Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 09, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Heppner Gazette Times, August 9, 1945
Irrigon News Notes
The Albert Clines have moved
their trailer house.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and
daughter Delores, Marlene Mark
ham, Clara Fraser and Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Bediwell spent Sun
day at the Pentecostal camp meet
ing at Pendleton.
Rev. A. B. Turner took Mrs. Tur
ner, Mrs. Tom Caldwell and Mrs.
Emma Steward to Pendleton Wed
nesday and home Saturday and
then back to Pendleton Monday to
attend the meeting. Mr. Turner re
turned home.
Mrs. W. L. Suddarth has pur.
chased 100 white leghorn chicks to
fill her turkey brooders. The tur
keys are on the range.
The Mike Hinkey family arrived
home from Idaho where they had
spent their vacation, Saturday.
The H. H. Whipples took out a
load of cantaloupes Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dexter and
granddaughter Carla Hill are visit-
w TuT 7. UaUgnl"l Mrs. Roy Campbell arrived home
T'un Hobbs and two sons jlast auisday after spending
at North Powder. past twQ weekg Bay area
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hill spent visiting her .son Roger Campbell
oaturaay evening witn me Milton: who is stationed near San Fran-
with his parents the Floyd Sparks.
Mrs. Milton Bailey was a Pendle
ton visitor Tuesday.
The J. A. Shouns are expecting
their son Andrew home from the
European theater where he has
been for 24 months. His name was
among the passengers of the Queen
Mary of last Thursday. He has been
away from home 29 months.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson and
three children arrived home from
the Pendleton Pentecostal meeting.
Mrs. James Henderson and bro
ther Jimmie Fraser and Mrs. Earl
Connell and son Earl went to Ken
drick, Ida. to spend two weeks with
relatives there.
Mrs. R. M. McCoy and son Ben
ny and Mrs. Charles McFall arriv
ed home from Island City where
they had visited Mrs. McCoy's dau
ghter Mrs. Frank Stewart.
Russell McCoy arrived in Se
attle Sunday where he will be em.
ployed with an ammunition depot
near there.
Lexington Items
to postpone the opening of school
until after the rodeo. School will
begin Mnday, Sept. 10.
In memory of Dora Leola Mor
gan who died July 31, 1945.
Onie again Death has summoned
a Sister Rebekah. and the golden
gateway to the eternal city has op
ened to welcome her to her home.
She has completed her work in the
ministering to the wants of the af
flicted, in shedding light unto dar
Kened souls and in bringing joy un
to the places of misery, and as her
reward has received the plaudit
of well done" from the Supreme
Whereas the all-wise and merci
ful Father has called our beloved
and respected Sister home,
And Whereas, she having been a
true and faithful Sister of our Mys.
tic Order, therefore, be it
Resolved, that Bunch grass Rebe
kah lodge No. 91, I. O. O. F., lone
in testimony of her loss, tenders to
the family of the deceased sister,
our sincere condolence in this deep
affliction, and that a copy ' of these
resolutions be sent to the family.
Arvilla Swanson
Alice H. Linn
Vida N. Heliker. Committee
Wheat prices have generally ad
vanced since 1938 from an aver
age price to growers of 69 cents per
bushel in 1939-40 to $1.42 in 1944
45. Beginning in 1943-44, the extra
demand for wheat because of the
war succeeded the loan program as
the most important factor in do
mestic wheat prices.
During the harvest period this
year, wheat prices at terminal mar
kets may be expected to fall mod
rately below ceiling levels. Price
declines at local markets may be
larger, depending upon whether
Mrs. Marie Stephens of Arling
ton spent. Monday and her 83rd
birthday with her son Ernest Ste
phens and family. She brought her
granddaughter Janet back with
Carl Haddox and son Jimmie
took a load of melons to Bend
Monday evening.
Cisco. .
Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Kenneth Peck
are visitingat the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Peck. This is his first
leave home in nearly two years.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards have
received the Purple Heart awarded
posthumously to their son, Pfc
was killed on Iwo Jima March 5.
Mr and Mrs. Virgil Sparke left i At the meeting of the school
Sunday after spending some weeks I board Monday night it was decided
Is"' Sf
. I hi
"Workaday coats with a holiday air to wear and weafl
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H oxt, tailored with a loose, debonair feeling, to fit over
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