2 Heppner Gazette Times, July 26, 1945 IONENEWS NOTES By MBS. OMAB EtETMANN The high wind last Saturday fan ned up two small grass fires, one near the Grain Growers elevator and the other up the Rietmann .'grade. They wre soon put out and '.caused more excitement than dan ger. Mrs. Henry Clark made a short trip to Portland last week for a medical checkup. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker were hosts Sunday to the Ameca club. The members and guests were entertained with a lively scavenger hunt. All who participated reported a good time even if some of the t1one residents were a bit bewil dered by some of their antics. Mrs. Bert Mason and Mrs. M. E. Cotter returned from Portland last Saturday. Janet and Johnny Mason, .daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Mason of Portland returned with them. Junior Stephani returned home Sunday from The Dalles hospital where he has been convalescing for several weeks from a severe case of pneumonia. Rev. Ralph DeBoer of Seattle spent a few days in lone last week. Omar Rietmann and Lewis Pad berg made a business trip to Mab ton. Wash. Wednesday of last . week. Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom and Mrs. Clifford McCabe received word from their brother, Freddie Ritchie, that he was to leave France on July 12 to return to the United States. The Carlson brothers report their wheat is making an average of 28 bushels with a test of 59 and one half. This is a general yield through out that community, Ost-i Peter son, Henry Peterson and Henry Baker reporting the same in their fields. The young people of the grange njoyed a program of singing and refreshments at the Donald Heli ker home after the regular grange meeting last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Stewart and grandson Stewart Bye of Silverton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Carlson last week. Mrs. Carlson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewan;. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Waddell and children drove to Kelly Prairie Sunday to visit Mrs. John Bryson and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray.- Mrs. Ray and Miss Patricia have been spending a few days there and re turned with them and .Willard Waddell stayed. Mrs. Etta Bristow visited relatives in Walla Walla last week. The Ameca club will hold a food sale at the Bristow store Aug. 4 be ginning at 1 p. m. ' Lexington Items . . . . Miss Frieda Breeding of Pendle ton visited Tuesday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding. Mrs. Ladd Sherman and daught ers Sally and Maryland are visiting at the home of Mrs. C. C. Car michael. Mrs. Mary Hunt returned from La Grande Wednsday. She has been over there going to summer school. Mrs. A. M. Edwards returned last Friday from Palo Alto, Calif, where she visitd her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Marrs. Mrs. R. A. Campbell is visiting FOR SALE Allis-Chalmers Model W-K-O-50 hp Crawler Tractor. 200 hr. track rollers. Mechanically perfect. Contact Mid Columbia Supply and Equipment The Dalles Phone 3323 or ROY FORMAN, Antelope, Oregon iintHHiiihiiiimitiHiiiiMiiniiiimiiiiiiHii SPECIALIZED Motor Tune-Ups Front End Alignment Carburetor, Starter, Generator Distributor, Magneto Service Brake Service Lubricating Service IN STOCK NOW CARTER CARBURETORS For all popular cars and trucks. Ceramic Fuel Filters, Coils, Condensers, Points, AC Champion AutoLite 1 Spark Plugs Goodyear Batteries Richfield Products Richfield Service Telephone 1242 Station Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. her son Roger, U. S. Navy, who is stationed near San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs O. G. Breeding spent Monday at Prairie City. They were tt . accompanid home by Mrs. Cora Steagall of Spray. m Glenn Childers is here from Yak ima for a couple of weeks assisting the Heppner Hardware and Electric company. He is a journeyman electrician. Heppner Rodeo Association announces the Opening Dance of the Rodeo season Saturday Evening, Ju County Fair Pavilion Kids About Town will give with the rhythm A I amission Men 83c; tax 17c; total Ladies 42c; tax 8c; total $1.00 50c ar at) am esssk US" W WWW. Art r-vi . " ' ' WVVWVV .. v ... w A IT ISN'T very likely you'll be called upon, personally, to fight forest fires after they start. But there's plenty you can do to fight them before they start. For most of them are preventable. Careless smokers cause a quarter of them. Incendiaries another quarter. Campers cause 6.6. Fire in the woods rolls up a national loss of $30,000,000 to $45,000,000 every year. New growth in our forests would exceed timber harvested in normal vears. if fire Inp nA m- ..Mf QoV' if10!, hazards were eliminated. or ..M t 1 . . . Your help will aid in conserving, for perpetual use, America's most versatile and only renewable natural resource. i Hot" ft ,.v,.v.y,,.S.....,l I .1 I Kinzua Pine Mills Company