2 Heppner Gazette Times, August 23, 1945 Lexington Items . . . Mr. end Mrs. Elroy Martin are the parents of an eight pound boy Jborn Saturday Aug. 18 in St. An thony's hospital in Pendleton. Mrs. Martin makes her home in Lex ington while her husband is over seas. Lt. Kenneth Jackson is spending a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn took Donnie Hiatt to Arlington last Fri day where he was met by his fa ther and taken on to his home in Portland. Donnie has been Spending the summer with the Allyns. Miss Patty O'Harra and Miss nir..:l.... r..i t iU- rj. nt.. ! corps were visiting last week-end at the O'Harra home. Both girls are taking their training at the hospi tal in The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMillan and son were week-end visitors at the S. G. McMillan home. Mr. .and Mrs. W. E. McMillan and daughters spent the week-end in Yakima with ' their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Their daughter Jo remained for an other week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards and son were business visitors in Walla Walla Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Van Winkle was tak en to The Dalles hospital last week and underwent a serious operation on Wednesday. She is improving rapidly. Miss Freida Breeding and Mrs. Lorraine Warner and son of Pen dleton spent the week-end at the Oscar Breeding home. Mrs. Ida Turner of Portia..! was a guest of Mrs. Ernest Winchester. Returning to Portland she was ac companied by her grandson, Low ell Lee Turner, who after visiting her will go to the coast to visit his maternal grandmother before com ing home. WORD OF APPRECIATION I wish to thank my many friends for their words of cheer and for the many beautiful flowers sent me during my recent illness. Mrs. Scott Furlong ' A WORD OF THANKS I wish to thank the volunteer fire department and neighbors who rushed to my assistance Tuesday and prevented a grass fire ' from spreading. This ready response no doubt prevented serious damage to my property and that of my neigh bors. The fire deparment is worthy of special commendation for the manner in which it responds to calls. Mrs. Lily Aiken lone Mews . ed to his base at Maxey Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger of Pendleton are visiting in lone this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom have purchased the Leroy Turner house. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and son Alton and Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Yarnell of Lexington visited at the home of Harry Yarnell's father at Bickelton, Wash last Wed nesday. David Rietmann RM 3c visited in lone one day last week. He is to report tto San Diego this week. Mrs. Jennie Davis left last week for Gilmore City, Iowa after spend ingtwo months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray. Sgt Freddie Ritchie is spending a 45 day furlough visiting relatives. I'Among them are his sisters, Mrs- Franklin Lindstrom and Mrs. Clif ford McCabe. He will report back to the hospital at Fort Lewis where he has been convalescing. Specialized Motor Tune-up WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE MODERN WAY BRAKE SERVICE AUTO ELECTRIC CARBURETORS MAGNETOS COMPLETE LUBRICATION Richfield Service Phone 1242 Heppner, Oregon .iiiutimiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiHiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiMHH imimNiHmiiiiMtitmMmtiWMimmmiimiiiimnmMiimimiimiuiw J, - I i How to "w5pe,out" insects quickly Standard Fly Spray is sure death to flies, fleas, mosquitoes, moths, ants, many other insects. It kills on contact in a jiffy! Safe to use. Standard Fly Spray won't harm humans, won't stain wallpaper or fabrics, when used according to directions, Get some today foe health protection! L E. DICK Telephone 624 I Stay with him. Newt! He's headed for the Fair Pavilion where the gang will assemble aturday Evening August 25 for the Rhea Creek Attendant Danes The lone Orchestra vill accentuate the pos itive and the C.A.P. vill serve refreshments. ArlmlcQinrv Men 83c; tax ,7c; total $,- rU IlllbblUII. Ladies 42c; tax 8c; total 50c .HATS no way to treat a friend . . . and we never had a better friend than our forests. Forests give us homes. They furnish them. They warm them. They give us paper products and textiles. They give us plastics and chemicals. They even can give us food. Much as we value forests, we cause more than 20,000 ' forest fires a year simply by tossing away lighted cigarettes and matches. A moment's thought would save millions of dollars of loss. You can help grow trees for tomorrow by making certain that you are never the cause of a forest fire, KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY t31CG(fep