Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 16, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, August 16, 1945
Irrigon News Notes
Carl Haddox and H. H. Whipple
took a six and one-fourth ton load
of watermelons to Pendletton and
La Grande Wednesday.
George Hux, 90, died in The
Dalles Thursday and wa9 buried
Sunday at Monument, near where
he had lived for many years. He is
survived by four daughters and a
number of grandchildren. Mrs. H.
W. Grim is a daughter and Mrs.
Crystal Gollyhom a granddaughter,
both of Irrigon- He was a former
land owner here.
Mr. Mahoney of the Union Pa
cific railroad was an Irrigon visitor
Ora Thompson and Chester Wil
son have both been ill this past
Patty Markham of Paseo spent
Sunday with the Harry Smith fam
ily. Harriet Smith returned with
her sister Sunday evening.
The J. A. Shouns have ther son
Andrew and his wife and son Ste
ven with them this week.
Rev. Greg of Portland was in Ir
rigon over the week-end and held
services in the Community church.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Rands and
sons Herbert and David spent a
week in Portland. Astoria and Sea
side getting home Saturday. The
Rands work at Ordnance.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Robison accom
panied the Rands to the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Darling and
four daughters arrived home from
Seattle Sunday after spending a
few weeks in the Sound country.
Benny McCoy, a gunner on a
bomber and an overseas man for
over two years, spent eight days
with his parents, the R. M. McCoys
and other relatives and friends.
John Voile and daughter Juanita
and Luella Minnick have been up
to Heppner with the Voile sheep.
Mr. Voile shipped the fat lambs
and they will bring the rest home.
Mrs. C. W. Acock and sons Char
les Jr. and Dean and Mrs. Grace
O'Brien were Pendleton visitors
Mrs. Flora Belle Eddy, one of
the Irrigon teachers, spent a few
days in Irrigon last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haddox and
two children of Presoott, Wash,
spent the week-end with the Carl
Haddox family. The men are brothers.
Lexington Items
Cpl. George Steagall arrived from
over seas and is spending a 30 day
leave with relatives here.
Miss Freida Breeding came over
from Pendleton Sunday to visit her
uncle, Cpl George Steagall.
Sgt Dan Dinges is spending his
30 days furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges.
Mrs. Claude Hill and family of
Portland spent the week-end at
home of Mrs. Hill's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. She was
accompanied back by Mrs. Lou
Bradley who went down to have
an operation on her eyes.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Breshears
and Mrs. Helen Crump visited Sun
day at Hermiston at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant and
George Irvin have gone to Rose
burg where they have employment.
Claud Way left Sunday morning
to report back to his ship after
spending a. short leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way.
At the August meeting of the city
couniil, Marshal Will Morgan hand
ed in his resignation to take effect
immediately following the Rodeo.
Morgan announied that he has
bought a ranch near Monument and
will take possession next month.
He has been on the city police
force since removal of the CCC
Xinit from Heppner, becoming the
chief when Pat Mpllahan resigned
to become deputy sheriff.
The Morgans have bought the W.
J. Beymer ranch in the Monument
district. Their departure from Hep
pner also leaves the First National
bank without janittor service and
both Mayor Turner and Manager B.
C. Pinckney are on the alert for
competent people to take their
Going on a "ba" (inelegant ex
pression) and traveling with a bat
are two separate and disttinc exx
priencesas Mrs. Hubert Gaily, Mrs.
L. D. Tibbies and Mrs. John Hiatt
wilt hasten too assure you. The la
dies, accompanied by Mrs. Hiatt's
grandsons, Donald and Lowell Rip
pee, were returning from Portland
Monday when they had a blow-out.
After the tire was changed and
they started on, Mrs. Gaily, who
was driving, kept hearing a pecu
liar noise, but decided it probably
was something in the newly chang
ed tire. When Mrs. Tibbies began
to get very excited over something
flying around in the car, they dis
covered to their horror that it was
a bat. The only answer they could
give for its presence was that it
had flown in while the tire, was
being changed and the ladies were
all "kibitizing" the boys' work.
Best Light in Sight!
Heppner Hardware
and Electric Company
Pvt fiimnsrm Hollv. lust returned
from duty in Europe, arrived in;
Heppner Toesday to spend his for
loogh with his wife and daughter.
Mrs. Holly is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Marius Nash.
Sgt and Mrs. J. W. Frank Jr. are
enjoying his 30 day furlough visit
ing his people in Pennsylvania. Mrs.
Frank, the former Peggy Tamblyn,
is a .bride of the early summer.
Mrs. Mabel Hughes was a busi
ness visitor in Heppner Tuesday,
coming from the home of her son
Arthus on Little Butter creek. Mrs.
Hughes will be here for a few days.
She makes her home in Milon.
iiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiv
See the First
National first
if you need
Oregon's leading
Merchant of Credit
mm ItSiiMMA
Looking to the Future by Ralph Lee
mors i
A wartime worker
needs every bit of
enerqv which a
fe M mm
I nutritious m e a I
supplies. Stop in
before your regu-
lar shift and go to
work prepared to
deliver a big day's
wmt mm
VJhon Outdoors Calls Again
Bergmann Shoes and the out
doors have been closely associated
for many years. When travel condi
tions ease up, Bergmann's will take
you there, in comfort time and
time again.
will pay to wait and got
the famous Bergmann Shot.
From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh
Best Way to Celebrate
The Peace
We were sitting on Bill Web
ster's porch the other night,
talking about how we'd cele
brate when the Japs surrendered.
Lem Toller allowed- as how he
was going to start his vacation
then and there and spend it
fishing. Ed Mapes was going to
take his family to Mountain
City for a big feed and a picture
Bill Webster had the last sug
gestion. "I'm going to pour a
glass of beer and drink a toast
to our fighting men," he says,
"and that is just as far as my
celebrating's going to go. I'm gr
ing to make sure of being on the
job next morning."
From where I sit, Bill Webster
has the right idea. When Peace
conies, there's going to be a
whole new world to build.
Thero's a really big job to be
done. A glass of beer, the bev
erage of moderation, and a good
night's sleep to be ready for the
task ahead that's the right way
to welcome Victory!
Copyright, 1945, United States Brewers Foundation
An army of 23,000 teen-age boys, girls In the Oregon Green
Guard, pledge to KEEP OREGON GREEN. Are you observing
the rules of common sense? Appoint yourself a fire) warden.
Keep Oregon Green Association Salem, Oregon
1 New 32-volt Delco . $255.00
1 New 42-light Wincharger, self support tower . . 50.00
1 Used Washing Machine-excellent condition . . 55.00
1 Tru-Cold Refrigerator-kerosene burner 55.00
1 Used Car Heater, with defroster 6.50
1 Bosch Impulse Magneto-used 25.00
SAVE! Overhaul your washing machine Special on Wringer Rolls, Bearings. Gears. Briggs
Stratton washing machine engine parts, Rings, Valves, Rods, Spakrplugs, Coils. Points you can
rebuild your own motor save labor bills Maytag oil, Gear Grease.
Doll up your home with Fluorescent Lights. A few left, so hurry! All fixtures priced below ceiling
every fixture a buy! Wire, Boxes. Motor Cords, Drain Hose, Wincharger Brushes, Bearings,
Panels, Condensers. Battery Strap Connections, etc.,
DELCO PARTS Coil, Points, Condenser, Rings, Valve Springs. Valves, Breather Valve, Brushes.
All on Special. Come in and see. t ...
Range, Plugs, Extension Cord all kinds, Wiring supplies at reduced prices.
Come in Saturday or write for your needs.
We are planning a bigger and 'better repair' department . . .
New refrigerators on order, radios, and light plants. Place
your order now!
Heppner-Home Service
Braden Building W. S. Ready, Prop.