COUNTY COURT REPORT FOR JULY. 1945 The minutes of the June term were read and approved. The Court orders the following salaries raised effective as of July 1, 1945: Deputy assessor, $140.00 per month; deputy clerk, $140.00 per month; deputy tax collector, $150.00 per month; and janitor, $115.00 per month. The Court orders the amount of $10,414.28 transferred from the Mo tor License fund to the General Koad fund of the county. - The Court orders the amount of $10,000.00 transferred from the Gen eral Road fund to the General fund of the county. The Court orders that the sum of $1500.00 out of the Rodent appropri ation be set aside for the use of the United States Deparment of Agri culure, Bureau of Biological Sur yey in the control of predatory an" imals in Morrow county. The Court orders the publication of all unpaid county warrants. The Court orders the sum of $1, 200.00 paid to the State Agricul tural college to be used in and about agricultural or farm demon, stration and field work in Morrow county. The Court orders the budget ac cepted as published and levied for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1945 and ending June 30, 1946. The Court orders the following city levies extended by the Asses sor: City of Heppner $10,030.00; City of lone $929.23; also a levy of 2 mills on all taxable property of the county for the purpose of con structing a County Hospital as au authorized in the General Election November 7, 1944. and Three cents per acre on all taxable property for Fire Patrol purposes as set out by the State Forester. The Court signs resolution direct ed to the State Highway Commis sion that the following highways be included in he post war high way construction as provoided for in the Federal Aid Highway Act: Primary State Highways: Miles Heppner 6427 Secondary State Highways: Wasco Heppner 29.54 Lexington-Echo 20.06 Heppner-Spray 24.90 Heppner Gazette Times, August 9, 1 945 5 precinct and all of Gooseberry pre cinct in 3 South is consolidated with Eightmile precinct; and all of Lena precinct south of a line be ginning with the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 2 South, Range 27 E. W. M. and running thence east to the East County line is consolidated with South Heppner precinct and all of Lena precinct north of this line is consolidated with Pine City precinct. The Court orders the publication and sale of the following County property: The Southeast Quarter nf the Northwest quarter, Northeast ! quartr of the Southwest and South half of the Southwest ' quarter of Section 10. Township I 1 North, Range 23 E. W. M. fori the minimum price of $1.00 per acre, cash. The Northeast 26 feet of Lot 1, Block 19 in Mt. Vernon's Addi tion to the City of Heppner for the minimum price of $5.00 cash. Lots 3 and 4 in Block 1, Brown'9 Addition to the City of Heppner for the minimum price of $5.00, cash. Continued on Page Six THE FACT IS By GENERAL ELECTRIC sub-total 74.50 County Roads: - - Ione.Morgan Ranch 9.7 Heppner-Upper Rhea Cr 20.00 Heppner-Upper Willow Cr.. 5.0 Sub-total 27.2 Total 165.97 The Court orders discontinuance of .Alpine, Cecil, Gooseberry and Lena election precincts and consol idates them with other precincts as follows: All of Alpine precinct is consolidated with Lexington pre cinct; all of Cecil precinct is con solidated with lone precinct; all of Gooseberry precinct in Township 2 South is consolidated with lone A picnic has been planned for the children of All Saints Episco pal church school to be held Sun day, Aug. 12. The little folks and their teachers will assemble at noon at the court house park There will be no Sunday school service at the church next Sunday. Mrs. Daisy Albee returned to her home in Pendleton Wednesday af ter a two week's visit at the Jimmie Thomson home where she looked after the little girls while Mrs. Thomson was seeking medical ad vice in Portland. Mrs. Thomson re turned to her home Tuesday night. Miss Anna McNamee . arrived Tuesday evening to spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. She has a secretarial position with RKO pictures in Seattle and is on her annual vacation. Miss McNamee j is the daughtr of Dennis McNamee and Mrs. Anna McNamee. Mrs. C. W. Valentine came from Portland Wednesday for a visit at the home of her son, James Valen tine, and family in Sand Hollow. Mrs. Ed Burchell and children, Patty Healy and Mrs. James Estes and children left this morning for Porland to spend a few weeks. - Mrs. Claude Graham, president and Mrs. Oscar Rippee, assistant seal sale chairman, plan to go to Forest Grove Sunday to attend a state meeting of public health as sociation groups as representatives of the Morrow County Public Health association. Claude Way is spending this week with his family, having flown home from Pearl Harbor, arriving Tuesday night. He will fly back on Sunday. WEIRD AUTO WITH 22 fcYtS ' WAS USED TO TEST SEALED-BEAM HEADLIGHTS DEVELOPED BY GENERAL ELECTRIC BEFORE THE WAR'. NOW OUR WAR PLANES HAVE SIMILAR G-E landing LAMPS TWENTY TIMES BRIGHTER. ONE EXTRA EGG A DAY FROM A FLOCK OF 300 HENS WILL PAY FOR LIGHTNS THE POULTRY HOUSE AND WARMIN6 THEIR DRINKING WATER ALL WINTER. mm. mm if Hound-Up Beauty Queen Pendleton, Aug. 3 Riding in the Indian section of the Pendleton Round-Up parades Sept. 12, 13, 14, and 15 will be lovely Delores Stevens, winner of the 1944 American Beauty contest at the Pendleton show. Only at the Round-Up is such t contest held; it's for full blood Indian girls, real American beauties, and one of the rules is that the winner may be queen only once. So Delores will not be in competition this year but will be accorded special honors as 1944 queen. The contest is a feature of Friday's show, when scores of Indian beauties ride before the grandstands for the approval of the judges. Contestants are judged not only for personal beauty, but for the splendor of their costumes and the elaborate trappings of their horses. 4,735 WAR VETS WERE EMPLOYED BY GENERAL ELECTRIC AND AFFILIATED COMPANIES BY THE END OF 1944. Hear the G-E radio programs: The G E Allgtrl Orchestra, Sun. 10 p. m. EWT, NBCThe World Today news,Mon.throughFri.6:45p.m.EWT,CBS-TheG-EHouseParty,Mon.throughFrl.4:00p.m.EWT,CB3. FOR VICTORY BUY AND HOLD WAR BONDS General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.V. GENERAL ft ELECTRIC On hot summer days the water in your battery evaporates faster than usual. This is a dangerous condition. If water is not replaced acid may perma nently damage the plates and separators. Play safe ... let us give your thirsty battery a drink nowl DRIVE IN TODAY.. This Service is FREE! Listen to thi "Voice of Firestone" Monday tvtningi over NBC Rosewall Motor Co. Avoid a health let-down by religiously remembering those vitamin pick-up pills! YOU NEED VITAMINS ... it is an established fact that the daily diet can not supply the minimum daily vitamins necessary to proper body functioning. Vitamin deficiency causes health deficiency ... Ill health rreans less work . . . less work means weaker fighting power! Help win the war and better health by giving your body proper vitamin intake. BUILD UP RESISTANCE NOW FOR WINTER! At our store you will find fresh vitamin products of undisputed reputation and guaranteed potency! GORDON'S DRUG STORE John Saager, Owner