Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 09, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 Heppner Gazette Times, August 9, 1945
By Mrs. Echo Palmateer
Sam Esteb and Mrs. Ida Fletcher
were married at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. Susie Hughes in
Heppner last Friday evening. The
wedding dinner was served later
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Haguewood on Heppner Flat. Mrs.
Sarah McNamer was . a wedding
guest. The newlyweds left Wednes
day on a trip. Their many friends
wish them a happy married life..
Earlene Morgan of Portland is
visiting friends and relatives in and
near lone. She is a sister of Mrs.
John Eubanks and Lloyd Morgan.
Mary Barnett returned home last
week from La Grande where she
visited her grandmother, Mrs, Her
man Havekost and uncle Jack Ha
vekost who was home on a leave
from somewhere in the Pacific.
Mrs. Harvey Smith drove to Cal
ifornia last week. She was accom
panied by her daughter Virginia
Andrews, Norma Lou Lundell and
Helen Lindsey.
Peter Manson of Newberg was a
guest Sunday of Mr; and Mrs. Har
ry Yarnell.
The missionary society met last
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie
McMurray. the hostess served wa
termelon. Joel Engelman M S Plc who was
stationed at Moffatt Field, Calif,
arrived in lone last Saturday night
on a leave. He has to return o
his station Aug. 18.
The following teachers have been
hired by the lone school board.
Wm. Ludwig, who taught in the
high school at Richland, Wash, will
teach physical education, and coach
athletics; Mrs. Ludwig will teach a
grade; Miss Elizabeth O'Brien of
Lyons, Or. music and art, and Miss
Mary Austin will teach English.
The study meeting of the Topic
club will meet at the home of Echo
Palmateer, Aug. 10. The hostesses
are Gladys Ely, Mrs. Elmer Griffith,
Mrs. Omar Rietmann and Mrs. Pal
mateer. The subject for study is
The Maranatha club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Marion Palmer
Augr 11.
The H. E. club of the grange
will meet at the grange hall Friday
Aug. 17. A pot luck dinner will
be served at noon. All members
are urged to attend to help quilt.
A number of children's books
from the state library have been
received by the lone public library.
Mrs. Marvin Hughes of Port-
i i . l ji ir a ,i
Cannon, and relatives in Heppner. t , , . , T . j-
pill,, T7WW ; 0WHcnd guest ln Heppner coming from
Pendleton spent the weeK-: d with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Pvt Robert Rietmann, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Rietmann, arrived
home Saturday night on furlough.
Robert has been stationed at Camp
Wolters, Tex.
Mrs. Gladys Ely of Morgan re
turned from Portland where she
visited for a few days with her
mother,, Mrs. Perriot who is ill.
Margie and Mildred Bristow are
spnding a few weeks with their
grandmother, Mrs. Etta Bristow.
Rev. and Mrs. Casttleman and
granddaughter, and Mrs. Ray Bar
nett and Marjorie Graves attended
the eastern Oregon Assembly of
God camp meeting at Pendleton
last week.
Clifford Carlson of the U. S.
Navy spent a few days at home en
route to Seattle Wash.
The Ameca club had a very suc
cessful food sale Saturday taking
in over $35.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Gor
don and son Quenton and wife of
Vancouver, Wash, were recent vis
itors at Henry darks'. Mrs. How
ard Van Gordon is a cousin of Mr.
Clark. Quenton Van Gordon is in
coast guard and spent 18 months
in the Aleutian islands
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffin's baby
was rushed to the Pendleton hospi
tal last week with a throat infection.
Little Tommy Harris has recov
ered from his illness.
Delight Biddle is improving from
her recent accident.
Ralph Akers is having a new roof
put on his house.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely received
word that their son and daughter
inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely of
Bordman are the parents of a
baby girl born Monday Aug. 6.
Mrs. Emerald Roundie and chil
dren spent the week-end at the
John Bryson camp in the moun
tains. Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Wad
dell and daughter Charlotte and
Mrs. Ada Cannon spent Sunday in
camp. They all report a very en
joyable time.
Funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon Aug. 2 for
Mrs. Dora L. Morgan, with Rev. H.
N. Waddell officiating. The mem
bers of Bunch Grass Rebekah lodge
performed their ceremony at the
grave side, at the Baker cemetery.
Out of town relatives were Mr.
and Mrs. Milton O. Downing, Miss
Irene Downing of Hood River, Mrs.
A. M. Markham, Freewater, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Baker of Walla
Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bartle.
may, Salem and Mrs. Mabel Morgan
of Seattle.
again in Humphreys Drug Co in
Gladys Seehafer, cadet nurse of
Cove Ore. where she was a speaker
at the summer camp of the young
people of the Churches of Christ
By new super-accurate
Light Beam method.
Steering quickly
checked while
you wait
Richfield Service
Telephone 1242
Station Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
in this area. Mrs. Menger and her home in Kelso and returned there. son's mother, Mrs. Sylvia Sneed
late husband were missionaries in Teusday departing with Mr. and i who drove to Coos Bay for a few
India for 39 years. She makes her Wendell Herbison and Mr. Herbi-ldays.
Y-l-P-P-A-Y !
The gangs headin' for lone
Saturday, August II
to the
Attendants' Dance
Sponsored by Willows Grange
Join the throng and have a big time at the Willows Grange
Hall . . Gccd Music . .Gccd Flcor . . Refreshments
Music by Farrows Orchestra, Long Creek
Arlmlcrln. Men 83c; tax l7c; total
rU miSSIOn. Ladies 42c; tax 8c; total
Lighted Matches
are Incendiaries in the Woods
.017 might as well invite Hitler or Hirohito to bomb!
our forests as to drop a burning match or cigarette In the
Like tinder during dry weather, the woods are ready td
burst into flame from the merest spark. More than t fifth
of our destructive forest fires are started by careless smokers.
Perhaps it is more important to protect cutover lands
ftrhere new seedlings are starting, than to safeguard stands
of old-growth timber,. . . for the seedlings of today are the
forest crops of tomorrow.