er omes are a specialty with us as well as USED CARS WE TRADE WE SELL WE BUY Jesse M. Chase Used Car and Trailer Market ARTHUR BURSON Manager Block East of Pendleton Hotel (mh fi Save your paper bags and cartons and bring them to the store for re-use. The paper shortage is acute and you will be doing a real service by complying to this request. CENTRAL MARKET AND) GROCERY