4 Heppner Gazette Times, August 9, 1 945 EDIT OR I A L Is This a Caste War? If a photostatic copy of an article in the July 27, 1945 Washineton Times-Herald is authentic, and there is no reason to believe that it is not, count less thousands of GI's are going to ask themselves "what are we fighting this war for?" The same thought will be in the minds of the folks at home who have been buying bonds to help finance the war acting under the belief that all men are cre ated equal. That our readers may better understand what is being discussed, a copy of the article is given herewith : The heading reads "Military Caste Prevails: Officers Get Hiah Jobs Priority in WMC Civilian Placements!" "The military caste dividing men into two classes of people' will continue over into civilian life as far as the WMC is concerned, it was found last nieht. "In civilian job placements, officers will be given first chance at administrative and supervi sory positions while enlisted men will be channel ed into only those jobs requiring special skills or no skills at all, a high veterans placement officer here admitted when questioned on the new WMC policy. "WMC now has underway an extensive survey of executives and supervisory jobs in business and government which will be available to dis charged officers, the official said. "Soon to be published as a result of this sur vey, he stated, is a booklet listing those positions into which army, navy and marine officers might be fitted when vacancies occur. "A memorandum issued by WMC headquarters here, and sent to regional directors states 'that "young officers have married since they were called into service and they and their families are accustomed to living on an officer's income." It is hard to believe that officers will fall into line with this program. Many of them had good positions before they went into the service which will be available to them when they return to ci vilian life. Of those who hold rank now but who were without lucrative employment in civilian life there may be some who will fall in line with WMC. But choosing a man for a civilian or feder al job according to the rank he held in the service is something new in the matter of New ' Deal regimentation. If such a policy is inaugurated, and it no doubt will be if the bureaucrats . are left unhindered, there will be several million GIs who will be eag er to cast their votes for a change of administration. agts pouring through West Coast postal distribu tion centers for Navy men, Coast Guardsmen and Marines in the Pacific and the Navy heartily ap proves this early-bird rush. And here are some tips that most people don't know: You don't have to show a letter of request from a Navy man, Coastguardsman or Marine in order to mail him a gift at any time. You may mail packages any time you want to. The Navy has no set Christmas package mailing time, but urges you to mail packages regularly throughout the year. (It is the army that sets aside September. 15-October 15 for Christmas mailing.) In fact, the Navy urges you to get busy right now with those Christmas parcels to insure their reach ing their destination by Christmas. Remember the job the Navy is doing in cover- ing the fighting zones of the Pacilic transporting millions of men and vast quantities of supplies and do your part by mailing early. It took some time for the story to break revealing all the hush-hush about Hanfor.d and while the people of this area realized something of great importance was transpiring over there little did we think that such world-shaking news, (and we do mean world shaking) would come of it. When we realize how close the western branch of the atomatic bomb production is to this section we might experience cold shivers up our spines were it not for the assurance that the part produc ed at Hanford can not function without other parts added. The great plant is not so far distant that its approximate location cannot be sighted from high vantage points in this county, yet many of us still have no idea what has taken place across the Columbia in the last three years. But we'll bet a thin dime the Japs know quite a lot about it by this time. S-P-E-C-l-A-L FRIDAY and SATURDAY While they last GLADS $2.00 a dozen RACHEL DICK Phone 2504 Peters Building If Japan can survive the shock of two cities wiped out by single bombs and entrance of Russia into the Pacific war, all ceming within the week, she may be able to carry on the war for some time. On the other, hand, it is the belief of people in high places in this and other Allied 'countries that the end of the war is near. Some say thirty days, others within a few days, in fact, it might be over before this issue of the Gazette Times gets into the mail, unless more speed is shown in the editorial sanctum and in the mechanical depart ment. Could be. Mail Christmas Parcels Early! "Mail your Christmas parcels to navy person nel now. Don't wait until fall." That is the burden of the plea of postal officials whose job it is to try to get the parcels through on time. They are witnessing an increasing flow of Christmas pack- Our better half says that surprising as the news of the development of the atomic bomb has been, it is not as astounding as the fact that it was pro duced right here in America where freedom of speech is one of our choicest possessions, and no one spilled, the beans. H r n ouseroroaie Nice 5-room cottage on West Church street in Heppner. Some furniture goes with building. - Good neighborhood. If you want a nice comfortable little home already to move into, see A. E. Stefani lone, Oregon PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HEPPNER CHAMBER OF COIMMERCE Meets Every Monday Noon at the Lucas Place Dr. W. H. Rockwell NATUROPATHIC Physician & Surgeon 227 North Main St. Office hours: 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Exam. Free. Ph. 522, Heppner, Ore. The new slogan for the Pacific war is "Up and atom." PUBLIC IS INVITED The community service panel of th local OPA announces a meeting at 8 p. m. Monday evening in the basement of the Churh of Christ. At this time awards will be made to volunteer workers in proportion to the number of hours served on various boards and panels and in doing office work in the local of fice. It is hoped that a member from the Portland office of OPA. will be on hand to make the pre sentation of the recognition awards. All board members and families and volunteers and their families as well as the general public are cordially invited to attend. Among out-of-town people here to attend the Hager-Shaw nuptials were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Conrad of Baker, formerly of Hepner. TWENTIETH AIR FORCE Head quarters. Guam For the part they played in the historic series of five low level incendiary attacks on Ja pan during an all out offensive. S Sgt Creston O. Robinson and oth er enlisted men at B29 bases in in the Marianas have been com mended by the Commanding Gen eral of the Twentieth Air Force. Sgt Robinson is a specialist with the ground echelons supporting the almost daily Suprfort assaults against the Japanese mainland. His father, Roy Ro.binson, resides in Heppner. A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon 0. M. YEAGER Contractor & Builder All kinds of carpenter work. Country work especially. Phone 1483 Heppnei Ore. Blaine E. Isom All Kinds of INSURANCE Phone 723 Heppner, Ore, New Auto Policy Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 JOS. J.N YS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Starting August 6 at 1 1 a. m. FREE X-RAY Running to to Aug. 16 THAT YOU MAY LEARN OF NEW MODERN HEALING METHODS If you wish relief from: Gas Pressure Muscular Pains Joint Aches Dizziness Fever Fatigue Foul Breath Prolapsus Dr. W. H. Rockwell, N. D, Heppner, Oregon J. 0. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon Bod. Ini Class A 6.25 Class B 6.00 Class C 7.75 Pr. Dam. 5.05 5.25 5.25 TURNER, VAN MARTER & CO. Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Council Meets First Mondav Citizens having matters for discus- the Council J. O. TURNER, Mayor P. W. MAHONEY Attorney St Law GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon N. Schmaltz & Sons Peters BIdg., Heppner Roofing and Siding Coontractors and -Applicators For information write Box 726, Heppner, or Phone 83, Condon Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building Harry Nelson Accounting Service Member National Association Tax Accountants Heppner, Oregon of HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established marcn so. 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated FoK 11 1Q19 Published every Thursday and en- lerea at trie Fost Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription Price $2.50 a Year O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor