Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 02, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Heppner Gazette Times, August 2, 1945
Recent Newlyweds
Visiting Relatives
Sgt and Mrs. Gail J. Gronewald
are guests this week at the Ralph
Thompson ranch. The young people
were married recently and this is a
part of their delayed honeymoon.
Sgt Gronewald is a returned vet
eran and Is on furlough from
Barnes hospital.
The home of the groom's aunt,
Mrs. E. C Simpson, of Vancouver,
was the scene of the marriage on
June 22 of Miss Jean Hays, dau
ghter of R. B. Hays of Portland and
Gail J. Gronewald of the United
States Army, son of Mrs. Stella
Gronewald of Vancouver, Wash.
Rev. John Pressley of the First
Presbyterian church read the
double ring ceremony.
The bride, whose father gave her
in marriage, wore a white satin
dress with a full train and a fin
ger tip veil. She carried a small
Bible with a single orchid. She was
attended by Mrs. William Elton of
The Dalles..
Donald Robertson was best man
Both the bride and bridegroom
attended Oregon State college
where she was affiliated with Delta
Delta Delta and he with Delta Tau
Mrs. Gronewald made her home
with, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Thompson of Heppner
and was a graduate of the class of
1941 of Heppner high school.,
Marjorie Peterson arrived home
Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Henry E. Peterson, other
members of the family and friends
She came from Cleveland, Ohio,
where she is on duty with the
Waves. She and her mother spent
a rew hours in Heppner Wednes.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Palmer
of Lexington are the parents of a
daughter, Janet Louise, born July
28, at the Mollahan home.
Larry Mollahan had his hand in
the way of a falling cream can
Tuesday and as a result is nursing
two broken fingers. This seems to
be Larry's bad summer, having met
up with a barbed wire fence a
short time back that necessitated
a stitch being taken in his lip.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dyreson
are the parents of a son born July
26 at the Corda Saling home. This
is their third boy.
Major Clayton Shaw and his
brother Lt. (jg) Wesley R. Shaw
are arriving in Heppner today from
their home in Portland. Major Shaw
and Miss Harriet Hager will be
married at 4 p. m. Sunday in the
Methodist church. Other members
of the groom's family will come
for the wedding
Art Stefani Jr. was in Hepp
ner Wednesday, coming from lone
where he is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stefani. Junior
has recovered from a selge of pneu
monia which kept him confined in
a hospital at The Dalles several
weeks. He enlisted in the Merchant
Marines several months ago.
Santa Barbara, redistribution
center has released the information
that Pvt Henry R. Stotts of Hepp
ner has reported to the army
ground and service force for as
signment to new duties based on
skills and experience gained dur
ing 36 months' duty in Africa and
The redistribution station, one of
six established by the army to re
ceive service men and women
considered essential to the prose
cution of war, offers a comprehen
sive program of recreation, athlet
ics, and entertainment to the re
turnee while he awaits new orders.
Santa Barbara's famed vacation resort-hotels,
now managed for the
veterans by the army, are under
direction of the Ninth Service
Oregon paid income tax during the ed during th fiscal year totaled $16,
past 12 months as during the same 116,997 of which $13,943,599.47 was
period in 1933 Income taxes collect- collcted during the first six months.
Erom where I sit ... y Joe Marsh
Pete Jr. Gets
His Tenth Jap Plane!
Lumbermen pay $421 in taxes to
the state of Oregon for every thou
support schools, cities, counties and
sand feet of lumber manufactured.
When our forests burn up, we burn
up our tax rolls. Help Keep Oregon
Pete Swanson's son, Pete Jr.,
brought his tenth Jap plane
down last week, and his dad
couldnt help bragging.
But I got to thinking about
Pete Senior: how he hadn't
missed a day at the war plant
since the war began; how he'd
worked overtime and Saturdays
and Sundays; how he'd kept
himself in shape, been temper
ate and sensible, so that he'd be
at work clear-headed, bright
and early every morning.
So, when he invited us over
after work to drink a toast to
his son in a sparkling glass of
beer-1 couldn't help toasting
Pete Senior, too.
From where I sit, there's
more than one kind of "ace"
that's helping win this war...
men l'Lco Pete Senior, too. And
when the war is over, and the
monuments are erected to its
heroes, I hope they don't forget
the workman on the home front
the man who stuck to his job
like a soldier to his guns, until
the Victory. ") )
Fifteen times as many people in
Copyright, 1945, United States Brewers Foundation
Expertly Compounded
Phone 62
John Saager, Owner
nlfllflffltllllflllllllllllllf llllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiilllflllillllliiiiliillllllliif iiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiT;
Friday-Saturday, August 3-4
Bells of Rosarita
Roy Rogers and Trigger, Gabby
. Hayes, Dale Evans, Adcla Mara.
Grant Withers, Janet Martin, Rob
ert Mitchell Boychoir, Bob Nolan
and the Sons of fhe Pioneers, Wild
Bill Elliott, Allen Lane, Donald
Barry, Robert Livingston, Sunset
All the great "shooting stars" in
Western pictures in one sure-fire
musical hit. PLUS
One Body Too Many
Jack Haley, Jean Parker, Bela Lu
gosl. Even the phone is dead in
this murder mystery!
Sunday-Monday, August 5-6
A Tree Grows in
Dorothy McGuire, James Dunn,
Joan Blondell, Peggy Ann Gar.
ner, Ted Donaldson, Lloyd Nolan,
James Gleason. Betty Smith's
best-selling novel of the Nolan fam
ily, presented with reality and
charm and excellently acted.
Tuesday, August 7
Man in Halfmoon
Nils Asther, Helen Walker, Rein
hold Schunzcl. Mystery drama
with plenty of action and suspense.
Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 8-9
Salome, Where
She Danced
Yvonne DeCarlo, Rod Cameron, Da
vid Bruce, Walter Slezak, Albert
Decker, Marjorie Rambeau, J. Ed
ward Bromberg. A fabulous tale
of the old west. Technicolor photo
graphy of breath-taking beauty.
n i it if
11 k
When your County Agricultural
Conservation Committee prepares
your loan papers, be sure to
specify this Branch of the
First National Bank of Portland.
You'll receive prompt and efficient service.
Oregon's leading Merchant of Credit
Out-of-line wheels causa Sjjjg
E untold damage that may F3
E mean the end of your tires' f :
EE Ufa Let ni align your E
p wheels and save yon later E
serious trouble. E
RosewaE! 5
Motor Co. : j