8- Heppner Gazette Times, July 19, 1945 CLASS 2 SLAUGHTERERS MAY INCREASE QUOTA Any class 2 slaughterer who de sires to kill more than his present quota allows may now secure ad ditional quota upon application to the OPA district office in Port land. The only prerequisite is that such slaughterers be registered vith OPA as required by OPA con trol order No. 1. This action has been taken to permit increased kill of lambs dur ing the western Oregon limb mar keting period, say agricultural leaders who have been urging re lief from the congested lamb situa tion in western Oregon. It is suggested that slaughterers limit their kill to available and known outlets to prevent pile7 up NOW OPEN! Lehman Hot Springs Mtn. Resort Modern Lodge Mineral Baths Swimming Fishing Board and Room $25.00 a week and up Cabins $1.50 per day and up Good Roads UKIAH, OREGON Wite or Telephone 16 Miles East of of meat. If lambs back up in produ cers' hands, OPA is expected to take further action to relieve the situation. Mrs. John Saager returned to her home Tuesday evening after spend ing a few days in Portland buying merchandise for the local drug concern. She went down the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Parker of Pendleton, announce the arrival of an 8 pound 11 ounce son Tuesday evening July 17. This is the Par kers' third child. Mr. Parker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bucknum are in receipt of a telegram from their son, Bill telling them of his recent medical discharge from the army air corps due to an old injury sus tained in high school days. His dis- I charge came Tuesday and he was immediately employed by a pri-i vate concern in Los Angeles flying Piper Cub planes. His family rather expect him for a little visit in a month or so. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case are en joying a visit with their granddau ghter. Miss Josephine Case of Port land, who arrived Saturday. Miss Case is the daughter of Allen Case. Miss Vera Mahoney and Mrs. C. J. Espy Jr. went to Portland Wed nesday for a few days visit with friends and relatives there. Mrs. Cyrene Barratt has received word from her son Jim that he has but recently received his rating as a Coxswain in the navy. Mrs. Henry Tetz and daughter Jacqueline of Pendleton, are guests of the R. B. Fergusons for a few days this week, arriving Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt re turned to Heppner Tuesday from Montana where Mr. Barratt has his sheep for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kenny of Pen dleton are visiting their parents this week. They came over on Mon day bringing Lorene Mitchell with them. Lorene has been with her mo ther at the John Parker home in Pendleton. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, the Father of all men, and Masons, to call from our lodge our beloved brother, Hanson Hughes, who for many years was a respect ed and prominent citizen of Hepp ner, and a worthy Brother and member of Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M., Be it resolved that while we bow in reverence to the will of Him who doeth all things well, yet we do not the less feel and deplore his loss. To the family of Brother Hughes we his fellow craftsmen and bro thers extend our deepest sympathy in this their hour of grief. Be it further resolved that a copy of these reolutions be spread on the minutes of our lodge, a copy sent to the family of our deceas-ed brother and a copy be furnished the local newspaper for publica tion. C. R. McAllister J. O. Turner O. G. Crawford Star Reporter Triaay-Saturday, July 20-21 Between Two Women Van Johnson, Lionel Barrymore, Glo ria Be Haven, Keenan Wynn, Mari lyn Maxwell, Alma Kruger tv, intPK adventure In the popular Dr. Gillespie series has comedy, drama and romance In abundance. -PLUS' Nevada Bobert Mitchum, Anne Jeffreys, Big Boy Williams Zane Grey's story of the days when a light-fingered trigger was the law of the land Is a fine action film. Sunday-Monday, July 82-23 The Thin Man Goes Home It's murder mystery at Its merriest! Nlqk and Nora, America's favorite slcuthsome twosome, are together again, with William Powell, Myrna Loy, I,ucile Watson, Gloria De Haven, Anne Reverfc Tuesday, July 24 Keep Your Powder Dry Lana Turner, laralne Day, Susan Peters The most hilariously funny cat fight since "The Women" came to town with their claws out and their hair down! Wednesday-Thursday, July 25-26 Experiment Perilous Hedy "Lamarr, Geonge Brent, Paul Lukas, Albert Dekker Suspense and mystery from the grip ping pages of Margaret Carpenter's sensational novel. MASCH OP TIME: SPOTLIGHT ON CONGRESS Odds and Ends Broken Sizes Odd Lots in Season able Merchandise . . . Reduced to Clear Now! All Sales Final No Exchanges, Refunds or Lay-aways on Reduced Merchandise We're Out To Clear 'em Out! For fl00 Each . 9 only KNITTING BAGS BABY'S DRESSES HALTERS For Summer Wear ALL WOWEN'S SUMMER HATS 4 only BOYS' WASH SUITS 25 only INFANTS' SUMMER BONNETS Reduced to 50c LITTLE TOTS' Spring and Summer COAT and HAT SETS Reduced to ' COATS 3.50 HATS 50 4 only HAND PAINTED DICKEYS Reduced to MEN'S SUMMER PASTEL TIES Reduced to 2 only Size 36 Young Men's SPORT COATS Reduced to 50c 50c $IO 12 only GIRLS' SPORT JACKETS fc Reduced to pV Not All Sizes 23 only WOMEN'S SKIRTS O C" Reduced to JL.ijJ Dark shades a perfect fall skirt. NotAII'Sizes ' GIRLS' BETTER DRESSES Reduced Not All Sizes GOING! GOING! Just 4 Only JERKIN SLACK SUITS Reduced to H 10 only WOMEN'S LEATHER PURSES J.50 Reduced to $2 THEY'VE GOT TO GO, GO, GO! YOUR CHOICE For Only jLC Each 27 ONLY Assorted Cook Books TO BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS 13 ONLY Window Kornices ASSORTMENT OF BROWN, BLACK and NEUTRAL SHOE POLISH SPECIAL GROUP ART NEEDLE WORK REDUCED TO CLEAR MP STORE HOTTK.S- 9 A. M. to G P. E r .. in. y TUESDAY, JULY 24 at I p. m. Penney's will have TOWELS and WASH CLOTHS in stock- SORRY! No Lay-aways or Phone Orders on Towels!