Heppner Gazette Times, August 2, 1945 5 late Hash Mil Bring i Or ysss can use a LOT OHE electricity at no extra cast! Li wrw iiMtniAi 0R ADDITIONAL KWH OLD RATE . "Tr "Lf KWH PER YEAR mEnRtm LOW RATE SAVINGS AT NO EXTRA COST I MONTH " m r m " :: " "Tl 50 $2.58 $2.04 $ 6.48 216 KWH 100 $4.01 $3.35 $ 7.92 348 KWH 250 $7.26 $5.82 $17.28 ' 2,880 KWH 500 $ 8.61 $ 7.32 $ 15.48 2,568 KWH ritt water heating Here are some examples of savings to be enjoyed by residential users of electricity in this commu nity under Pacific Power & Light Company's NEW LOW RATES, effective August 22. Comparable savings will be enjoyed by users of electricity on 13,000 farms to which this progressive company has extended its lines. Down Goes the Price of Electricity! no hidden subsidy from the public purse! Already 47 BELOW the national average, the price of electricity in homes served by PP&L will be pushed still lower by the Company's 35th Anniversary system-wide rate reduction! Savings, to residential and rural customers under these new rates will average nearly 14. That is just like getting one day's free service per week! The new commercial and industrial rates will bring average savings of about 1S to customers in these two ciasser.. Many commercial customers will save as much as 20 to 30 under the new economy rates. These are real reductions! And they are brought to you by a business-managed company that pays its full share of our common tax burden, and draws Ever since it started business in 1910, Pacific Power & Light Company has been cutting the price of electricity. This latest reduction biggest in the Company's history is the fifth since 1936. It brings total savings to customers from these cuts to more than $2,100,000 annually! That is a record of accomplishment to give you solid assurance of fair dealing and bi value from this time-tested public service organization in the better years to come years when you will be putting more and more of PP&L's low-cost elec tricity to work through the labor-saving, comfort giving electrical appliances available after victory! c POWf E B ft light coqpahv Vour BuslneM-Rlanagod Power System