Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 26, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Heppner Gazette Times, July 26, 1945
Irrigon News Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Galbraith
and daughter of Redmond arrived
Thursday to spend the rest of the
week with the Floyd Sparks fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Oro Thompson and
son Ronald and Sammie Umiker
were Lexington visitors Thursday.
Rev. Starring of Portland, a mis
sionary was speaker at the Commu
nity church i Sunday. Rev. S. E.
Gregg of Vanport City will be here
next Sunday to spend a few weeks
in Irrigon.
Miss Kathleen Poulson and S Sgt
Robert Sprague were married Wed
nesday evening in the Assembly of
God church. Miss Poulson graduat
ed from Irrigon high school in June
and has been working at Ordnance.
Sgt. Sprague is in the service and
has been over seas. He has a 30-day
furlough and the young couple will
have a short honeymoon trip. Rev.
A. B. Turner solmnized the mar
riage. .
The Milton Bailey house got on
fire Sunday evening about eight
The neighbors hurried in and put
out the fire before too much dam
age was done. It started in the attic
and although the water did some
damage to the house it was dis
covered before it got much of a
start. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Darling
moved in Friday. Most of the things
were hauled out of the house and
must be returned The house was
insured. The Umatilla fire fighters
were called, but the blaze was out
before they arrived.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCoy were
in Seattle from Thursday until Sun
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rand
were Pendleton visitors Wednesday.
Nina Harris left for Portland
Thursday morning after spending
a few days with her mother, Mrs.
We announce
with pride our
appointment as
now ready to
render expert service
ea that Maytag Washer
of yours
WE REGARD this appointment as a
bright feather in our cap ... in rep
resenting Maytag, America's lead
ing washer. We wish we could say,
"Come in and pick out your new
Maytag." But we can't There won't
be any new Maytags for a while yet
but when Uncle Sam s iys "6cT
on the handsome new Maytag Post
war Models, we'll Lave them.
In the meantime, our job Is to
keep your present Maytag Washer
operating at its top efficiency 'till
the war is won. We have the genuine
factory parts and real service ex
perts. Come in and sec us or giv
us a ring.
Heppner Hardware
& Electric Co.
Martha Ferrill. She has just re
turned from a trip to her old home
in Kentucky.
' Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill took their
daughter Carla to the Pendleton
hos-pital Monday. She has been ill
for some time. Mr. Hill returned
home while Mrs. Hill remained in
Mrs. Milton Bailey, and June
Green were Pendleton visitors Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Stevens of
Pasco arrived Sunday to spend
some time with his aunt, Mrs. Floyd
Sparks and family.
Sgt. Clarence Rucker left for
Camp Pendleton, Calif. Wednesday.
He has had 32 months overseas and
has completed a 30-day furlough
here with his parents the Elmer
Ruckers, and other relatives.
Mrs. Beatrice Twyford and small
daughter of Kansas have been vis
iting her sister, Mrs. Herbert Ames
and family and have gone on to
California to visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom spent
the week-end with his parents the
W. C. Isoms of Pendleton. Donna
returned with them after spending
a few days with her grandparents.
JUNE 1945
The minutes of the May term
were read and approved.
The Court orders that the amount
of $294.72 be transferred from the
amusement tax fund to the general
fund of the couny.
The Court orders that the
amounts of $556.26, $379.46, $25.78,
$55421 and $127.00 be transferred
to Court House Incidentals, County
jNutrse, Insurance, Association of
Oregon Counties, Election Expense
and Bang' Disease Control Appro
priations from the Emergency Appropriation.
The Court orders the amounts of
$144.10 be transferred from the
Sheriffs books and incidentals ap
propriation to the Sheriffs Tax
Collections Appropriation.
The Court orders the amount
of $24.31 be transferred from the
Assessor s Field Work Appropria
tion to the Assessor's Books and In
cidentals appropriation.
The Court orders that the am
ounts of $65.68 and $8.49 be trans,
ferred from the County Court ap
propriation to the Superintendent's
books & ncidentals and travel ex
pense appropriations, respectively.
Edna Hughes, Dep Sal. $ 108.50
Florence Ely, Dep Sal 116.49
Muriel Rice. Office Clerk 101.00
Marie Barlow, Dep Sal 108.50
Lelha Rippee, Supt. Assist 50.90
J. O. Archer, janitor, 88.50
Dr. A. D. McMurdo; Phys 25.00
Susie W. Miller Court Rep't. 33.33
Margaret Gillis, Nurse 131.80
First Natl Bank of Portland
Salaries 195.40
C W. Barlow, Clerk, current
expense , 4:65
State Ind Accid. Comm, Sher.
$3.03; Sher. Sal, $.31; Dep
Sal. $0.31 3.65
L H. Clawson Co., Court
House 550.00
Bert Johnson Judge, general
assistance 86.99
W. O. Dix, Assessor's field
work 38.75
P. A. Mollahan, Sheriff 28.40
Pac. Sta. and Printing Co.
Sheriff 1.75
Heppner Gazette Times, Off.
Pub. $21.60; Election $43.75;
Cir. Ct. $38.69; Sher. $6.85 110.89
Shorb's Stationery, Supt. 25.60
J. K. Gill Co., Supt. 74.61
Lucy Rodgers, 4-H 150.00
Lucy Rodgers, Institute 50.00
Humphreys Drug Co., Election
Expense 3.00
West Coast Printing & Bind
ing Co., Election 15.60
Children' Farm Home, Juv.
Court 5.00
Richard Borman, Bangs' Dis. 4.00
Lulu M. Hager Emergency 3.00
F. W. Turner. Insurance 39,60
P. W. Mahoney, Dist Atty 30.00
State Dept. of Agriculture
Dist. Sealer 6.15
Pac. Tel & Tel Co., Current
Expense 4920
Pac. Power & Light, Court
House 32.13
Geo. M. Baldwin, Auditor,
Jail 23.25
J. O. Archer, Court House 2.00
Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age
Asistance $464.00; Dep Chil.
$48; Blind Assist. 11.40 523.40
J. O. Peterson, Court House 2.00
Pac Power & Light, Court
House 2555
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. Inc.
Susie W. Miller, Circuit Ct
$14.50; Supt. Mil. $72.20; 86.70
State Dept Agri Dist Sealer 6.15
Robt. S. Fan-ell, Accountants
Audits 650.00
Heppner Gazette Times, Clerk
$25.50; Tax Coll. $11.80 Off.
Pub. 82.90 120.20
Bert Johnson, County Court 5.00
L. D. NeilL County Court , 74.05
J. G. Barratt, County Court 15.23
First Natl Bank of Portland
Withholding tax 190.77
Rilie V. Jones, Election 6.00
M. Orlena Suddarth, Election 18.00
Catherine J. Higgins, Elect. 6.00
Violet Swaggart Elect 6.00
Leona Instone Elect. ' 6.00
Kathleen Hisler, Elect. 10.80
Helen Currin, Elect. 6.00
E J. Evans, Elect. 6.00
B. H. Peck, Elect. 6.00
Vera Whillock Elect. 6.00
Thelma Smethurst, Elect. 6.00
Marie Steagall, Elect 6.00
H L. Duvall, Elect. 1.80
Florence Ely, Elect. 4.50
Ealor B. Huston, Elect. 4.50
Coramae Ferguson, Elect. 4.50
Mary E. McMurtry Elect. 4.50
Lorena Jones, Elect. 4.50
Mattie Green, Elect. 4.50
R. L. Benge, Elect. 4.50
Flora Nys Elect. 4.50
Elma Hiatt, Elect. 4.50
Mary Bailey, Elect. 4.50
Phoebe A. Bartholomew, Elect 6.00
Jasper E. Myers, Elect. 6.00
Bertha Ayers, Elect. 12.80
Marion Finch, Elct. 6.00
Faye Finch, Elect. 6.00
C. N. Jones, Elect. 4.50
Burdelle Straight Election 4.50
Grace O. Nickeson, Elect 4.50
Sara E. McNamer, Elect. 4.50
Neva Matteson, Elect. 4.50
F. E. Parker, Elect. 4.50
C. R. McAlister, Elect 4.50
Ella Benge, Elect. y 4.50
Oma Cox, Elect. ' 4.50
Hanna Rauch, Elect. 6.00
Wm. J. Doherty, Elect 10.60
Irene Rauch, Elect. 6.00
Grace Macomber, Elect. 18.50
Wilma B. DeMauro, Elect. 6.00
Daisy B. Gillespie, Elect. 6.00
Flossie Coats, Elect. 6.00
Mabel Allen, Elect. 6.00
Herbert Hynd, Elect. 6.00
J. A. Troedson, Elct. 12.40
H. O. Ely, Elect. 6.00
) Fannie G Griffith, Elect. 6.00
Beth Hynd, Elect. 6.00
Walter Becket, Elect. 10.00
iMarjorie Worden, Elect. 6.00
Hanna Anderson, Elect. 6.00
John Bergstrom, Elect 6.00
Carrie Becket, Elect. 6.00
Beulah Lundell, Elect. 6.00
A. W. Lundell, Elect. 11.00
Jesse Warfield, Elect. 6.00
Esther Bergstrom. Elect. 6.00
C F Bergstrom Elect. 6.00
Walter W. Wright, Elect 6.00
Henry Knighten, ElcUon 6.00
A. D. Inskeep, Elect. 6.00
Jesse Coats, Elect. 6.00
G. A. Ferrens Elect. 10.00
Mary E. Beckner, Elect. 9.60
H. E. Clark, Elect. 6.00
Geo. N. Ely, Elect, 6.00
Elaine Rietmann, Elect 6.00
Mabel Cotter, Elect. 6.00
Itol Rucker, Elect. 6.00
Ada Hunting, Elect. 6.00
Nettie M. Sparks, Elect. 6.00
Lola Bennett, Elect 4.50
Charlotte Eubanks, Elect 4.50
Nora Neill, Elect. 4.50
Robert Walters 71.08
A. J. Chaffee 175.38
E. S. Hunt 135.63
W. Cunningham 183.78
Wm. Harrison 134.45
Dean 'Gilman . 136.77
Robert Taylor 164.32
II. Sherer " 232.14
E. A. Kelly 183.78
Frank Nixon 29.85
Chas. Williams 90.93
M. V. Nolan 194.38
Harry Quackenbush 117.58
Walter Gilman 167.33
Austin Wilson 175.63
Harold Wilson 150.95
J. L. Winn 20..96
Robt. S. Wilson 59.52
I. Skoubo 5.99
First Natl Bank of Portland 257.20
State Indus. Accid comm 71.09
State Highway Comm 80.00
O K. Rubber Welders 32.18
Shell Oil Company 41.79
Rosewall Motor Company 269.08
Sherman J. Frank 170.65
City of Heppner Water 2:65
Tress McClintock 3.75
Jack Allen Supply Co 26.84
I. R. Robison 140.50
Union Oil Co, Hermiston 24.75
Union Oil Co 299.33
Gamble Store 4.70
Howard Cooper Corp 20.00
Feenaughty Mach. Co 13.00
Nelson Equipmnt Co 35.93
Hodge Chevrolet Co 109.59
Pacific Power & Light Co 11.90
Marcus Whitman Garage 19.99
Loggers & Contractors Mach
Co. 48.20
Robert Walters 42.48
Joseph Baltrena Rod Fund 25.00
Carl McDaniel Rodt. Fund 25.00
Ernest Heliker, Dog fund 50.00
Rusell K. Miller, Dog Fund 120.00
Mrs. A. E. Bennett and Mrs. Vi
ola Gabler went to Portland Wed
nesday morning to spend a few
days on business.
How to keep
your Diesel
out of the shop
America's far-ranging submarines have proved Diesel
engines run cleaner, smoother, lubricated with RPM DELO
Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil! Your home front Diesel
also deserves this great oil. Stops ring-sticking, cuts deposits,
banishes bearing corrosion! Often reduces repairs 50 and
doubles the time between Diesel overhauls. Order RPM
DELO Oif now!
Telephone 624
Buy War Bonds
for Victory
They 'RE all big days for
Long Distance these days.
Our job is to take them in
stride and get your calls
through without waiting.
Most of the time it works
out that way, but sometimes
there's an extra big crowd
on some circuits.
Then Long Distance will
say "Please limit your call
to 5 minutes."
4 West Willow St
Phone 5